Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. UiA

    UiA Ogre

    Quick Jon's Axe is great but it hardly "invalidates" Reaper's Scythe. 1 has the higher dmg output, a potential one-shot atk, and a helpful self-buff(reapers) 1 has some cool additional tech attacks instead (quick jon's) a minor difference, not a complete blow-out one way or the other. Obviously you can equip other weapons to make up for any perceived shortfall.
  2. Accent

    Accent Hydra

    I have some fantastic stuff this week, but only 1500 gold or so. I could easily drop 10k, if I had it.

    Advanced Crushing -- I'd love a second one
    Chartwell's Ring -- ditto
    Darkblood Glaive -- WANT
    Jannivol's Shield -- kinda cool, but pass
    Reaper's Scythe -- See Advanced Crushing
    Trained Evasion -- I don't think I could spend a token on an elf skill and get just moves, with the exception of Quick Run
    Unholy Nimbus -- pass
    Vira's Shimmering Robes -- I don't think I'd ever use this, especially in a world where Resistant Hide exists, and I can get the auras on boots
    Wym's Fiery Bangle -- want
    Yount's Chain -- want
  3. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Lol that's like 90% of all elf skills

    Otherwise, I agree with most of your assertions. Jannivol's Shield is basically Backflip Buckler btw.

    Yount's Chain is an odd things to want, however. It's just two Glob of Flame + Counterspell.
  4. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    No, it isn't a "minor difference". It's a difference between a good synergy (low number of powerful attacks can be totally invalidated by the opponent's blocks, so Unnerving Strike is like God's blessing here) and a bad synergy (Blind Rage will increase the power of Scythe's attacks just a little, and there are only 3 of them).
    Yes, you can equip other weapons to "patch the holes", but the result will be always better with Quick Jon's Axe, since it's much better itself. For instance, you can equip Shieldripper to defeat opponent's blocks, but Axe + Shieldripper will be still much better than Scythe + Shieldripper, since 8 Unnerving Strikes is better than 6. Both weapons have absolutely no step attacks, so you will have to compensate for that with some weapon too. And you will want to have at least one extra Dodge, since two isn't enough. As you see, "patching the holes" isn't going to be easy, and it will be more difficult for the Scythe, since it has less attacks, while its Blind Rage wants more attacks.
  5. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    If its a choice between the two, i would go for Blue Destruction. Bern's Untouchable Mail is less useful now that very few people play encumber effects in MP. This is my assessment based on MP and not SP which is how i evaluate all my purchases.

    I would always go for the item i would use the most, but Ector has a point with Quick Jon's Axe for a dodge build. If you ever think you will make one, then perhaps Quick Jon's Axe is the better choice. But personally, i would go for Raging Battler
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
  6. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    As for me, i have only one that i want and one that i am debating

    St. Tesrim's Corona Always wanted this for my vamp priest group. Shimmering aura is crap but MF with good ranged drain seems perfect for my build.

    Sundersong This would be my second, but since i only play it in SP i dont think i really need a second.
  7. iruj

    iruj Orc Soldier

    It seems I've been extremely lucky these past two days. Did most of the lvl 2-11 adventures yesterday and got 2 epic treasures, plus my second Staff of the Misanthrope, which is just awesome. Started with the lvl 4 adventures today and worked up to Gladiatorial Arena, Qualifiers - along the way I got 2 epic treasures and a legendary one as well. Which means I'm now a happy owner of Skull of Savage Iljin. Also picked up my second Staff of Winter and Focused Pyromancy from the Daily Deal.
    hatchhermit, Sir Veza and Ector like this.
  8. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Thanks for reinforcing my thoughts. I was thinking of getting Blue Destruction over Bern's just because the Legendary Heavy Armor I DO have is Vinorkin's Cuirass.
  9. Drakkan

    Drakkan Ogre

    Well .. I've played them for 2 months .. and I only got bunch of Relics of St. Darquar .. and 5 Antiochs Figurines :/ .. so I stopped playing 2-4 .. I think I couldnt stand another one of them ;)
  10. Drakkan

    Drakkan Ogre

    I've been having terrible luck with Randi's for weeks (except one week where I've bought 4 legendaries) .. so I crossed my mind maybe its me who is picky ..

    This is my Randis for this week, what do you think?

    This one's focus is on wizards .. and I play melee builds .. but if you think some wiz item is a must have, please say

    Brightblood Glaive -- have 1, never used it
    General Gideon's Helm -- dont see any use of it
    God's Rage -- dont see any use of it
    Mathilda's Locket -- I've got bunch of similar items .. (cone of cold with something)
    Perfect Footwork -- have 1, never used it
    Perrio's Kinetic Robes -- ?
    St. Hongjin's Soulstone -- I'd rather play all mass frenzy or that 2mf+uf
    Ulrin's Scuttling Socks -- nope
    Wym's Fiery Pin -- this one looks nice .. but as I said I dont play fire (for now).. For SP i've got bunch of fire items.. this wouldn't change much in SP
    Yount's Chain -- this one looks nice ..

