The Daily Deal

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Fry_The_Guy, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Let's calculate the chances. I have 3 Crusher, 2 Blind Rages and 6+ MF. The chance of having absolutely no buffs is pretty low. The chance of not drawing enough attacks for the bashing build is quite decent. You have 2 Strong Bashes (8 base dmg), 1 Able Bash (6 dmg), 4 Pressing Bashes (also 6 dmg) and 7 Lunging Bashes (4 damage). 14 cards out of 36, and half of them deal the same base damage as Bludgeon.

    I'm using it for ALL it does: the tech, the attacks, and the synergy with Crusher. There may be better options, but it still has its niche. I mean, if I want a weapon with 5 crushing attacks and Blind Rage for (minortoken)(minortoken), it will be the best :)

    If you won't deal damage, the enemy will never have low life level to be killed. A weak strike for 5-7 damage is pretty decent, though not spectacular. Plus, it can trigger the enemy block. I would prefer Dodge only if my char can fully exploit it (with Lunging Bashes, for instance).
  2. UiA

    UiA Ogre


    The Perforator
    Armor? What armor? Unfortunately penetrating attacks won't resonate with most, because Sundering Strike exists. After all, why bypass armor, when you can not only bypass, but also remove. Another issue with perforating is that it only thrives in environment with opposing armor, if they have none, you just brought a bunch of 5 dmg atks for no good reason. Ok enough about the bad what about the good? Well, it is the best concentrated source of perforating strike ingame, and umm, it looks like a trident, so its gets some style points for those who want to emulate poseidon.

    Axe Of Evasion Is it a weapon or some sort of super shield!?!?! Good luck drawing attacks with a couple of these in the mix, someone should run 3 of these just have 6 atks in their entire deck would be awesome
    Hylithia's Wand One of the best (minortoken) dual cone of cold items imo, great for sp.
    Perfect Flexibility Preferred by yoga enthusiasts and those who want 2 Advanced Training in their deck
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
  3. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    My problem with The Perforator is that I can essentially replace it with Piercing Pick. Yeah. Talk about a minor difference.

    Axe of Evasion would be pretty neat for 1 hp quests I guess? The problem is that it mainly gives Missile/Magic protection and a dodge, not "Block All". So it would not be a very great shield IMO.

    Hylithia's Wand, there you go. Sorry Kelvin.
    I actually bought Perfect Flexibility to try out Advanced Battlefield Training. It's cool sometimes. But not for everyone.
    Let me tell you, thanks to the buffs I like Trained Flexibility even more. That my friends, is a human skill worth buying.

    PS: Enchanted Mail does indeed have a typo.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
  4. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Okay, I give up. What is the typo?
  5. j3st3ri

    j3st3ri Thaumaturge

    Excellent comparison.

    Another would be Troll's Ire; It's also a legendary item and also requires two minor power tokens. It has far superior cards than Perforator. (e.g. two sundering strikes which is the ultimate melee attack vs armors)
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
  6. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    There's a period missing from the card text. The wiki has an ellipsis where the actual card has nothing. Jade, you might have noted originally that the typo is only visible on the card and not on the wiki if you wanted to be extra helpful ;).
  7. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Who ever said I wanted to be helpful? ;)

    Troll's Ire is hardly a good comparison outside of armor-ignoring context or some vague superiority.

    I was considering comparing it to Hawlic's Handy Axe or maybe Woodhome's Wound if anything. The only difference with Piercing Pick is a few points of damage and a lower token cost to boot. Not to mention the 2400g in between...
    The Perforator is a terrible legendary. Good for lols, collection purposes, Poseidon impersonation but nothing else.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
  8. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Today's Daily Deal: God's Rage.

    What an awful item. It's basically a Cudgel Of Wrath with twin heals, that costs two freaking tokens!

    Today in Quick Draw I drafted Light Heal/Twin Heal/Triple Heal . [Trollface]

    Blasting Robes: Forceful Robes, thanks.
    Gaudekki's Orb: Tokenless Firestorm with a slight improvement over Storm Circlet/Orb of Flames.
    St. Ozark's Blade: A combination of solid attacks, a solid heal, and two solid Weak Parry, all for a solid token cost. It's a solid item. Yes the word "Solid" doesn't make sense anymore.
  9. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    As usual, the new Deal comes before we have completely discussed the previous items :) But Jade was faster than me to describe the new items... 1 minute faster :)

    God's Rage. Utter crap. Controlled Overswing deals not that much damage to justify losing an extra card - just 2 more than Strong Bludgeon. Twin Heals also isn't the best healing available.

    Blasting Robes. I'd think about it if it would be tokenless.
    Gaudekki's Orb. Very good tokenless Firestorm item. I have two and use them both for farming.
    St. Ozark's Blade. I am not a big fan of Weak Parry.

    Rares include some nice things like Command (two team-pushing cards for a little disadvantage), Rusty Buckler (Dodge + two good melee blocks) and Staff Of Winter (the only freezing staff with decent damage).
  10. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I want to point out that Cudgel of Wrath is one of my favorite SP items. There are plenty of 9-13 HP enemies to crush :D and Strong Bludgeon just won't cut it.

    Blasting Robes: Hardy Mail, Force Cone, Force Cone. Level 9 epic robe, one blue token, 500g.
    Forceful Robes: Resitant Hide, Force Bolt, Force Cone. Level 8 rare robe, no token, 100g.

    Might I like a tokenless robe with two Force Cones ? (maybe add a Leather Harness?) Maybe. But for now, Resistant Hide is such a huge deal.

