Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Sorry Ector. I don't think a practical test will bear you out on this one.
    Is it a triskaidekaphobia thing?
    CT5, Flaxative and Jarmo like this.
  2. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Lol maybe it doesn't quite count BUT I played Reaper's Scythe/Lochaber Axe /Lochaber Axe up until the balance changes. In case you are wondering, I had 3 Blind Rage and 13 attacks so... I'm insane. I admit that. But it worked pretty well! I can mostly attribute that to repeated 11 damage nimbles, but OB has that "WTF" factor where your opponent assumes you don't have a card that can deal ~20 damage in one hit.... and you do...

    I have a 3 Blind Rage minimum when I make a frenzy warrior, by the way. Also, in practice the difference between 13 attacks and 14 attacks when you have 8 traits in a deck is.. still pretty insubstantial.

    Quick Jon's Axe and Reaper's Scythe are both amazing weapons. Dodge and Obliterating Chop work well together, and saving your shield slot for blocks works out fairly well, even if you are missing out on attacks.

    Reaper's Scythe has more value on a warrior that isn't getting Blind Rage from their racial IMO.

    I'm going to own both, and use them both, they're just that great.
  3. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I have The Hackmaster and used to play it too. Yes, it was funny to hit with Almighty Hack, but I've still had to replace The Hackmaster with a weapon having some step attacks. Are we playing for WTF factor or for the win? I could build much more WTF-ish deck, even with All-Out Attacks, but I'm not a child, am I?

    Lochaber Axe has zero traits, the Scythe has one. How do you manage to get the other 7?

    Why shouldn't he? Don't you like your Raging Battler? :) I am trying to say that it's much better to get Blind Rage from a skill than from a weapon. Maybe, that's different for the elven warriors, though.

    Please do me a favor, play them both with Eixocl's Hammer :)

    For the new players: we all can brag with the funny builds, but my rule of thumb is never play less than 14 attacks in a warrior deck. If you didn't get my last joke, these three really good weapons provide 11 attacks total.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2014
  4. UiA

    UiA Ogre

    Thanks for clarifying. So in fact Obliterating Bludgeon is pretty sub-standard, only for "funny builds" , and you're just handicapping yourself if you take one. Also at no point take less then 14 atks into mp or you might spontaneously implode, got it.
    Flaxative likes this.
  5. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Facepalm. Where did I say something even remotely similar to this?
    OB is a great card. And Almighty Hack is a great card. But the good warrior decks aren't build to play one great attack. They should be consistent and have enough attacks, enough movement, and so on. The Scythe's problem isn't OB, it's the low number of attacks. Remember, there are no good cards (or good items), there are only good decks.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2014
  6. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Reaper's Scythe only has a problem if you keep on insisting warriors need a certain number of attacks to be good. There may certainly be a number of attacks that is way too low but 13 ain't it. You even have people telling you they've had success in actual matches with lower attack numbers while you probably don't have the experiences to back up your claims. Have you tried jamming the 13 attack deck repeatedly over and over to a losing record? Did your win percentage shoot up again when you added that 14th attack back in? If you have then I am very sorry for all the flak everyone has been giving you but if not you've just been forcing misguided opinions on people seeking advice.
  7. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Yes, I did have serious problems even with 14 attacks, and by "serious problems" I mean several turns with 0-1 attacks in my hand. Having no attacks is a disaster for a warrior, since he is meant to engage in close combat, and without the attacks he's forced to retreat, yielding the victory area to the opponent. Moreover, if you have two warriors and at least one of them has no attacks, you cannot engage with the second warrior too, since the opponent will be able to overwhelm the second warrior with all his party. No, I didn't try 13 attacks, since 14 was enough to demonstrate the problem, and I'm trying to have more.
  8. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    So then you need to ask yourself why all these people have come to a different conclusion from yours. If you did indeed put in enough games then there are three possibilities.
    1. You play much worse than the others. This is possible but probably not the case.
    2. Everyone is out to get you and will disagree with anything you say. Also possible but highly unlikely.
    3. Your build or play style did not take advantage of the cards replacing the attacks. Ding ding ding, we have a winner.
  9. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I am trying to never fall to the "personal level" since it's immature and simply stupid. In this case "you will have a winner" only if you prove that "your play style" can really handle the low number of attacks and show me how you can handle it.
    But I guess if you could do that, you would do that long ago, and there wouldn't be need to manipulate "arguments" like "all these people" (who exactly do you mean BTW?)
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
  10. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    Ector, you are now trolling this thread for 2 pages.
    Just to keep it clean here, i made a thread for you in the deck building section.
  11. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I am not "trolling" and I don't even know what does it mean. I just have my opinion and dare to defend it. I am not going to change my opinion just because some people don't like it.
    But I agree that the discussion (if it can be called that, as I didn't see even a single serious argument from my opponents) is offtopic here.
  12. CT5

