Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    I would hold out for Miligar's Dragon Tongue .

    If you love Savage Curse then i say go for it, its a great weapon! And if you get time, post your savage curse build, i hate elder mind and i would love to see a good build to efficiently blow through it.

    Amazingly i have never seen Eixtl's Winged Mail either. And i agree whole heartedly, hold off for a no doubter. Its a nice item but the applications are limited. There is just to much else to buy that would have more impact.

    My Randimar has a Pergop's Slippers fetish and he loves to stock crap with the name Juniper in it. That Randimar is a wierd guy.
    hatchhermit and Flaxative like this.
  2. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    OK so I caved and bought the Darkblood Glaive today. Now I can use it for The Sinister Wood along with Cadefel's Savage Maul and Skull Of Savage Iljin! XD

    I'll admit I got lucky in the first and third battles of Elder Mind. I would have to think about an "Optimum" party for it, I'm not sure if it would be 2wiz/1priest or 1wiz/2priest, but it would certainly involve Savage Curse and Flash Of Agony.

    Lunging Bash IS good, let's just agree that Leomunk's Kickin Boots / Pwindle's Boots are both very good items when you need Energizing Move. Still, I would save my gold for Captain Cedric's Boots, Nasrum's Moccasins or Quellic's Boots. Not to mention a bunch of other items...

    I will say this, Eixocl's Hammer >>> Crimson Morningstar. As in, way better. I think I have bought two of them and I use one in my current MP party.

    Also, when it comes to Mass Frenzy you really can never have enough. There are plenty of "neutral turns" where I don't want to pass but I don't want to make a move. Mass Frenzy triggers Altruism, too. It doesn't hurt to refresh it every turn/every second turn. In many situations you don't have the luxury of playing Mass Frenzy at the start of turn, you just have to leap right into action to kill your opponent/ make an important move.
    Well, at least that's how I play. You can play with as few Mass Frenzy if you like, even one copy of it can make a HUGE difference in the right situation.
    hatchhermit likes this.
  3. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Congratz on the Glaive, Jade! Sigh, I still remember the times when I've thought that I was the only player with Darkblood Glaive and Skull of the Savage Iljin :)))
    Still, I don't like Cadefel's Savage Maul. My setup is the Glaive, the Skull and Mail Of St. Oxivia. That's 6 Savage Curses, and I can use the second weapon for healing my team. If you really need to maximize Savage Curses (for Elder Mind or some other monster), then go for the Cadefel, for sure.

    You could say that Porior's Nimble Mace >> Crimson Morningstar, and that would be close to truth since both weapons belong to the same Crusher build. As for Eixocl's Hammer, I'd use it in the Bruiser build (two Hammers + Basher's Delight). That build would bash everything away or dodge away from it and follow with Lunging Bash.

    I still don't like two Huetotl's Firebrand + Bleneth's Skull setup since your priest has 7 MF and only 6 attacks. I'd better equip two weapons with a lot of attacks and two Bleneth's Skulls.
  4. UiA

    UiA Ogre

    Eixocl's Hammer is pretty neat, the bashes are top class, both giving movement, blind rage makes a good cycler and dodge is great too, all for only (minortoken)(minortoken) ! That being said, I've never used it in mp but it does show potential. I have a fondness for crusher builds too since I was fortunate to get 2 focused crushing pretty early on, in fact it was a crusher build that first got me over 1700 in a time when nimbles and whirls reigned supreme. Surprised no one mentioned Barreling Club for crusher, turning barges into 12 dmg control atks is a handy tool in the arsenal.

    Ok enough off-topic I only have a couple items in Randimar's I'm considering. first is Miligar's Dragon Tongue , ppl seem to like it a lot but not too sure if worth it for the extra flame jet. (I've got all the usual legendary fire arcane suspects, dragon's tongue excluded) Also have Darune's Dagger fairly low dmg, merely ok step atks, but relatively cheap token-wise, probably going to pass on this.. I might get a 2nd Mordecai's Staff Of Magma for an ultimate volcano troll build, but my funds are starting to get really low, haven't gotten a legendary treasure in awhile and only play SP for the loot fairy these days. One other thing I might get a 2nd Yoloxl's Staff, kinda neat combo on these.
  5. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    So do you have Avakiria's Cup and Wym's Fiery Bangle? If you do, you can pass on the dragon tongue I suppose.
    You probably don't need Darune's Dagger for anything.
    Mordecai's Magmastaff is cool, you can't go without one. Wait, you have one? Hmm well I guess it's up to you then!
    Yoloxl's Staff is really cool, moderate token cost and two Gusts of War. I would use two if I could get my hands on two. Same with Oxha's Sparkspreader, actually.
  6. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I had both the Cup and the Bangle, but was extremely happy with the Dragon Tongue. You will want the equal number of Flame Jets and Glob Of Flame, and the latter is much easier to get.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2014
  7. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I am sadly, well aware of the rarity of Flame Jet on items, but unfortunately gold is going to be tight until the economy changes.
    Just don't buy Smoag's Bucket Of Pitch, ever. Glob of Flame is common enough by comparison.
  8. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Ector likes this.
  9. Happenstance