    What do you think .. ?
    I wouldnt spend gold if I dont really need an item (say Quick John's Boots, Blenth's Skull that I cannt find for months) .. but if there are some staples I could "invest"
  11. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I think you're right to be picky. A few of those would be contenders under the old Randimar's, where it was common to go a month or more with no decent items. It may still take a while, but I think you're wise to save funds for your "Must Have" items.
  12. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    I agree with Sir Veza. I'm picky myself, but what you've posted don't look like they are worth spending 2.5k gold on.
  13. Drakkan

    Drakkan Ogre

    Thank's guys .. I have a solid list of must have items .. but they simply dont show ;)

    Though I remember, when I started playing i got Quick John's Axe in old Randi's .. I had like 3000g max .. and I was like "who spends 2500g on a card" .. now situation is different but looks like Randi is taking revenge on me :)
  14. UiA

    UiA Ogre

    Ok so your argument is basically 2 unnerving strike on a weapon is miles and away better than an oblit bludgeon and blind rage, all other things being equal. Not really seeing it here but since you're already convinced won't argue the point.
  15. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    What's not to see here? The Dodging warrior has less attacks since he replaced some of them with Dodges. To get a full advantage of them, he has to have the step attacks (they strike, you dodge away, then attack with moving) or range 2 attacks. Thus, we have less attacks, but our attacks are more powerful or have the valuable tech. An opponent with a lot of blocks may be very tough to defeat with low number of attacks - that's why Unnerving Strike is much better.
  16. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Unnerving Strike is not as good as you make it out to be. A character usually has around 3 blocks, possibly none for wiz. Even when you do use it when they have a block it doesn't go through as often as you'd like since people prefer high performance blocks like Pushback Parry and Bloodied Block or have Dodges themselves. When you are lower on attacks, you want them to be bashes to push people away while you restock or you want them to be powerful. Unnerving Strike isn't bad but the added damage potential of Blind Rage or the high damage Obliterating Bludgeon is just better most of the time.
  17. UiA

    UiA Ogre

    Ok, I'm about to go to sleep, but I'll take 1 last stab at it. First sure dodge is nice with step attacks, but it can be a purely defensive card as well, though most well-rounded warriors will have some steps, range 2, and/or additional movement in their deck anyway, and either way neither reaper's nor quick jons has steps and both same token cost so whatever you add to make up for this perceived deficiency doesn't make a lick of difference anyway since they can both carry the exact same additional weapon loadout. You keep going on about low atks, on a single weapon out of 3. You realize quick jons has just 1 more atk than reaper's right. In a deck of 36 this amounts to .027, apx. 3% extra atk. Unnerving strike is great, no doubt about it, but what happens when you've fished all the blocks out, or opp didn't draw any? Would you rather have your 8 dmg or a 17 dmg sitting in your hand? Blind rage can be a hindrance but more often its a handy self-buff, either way its often not bad for a warrior to have. So yes quick jons is a very cool, techy weapon, but it's just not flat-out better than reaper's by any means, just different. I'm sure you'll rebuff somehow but it is what it is.
  18. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    If you're hunting for wizards, you don't have to fear blocks. But you don't need Dodges as well. All you need is a lot of movement and powerful attacks :)
    But when you're fighting the enemy warriors, 3 blocks is minimum. My tank has 2 extra blocks from Bloody Stoutness.

    Oh yes, it's better. Especially when my Duck blocks your Obliterating Bludgeon :) Why does anybody play any weapons besides The Hackmaster and The Bludgeonator? Be a man, play the real weapons!
  19. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I will demonstrate one "exact same additional weapon loadout" with the detailed comments.
    If you exclude the traits, the percent will be higher.

    The difference is two Unnerving Strikes vs. Obliterating Bludgeon and Blind Rage. Yes, drawing OB is better than Unnerving Strike. What if you draw Blind Rage instead of Unnerving and have no attacks at all? Anyway, in the real game, when I don't know whether the opponent has the blocks, I'd always prefer to draw two US than OB + Blind Rage.

    Let me demonstrate just one combo. Both weapons should be good with Eixocl's Hammer: we need one more Dodge and some bashing attacks with movement. But how good is Scythe + Hammer? Not good at all. You combine the weapons with 3 and 4 attacks, and the total number of attacks becomes dangerously low. Moreover, you're getting two Blind Rages, and this may be too high especially if you also get some from the skills. Playing 2 Blind Rages with 14 attacks is more or less normal, but playing 3 Blind Rages with 13 attacks is just suicidal.
  20. Drakkan

    Drakkan Ogre

    Well, actually difference is 2 Unnerving Strikes vs OB + Blind Rage + something .. Blind Rage is a trait .. sometimes you'll get another attack .. sometimes block, team run .. etc ..

    Also.. this game is 3-3 .. you have other characters (ant other weapons).. they can ping for blocks, turn character so you're facing its back etc .. my OB-s rarely miss the target ..
    Nobody said you have to play OB as soon as you get one..


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