    CT5 Guild Leader


    Back on topic, Quellic's Boots! Pretty good right. I'm poor though, and there are probably more interesting legendaries worth saving for. @Flaxative said that Kerrick's Steel Boots are basically good enough, but I'm pretty sure he's trying to get revenge for the time I convinced him not to buy St. Sebanna's.
    hatchhermit and Flaxative like this.
  13. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    You know what , I just dropped St. Sebanna's after not buying one a while ago, and I still haven't used it, and probably won't for a while.

    Quellic's Boots are awesome if you have them. But in reality, having two Reliable Mail from Kerrick's Boots is functionally equivalent. If Kerrick's Boots didn't exist, I would probably say Heck Yes!
    I think there's enough situations where Flanking Move isn't actually any better than Shuffle, so it's fine.

    OK, so here is my 1400 dwarf warrior with 9 (!) traits:

    Reaper's Scythe (bought for 2500 when I was 1200)
    Lochaber Axe (Also 500g)
    Lochaber Axe (Dropped)
    Crusty Helm
    Perilous Ringmail
    Slippery Shield
    Sticky Slippers
    Novice Slicing
    Apprentice Ferocity (Dropped)

    3 Blind Rage/2 Immovable/ 2 Slicer / 1 Travelling Curse and 1 Obvious Maneuver
    6 Nimble Strike /2 Vicious Thrust/ 2 Obliterating Chop /1 Obliterating Bludgeon /3 Weak Chop*(1 from novice slicing makes total 14 BTW)
    2 Unreliable Block/3 Hard to Pin Down/ 1 Wild Run
    2 Reliable Mail/ 1 Hardy Mail/ 1 Thickened Mail
    Maxing out traits probably made this build more effective than it should have been. Functionally, you have 11 good attacks, 3 good blocks, 2 dodge, and 2 Reliable Mail. 18/27 is not bad. At the time I was very focused on trait cycling.

    Now, having 14/27 attacks in a deck is certainly less volume than 18/34 , or 18/30, but you get quality, you get dodge, and sometimes it works a lot better that way, especially with Blind Rage of all things. While we're on the subject, I don't believe you need or even should use 3 or more dodge in a deck.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
  14. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Quellic's Boots are the best armored boots in the game. I have one and would happily buy the second copy, since all characters can wear them. I use them all the time in SP.
  15. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I agree with Flax and Jade about Quellic's Boots. I have a pair that dropped, and I use them often, but there are other legendaries that can make a bigger difference in your game. If you're poor, wait for the best. They all cost the same.
  16. j3st3ri

    j3st3ri Thaumaturge

    I know it's subjective, but what does other think is the best, well-rounded boots?

    I've been looking for Captain Cedric's Boots for couple months now, even though I already have Mouse Boots and Red Jon's Boots.

    I'm not entirely sure it's a good investment if you compare Cedric's to Sliding Boots though...
  17. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    There is no such thing as the best boots for everyone. But Sliding Boots are really one of the best boots for the warrior. Generally you want boots with Team Run and other nice cards. But sometimes you need a special boots, like the armored boots for a Firestorm build.
  18. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

  19. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    [bragging] Got 2 quite pointless legendaries this week in Randi and 8 MP-worthy ones:
    Bloody Command
    Kelharin's Clogs
    Miligar's Dragon Tongue
    Quellic's Boots
    Searing Pain
    Staff of Embers
    The Hackmaster
    Xlaka's Sacred Bundle
    :p [/bragging]
    Sir Veza likes this.
  20. Rebel7284

    Rebel7284 Ogre

    Only seems worth bragging about if you can actually get them.

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