    Happenstance Thaumaturge

    How useful would Suvv's Boots Of Escape be? I'm thinking the card draw for a fighter or vamp would be great, but I'm not sure how much they have over Diamond Moccasins for 2500g, and the gold token. I also have a pair of Hawkwind's Moccasins for a weaker, tokenless version of this.

    Still haven't spent my CH birthday money. I'm like that kid who gets $50 off Grandma and takes all year agonising over how to spend it.
  10. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Diamond Moccasins are better. And Sliding Boots are much better for a warrior, especially dwarven warrior. Actually, I would never spend a yellow token on three Escaping Runs even if I would get the boots for free :) Don't you have something better to spend your money on?
  11. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    My own assortment is just amazing this week. I will sort it from the best to worst, in order to brag first, then to ask your advice on the doubtful items.

    Quick Jon's Axe. An instant buy. The best weapon with Dodge in the game IMHO. This is a good pair for Eixocl's Hammer, for instance, since we have three Dodges total, and high damage from the Axe compensates for the low damage of the Hammer, while the Hammer adds a lot of movement and Blind Rage. But I guess the Axe will be good in many many builds.
    Captain Cedric's Boots. I am the "bootmonger": I have almost every good boots in the game, but I still don't have these... yet. I guess I simply have to fix that fault of my collection :) Plus, the boots are really great for a wizard or a vampire priest with a lot of range 2 attacks.
    Staff Of The Misanthrope. I guess I will need it for farming. A tokenless staff with FOUR mass attacks? It's just insane.
    Golden Wings. Nice, shiny, and I still don't have them. What would I do in the flying scenarios without them? Mother, pleeeeaaseee!!! :D
    Berian's Locket. Probably the best item with Stone Spikes. I still cannot decide where do I need the Spikes?
    Holy Hellyn's Breastplate. Holy crap! No, no, I don't mean this is crap, but I've just bought Mail Of St. Oxivia for my supporting priest, should I swap to this Breastplate now? Soothing Darkness is a serious argument, but Toughened Hide Strips isn't Arrogant Armor, alas...
    Shieldripper. I have one. Do you think I may need another? It probably could be a great Crusher build, but Focused Crushing also requires a yellow token, so that's impossible. Making two Crushers is simply unrealistic for me, since I don't have even one Focused Crushing yet.
    Zoltan's Helm. There are two interesting cards here, but I don't know why a bashing/crushing warrior should give his cards to the other teammates.
    Sabo's Flamespit Staff. Waay too weak and short-ranged to be playable, alas.
    Juniper's Jumper. Utter crap. What are you going to pump with all these Harnesses???

    Uh oh... I wish I'd have assortment of this quality every week! It's very hard to decide what's not to buy :cool:
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2014
  12. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I have Quick Jon's Axe as well, I really want to buy it but that's all my money, I have nothing left to sell after that right now...I have Reaper's Scythe already. Should I buy Raging Battler#2 instead?

    Captain Cedric's Boots are amazing, I use them often on a character that can't afford Sliding Boots.

    Staff Of The Misanthrope is fantastic, I use them for farming low levels in SP... and higher levels in SP... nothing better in terms of raw Flash Of Agony... but if you played every 2-5 level every day for a month, you would get at least one of them... that's why I don't bother with those levels anymore.
    Golden Wings I had last week... Would have been nice to use on Wicked Waterways, but lordy they are expensive. Why isn't there any divine items with two Wings Of Faith? Sheesh, Golden Wings are the only decent divine item.
    I just dropped Holy Hellyn's Breastplate, and man I wish it were Mail Of St. Oxivia... the Arrogant Armor + Savage Curse would be quite useful..
    Oh gosh, Shieldripper too? Well if you have two of them and Advanced Crushing you're good to go. I believe having one is a huge boon, having more? It's up to your gold supply.
    Zoltan's Helm is another obscure legendary, not really worth anything.
    I use Sabo's Flamespit Staff plenty in SP... I wish those Flame Spit had duration 3 though. It's no White Flame, so I suggest you don't buy it.
    Juniper's Jumper IS utter crap indeed. Unless you were stacking Officer's Harness (Captain Cedric's Helm+ Corian's Boots?) but even then , the result isn't that great.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2014
  13. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Blue Destruction and Bern's Untouchable Mail? Darn. Those two are great...