    As for St. Ozark's Blade, it's one of those items you use because it is well rounded, not because it is amazing.
    In SP, every Weak Parry and Parry you can cram into your characters on most non-demon portal levels is fantastic.
  11. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Except in the sense that the once "Solid" Wall of Stone was nerfed to a "Liquid".
  12. UiA

    UiA Ogre

    Azan's Icy Bulwark
    Icy Block! So much icy @_@ Worth it ? No. But. Its still kinda cool.*

    Booming Ring certainly a viable option for no token arcane item
    Mithril Mesh Slippers A potential switch from big bertha's clogs
    Underdog's Shield Used to be one of the better tokenless shields before AoTA, it won't wow u but can be a sturdy little defender for those lacking better option

    also some nice rares to collect if you don't have em yet. Focused Electromancy, Forceful Robe, Hefty Stout Club, Rusty Buckler, all good ones.

    *watch out! pun alert!
    hatchhermit likes this.
  13. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Aww UiA beat me to it.... after I finished typing this up on notepad.

    Today's Daily Deal:
    Azan's Icy Bulwark
    One of my favorite shields. It's also a shield I rarely, if ever use. Unless something changes with Icy Block or the Encumber mechanic, it isn't much better than Frozen Shield and it certainly isn't worth 2500g. Save your money.
    Booming Ring: The only tokenless 2X path of knives item. Devastating in SP since enemies love to derp around and slash themselves to death. I use all four of mine quite often, and I would possibly use another if one dropped.
    Mithril Mesh Slippers (Again): Still high movement and a Reliable Mail but with Scamper being so overvalued, it really isn't a very good item. Limited use.
    Underdog's Shield: Funny, you would think an underdog's Shield would have Unreliable Block.
    Anyways, this is a good all-around tokenless shield but nothing amazing, and some similar/better shields are available. I don't believe it is worth buying one.
    In practice you are either better off using Hexagon Shield OR Spellthwart Shield, an item like this is multi-purpose but not helpful since you can always equip a different shield.
  14. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I have two Booming Rings, and I don't feel I need more. Path Of Knives is really great in SP, but it affects only one enemy. And most scenarios have a lot of them :)
  15. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Today's Deal is:

    Xemu's Crown. Too unfocused and nothing really great to pay 2500g for.

    Bertha's Big Clogs. Probably the best armored tokenless boots. Buy them if you don't have two yet.
    Foley's Footwear. Too weak for a token
    Mathiam's Helm. Sprint, Team! is obviously great, but the rest card aren't. Plus, you know, the warrior should move himself instead of moving the other chars...
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2014
  16. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Yeah, I have a Xemu's Crown but it is too unfocused to bother using. You either use something with two Cone of Cold or you use something... better with Short Perplexing Ray, and in that regard I would rather pick Chartwell's Amulet or most other blues, notably Axander's Twisted Circlet.

    Bertha's Big Clogs: Very useful. Only tokenless boot with Reliable Mail. Also: Corian's Boots, Vira's Shoes, Xalanen's Boots in the tokenless department.

    Foley's Footwear: A strange item. It's a cheap source of Violent Spin I guess. Still better options out there unless you REALLY love the combo with Wild Run.

    Mathiam's Helm: The only epic helm with Sprint, Team! , so I guess if you really wanted that for some reason... I remember triple sprint warrior was a fun build a long time ago on the gladiator maps.
  17. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Being a Saturday, everyone is more interested in the Randimar's.
    But let's look at the Daily Deal anyways!

    Brightblood Glaive: It's a nice weapon, comes with some good techs, albeit not the most flexible ones.
    It's not far from Pearl-handled Glaive or Godtouched Spear. It's the kind of weapon you would use because you have it/like it, not because it's the best at something in particular.

    Axahot's Shield: More like I wish I was Bloodshield Of Xoc.
    Nah, overall it's actually a decent shield, but most people will steer clear because of one reason (Icy Block) or another (flimsy block).
    Eixocl's Hammer: Annnnd we're back to hammers of cru-bashing. It's a great weapon, use it for drawback quests, use it because it's so techy, just don't talk about it for another 3 pages. Please.
    Novice Evasion: Crap. I mean, if you're going to pay a token for Slippery you might as well get something good, like Elvish Insight (Escapist, anyone?). Who would spend 500 g on this???
  18. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I wish it would be more focused. And more powerful for a lvl 18 (majortoken)(majortoken) weapon. We have two decent vampiric attacks at range 2, one Polearm Slash (also range 2 + melee armor), and one Sundering Strike. What priest should I build with it? Not a vampire priest (only 2 vampiric attacks), not a fighting priest (Inspiring Presence is going to heal the enemies in close combat), not a support priest (just two support cards). Sigh...

    Why do we have to? It's a great weapon, and I'm a big fan of it. I would definitely buy it if I wouldn't have three already :) Just don't argue that it's the only playable bashing weapon for (minortoken)(minortoken).
  19. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I'm not arguing that it's the only "playable" bashing weapon for (minortoken)(minortoken). I'm simply stating that every other weapon is terrible by comparison.
  20. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    So you are starting the 3 pages talk again? :)
    It's a great weapon, but if "every other weapon would be terrible in comparison", it would be overpowered. Thanks devs, that isn't true: the Hammer is balanced pretty well. Most alternatives deal more damage, but have less tech, and we cannot simply say that the tech is everything, and the damage means nothing. Every build has its own requirements.

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