Hey Card Hunters, I have got a suggestion for you. I'm wondering if Blue Manchu have already considered the idea of adding a "pay by mobile phone" option for buying pizza. I think it'd be beneficial for players to have more payment options. How I happened upon this idea is irrelevant, I suppose, but let's just say I used to pay for pizza with Google Wallet, but the credit card linked to it (which wasn't mine, FYI) has been canceled. Therefore it got me thinking, "It's very likely other players will experience such a problem too." So there you go! Let me know what ya'll think of it. Oki doki. Now that's out of the way, I have also got a couple of questions about a few of the small changes made in Multiplayer mode. They're fairly simple, so I'm just asking for a little more of your time. You'll be hunting cards again soon, don'tcha worry! Question 1: How does the new "Friend" function work? I'd noted the presence of a Friend button some time ago, but until very recently, it was greyed out and couldn't be used. I tested it out by clicking on a random player's name and then adding them. Though it immediately added that player as a friend. Does that mean it doesn't send a friend request, and instead merely adds that player to a list? And while I'd hoped a "Friend" button would be implemented, I'm not entirely sure it is worthwhile as it is -- for example, accessing the Friend list only shows which players are on it, not if they're online/offline. I think it'd be fun if it allowed us to send messages to our friends as well, even if one of the two players are playing Campaign mode. Question 2: What's the "Invite" button for in Multiplayer mode? I have of course heard word about several sorts of Co-op mode, which I must admit sounds very exciting! I'm assuming it works more or less the same as the "Friend" button, albeit this one's an invitation. Well then! That's all I had in store. I hope I've worded my questions properly (English isn't my native language, though I wish it was), but if that isn't the case, please help me out here and tell me what I did wrong. I honestly don't mind being corrected. Paprika2215, over and out.
Friends don't do anything yet; I'm not sure what all is intended for them. Some things I want: alphabetical list of my friends, and highlight the name and/or badge of friends online. You are right in guessing that the "Invite" button is for creating a co-op team, then joining a casual game will bring your teammates with you (there seems to be a bug if you attempt a casual game against a teammate). It mostly works right now and you can see videos of it in action here.
Friends does something—it gives you a list that you can access to easily... uh, report your friends? Or invite them to coop teams. But yeah, it's a work in progress. Presence notification is something we want to get in there.