In the spirit of this other thread about placing a premium on high-damage cards, I want to point out that there are two highly-undervalued movement cards after the movement nerfs: Sprint and Team Sprint. Team Run is a very, very good card, but these two are off the scale - after all, move 8 is enough to cross the entire interesting part of most maps. The effect is also perhaps exaggerated by the current rotation's general lack of difficult terrain. I think that both Sprint and Team Sprint would still be highly competitive if reduced to move 6. (And I think the discard-a-card drawback on Wild Run is sufficient to leave it as is.)
I don't think Sprint is a problem because you rarely want to run one character into range of the other team. Sprint, Team! on helmets has a similar problem. Unless you are running 3 warriors or vamp priests, you will most likely only want to send in one character. Maybe these cards aren't seeing much play because everyone and their mother is using Team Run but most of the items with Sprint and Sprint, Team! aren't very good and they all require a token. Have you been able to abuse either card in a way that warrants fixing?
Sprint is very strong in some very niche circumstances. However, that usually means first turn moves (to get to a VP spot) and less about re-positioning (which is what Team Run lets you do). Team Sprint can be potentially great for repositioning, but obviously doesn't move 3 characters and only 2. Overall, I think they are fine but I could probably see a nerf to range 6 being fine as well. Granted, there are much more pressing issues with balance at the moment (Mass Frenzy, Dodge).
If getting to a victory point first is the problem reducing range to 6 won't fix it. You can get to victory points on most maps with a range 6 move. For the ones you can't you just need to spend your racial movement as well.
The recent 'team run' aggro strategies get a bit under my skin, since it evokes pre-patch memories were you were forced to adapt your whole deck to the frequent use of a card that does multiple things at once. Sprint team range 8 is problematic since you can find yourself with your back to the wall first round, having 2 warriors standing on your toes before you even sorted your traits. And those two are still mobile and got a full hand of cards.
I'm inclined to agree with @neoncat, as Sprint is one quality step up from a move 4 at bronze (Dash)... and that's more than 'one step' in movement value.
If it's nerfed and smurfed, can we get new layouts on some of the SP boards? MP balance is seriously whittling down the build possibilities. (Imbalancing and narrowing the SP meta, if you prefer.)
Environment, not meta Having never used sprint in SP—and never having wanted to use it in any format, since it's mostly on terrible items—I don't know for which boards it's necessary. I'm always happy to hear from folks about these things though.
Especially since Dash is actually bronze+ and Sprint is just silver. You get a huge amount of movement for just 2 increments in card value. That being said, do Sprint and Sprint, Team! really need to be nerfed? I don't think so. I can't remember the last time I saw anyone use either card in multiplayer. Why nerf an already underused pair of cards? As far as movement goes, Team Run is a far bigger offender than Sprint and Sprint, Team!. I think the former should be nerfed before the latter.
I guess I just haven't run into them yet. I could see a nerf from 8 to 6 movement being ok, but only if Team Run is nerfed first.
WHAT?!? No META? I feel discriminated against. Or whatever. This is the only online game I've ever played, so I'm probably missing the finer points of the difference. I mostly use Sprint, Team! (racial) from my human frenzy priest to get my fighters into position against the big nasties (when ready) while minimizing the time they get chewed on. Or to catch those miscellaneous teleporting ranged attackers, etc. I'm pretty sure there are other, slower, ways to do it. It's pretty much what SP is getting down to. And you've probably played others as well, but never noticed because Sprint never showed up. It can be nice to use if you don't over-extend yourself, but it won't be a reliable draw.
LOL, unless Gary is adjusting his monsters' decks based on what he thinks you're bringing to the fight Also, I should point out that I agree with everything neoncat said but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to make the change he's suggesting (and none of this is official Blue Manchu stance, I'm just talking about game design with you guys).
Thanks, bro. You and neoncat are agreeable guys to disagree with, if you get my meaning. Maybe new players won't notice the toll taken on SP, because they'll never have known any difference. I really hope so. This is a great game, and should be enjoyed.
Sprints are very helpful in tracking down annoying Wisps. Move - Teleport - Move - Teleport - Move - Teleport.... (sigh) Move - Teleport. Gaaah!!
I can only imagine the feeling when you Sprint next to one, only to have it Teleport Self off. Wait, I don't need to imagine, haha. The second level of the Yellow Dragon really makes me miss the old step attacks, heh.
Hopefully by the time you Sprint you've managed to pull a Monty Python Lancelot Tactical Move on it. "Sir! I shall make a feint to the north-east..."
Like many here posted already I don't think these sprint teams you describe are that common/abused in MP, at least I haven't faced many at all. Much more ubiquitous is team run which is used efficiently with virtually any combination of party. I think Sir Veza hit it on the head here : Most decks with sprint team just can't get this card on a regular basis, maybe unless they are humans but then they're dealing with arguably having the worst racial skills in the game. So I'd be willing to throw them a bone here. And plain old sprint requires a sacrifice on what boots your going to run.
Well, we all know how much the RNG hates me, so I'm pretty sure I do see every single team sprint in my opponents' decks.
The problem with Sprint /Sprint Team is that you rarely get to use all 8 spaces of movement anyways. Drawing it in the early game is the time where it shines the most. I would try Bloody Command if I had it but that's a stretch ... there's Command too but I think I would stick with Perfect Command. Move 3/4 seems to be the most practical move range.