    As for Suvv's Boots Of Escape, if you want card draw you might as well use sticky slippers. Escaping Run has it's merits, but it will never feel like it was worth it.
    What's weird, is that there are many legendary boots with 2+ Escaping Run. I admit it can be useful in SP where everything is big and scary but still...
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2014
  14. iruj

    iruj Orc Soldier

    My Randimar thankfully has only a few items I really want - Skull of Savage Iljin and a Shielding Token, which is only a rare, so an easy pickup.

    Staff of Embers is also available, but considering I have 143 gold, I'd need to get some ridiculously lucky loot to be able to afford this and the skull as well. Actually, I do need a lot of luck to even afford one of them.
  15. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    You cannot skip Skull Of Savage Iljin. Farm as much as you can, then buy some pizza if you fail to collect the gold by farming. It's the unique item of immense power.
  16. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Yeah, that's the scary thing, if another Skull shows up for me I'm going to have to buy it.... It's just that good.

    So the question for me is, do I buy Quick Jon's Axe, which I will use less (for MP mainly), or do I buy Raging Battler #2, which is a 1 card improvement over Apprentice Ferocity, but I will use all the time?

    I already have a decision made but I won't buy it until I have entertained some input.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2014
  17. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    I would personally buy something I was going to use all the time. It's a greater return for the investment.
  18. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I don't have Raging Battler, but the decision is clear (for me). Quick Jon's Axe is definitely the best weapon of its kind (I mean the Dodge weapon), and it cannot be replaced with anything else. It's the only weapon with two Dodges and still the high damage total. Raging Battler is very good, but no card is really essential (for any build), and there are ways to play without it: you may play a weapon with Blind Rage, for instance, and Bloody Stoutness. Or just use Apprentice Ferocity instead. Yes, it's worse, but the difference is just one card... and a lot of gold.

    I would play every 2-5 level every day if I knew I would be guaranteed to get it. But you know, the chance is still slim. What is the chance of getting a legendary item - 0.001 or less?

    There are Winged Track Shoes, but they work only for this character.

    Nice idea, but I fear that warrior will have too many attacks and too little movement... Even with Eixocl's Hammer, the most nimble crushing weapon, he would be too slow, and I will have just one blue token left on the dwarven skill (I have no Raging Battler, and even if I had, three Blind Rages is a problem for a char without sufficient movement). There is a Porior's Nimble Mace + Leomunk's Kickin' Boots variant, though, leaving me with 20 crushing attacks total :) And I really have them both! I still believe that one Shieldripper + Focused Crushing will be better, though. Anyway, I have no Focused and no Advanced Crushings for now :(
  19. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    Don´t buy Quick Jon's Axe if you have Reaper's Scythe already. You will lack a lot of attacks if you use both. If you want to dodge more, you might consider to add one of the Shields with 2 dodges or the Shield Of Ultimate Dodging if it gets offered to you.

    It depends on the level of the item and there are not so many legendaries in the lower quality range. So the chances are quite good. I play almost every day at least up to the level 5 adventures and i have 10 of the staffs.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2014
  20. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    This is quite a good illustration of what I was talking about :)
    Reaper's Scythe is a great weapon, and I would buy it previously, but Quick Jon's Axe is much much better. Do you really need a Blind Rage for a Dodging warrior with the low number of strong attacks? Well, it would be nice, of course, but it's the most effective with quite the opposite: a lot of weak attacks. Do you really need a hard-to-block, block-discarding attack for a Dodging warrior with the low number of strong attacks? Hell yes!!! And you're getting two of them! You definitely don't need both weapons on the same warrior, so you don't need the Scythe at all as long as you have the Axe. See how powerful is the Axe as it invalidates one of the best weapons in the game?
    As for the shields with Dodge, I really dislike them. You will pay a lot for them, and all you will gain is replacing your blocks with Dodges. Shields are the primary source of blocks, it's hard to find a good weapon or skill with them. Playing without blocks is dangerous; even if you can dodge away, you often don't want to yield the victory area to the opponent. So I can imagine myself playing a Rusty Buckler, but definitely not a Shield Of Ultimate Dodging.

    Thanks for the advice! I really should farm more.

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