[Suggestion] No duplicates in Quick Draw

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Kalin, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    There has been lots of talk lately about randomness in Quick Draw leagues and what classes/cards are over/under powered. I've made this suggestion in several other threads, but I think it's time for its own thread.

    1. No more double warrior or double wizard teams; these are super powerful on certain maps[*]. Instead, give each player one of each race and one of each class (randomly combined). This not only eliminates the most degenerate teams, but also creates the maximum card pool to draw from.

    2. Once a player chooses a card, that card is removed from the card pool of all their chars. No more double Impenetrable Nimbus, double Mass Frenzy, or double Flash Flood decks.

    [*] I actually won both my games where I had 3 priests, but both times it was because my opponent ran out of time. They were not fun games.
  2. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    i agree that the very class/race setup needs more framework to fight the bitter taste of being at a disadvantage from the start.
  3. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    A suggestion I had way back was to make each team have the same total HP... thoughts?
  4. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    I'd want to sit down and look at what matchups would be possible (and impossible) with this.
  5. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    maybe with a certain leeway, but some kind of rough rating system was my initial thought as well. Problem is that felt disadvantage isnt really objective, some think 2 wizards are a bad deal, others appreciate it.
    So maybe HP is the best way to go about it.
  6. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    It depends on the map: I want wizards for Deep Forge, but do not want them for Chess Madness. My suggestion (one of each) ensures both teams are neither too good nor too bad, and is the simplest way to guarantee the same total HP.
  7. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    I don't know how best to resolve the "characters" suggestion, but I suppose the "no duplicate cards" suggestion is fine. The only thing that would annoy me is I could no longer sink all my handicaps into Combustible.

    But then, getting Combustible on multiple characters is safest when I see the enemy has no Wizards. If both of your suggestions were taken, they'd interact well for strategy.
  8. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    I know I've only played QD twice, so take my perceptions with a grain of salt.

    When playing my first QD I really didn't know what I was doing, but I learned a lot. So when I played my second QD I realized most of the game takes place before you even play. You need to assess the opponents characters and the map. You then need to assess your party and how it will interact together. Then you need to assess how your party should beat the opponents party. Then start drafting. The best part is you actually get to know what your opponent is before you make your deck. I know that all seems obvious, but I think that's what is the brilliance of QD. Changing it feels like it would diminish the planning and strategy aspect of QD. Restricting characters seems like it would reduce the puzzle. After the draft, the rest of the game is probably (I say probably because I really don't know) what regular MP is like, except, it's not quite like that since the decks are so small and you aren't ranked. QD seems like it's supposed to be a quirky, swingy, fast, light, bite-size taste of Cardhunter. The suggestions in this thread seem like they are geared toward trying to make QD more like ranked MP, and I don't think that's the way it should go.

    I don't know. Once I play QD more I may think differently. Maybe my outlook is different due to my distaste of regular MP. I've resisted posting in this thread, and maybe I shouldn't have posted at all since I probably won't play QD regularly. So why post? It's the only MP aspect so far I've actually enjoyed and felt like defending it.
    Flaxative, Jarmo and Scarponi like this.
  9. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    I've posted elsewhere my thoughts so I'll leave those out, but I completely agree with hatchhermit on the genius of QD and that's why my vote remains that it stays as is. I also read another post in the birthday thread about how much the format of QD pushes those who are willing to improve their knowledge and play of CH. I know it has done that for me even as a player who has been around for a while. Post quoted below:
    Flaxative likes this.
  10. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    That was a great post you had in the other thread. I agree with it wholeheartedly.
  11. Soltis

    Soltis Goblin Champion

    Aww but then the game wouldn't be able to give the other team two wizards and leave me stranded with one anti-wizard wizard (2 smokebombs) which was itself sorta entertaining.

    Still in general I can't help but agree it would be nice if one or both of those things happened. I have gotten to the point in Quickdraw where I will pretty much concede before the draw even starts if I see multiple priests on the other team. Especially if I have none. Because that generally means I'm staring down the barrel of at least one impenetrable nimbus if not more and at the very least a wall full of heals that will probably regularly negate my attacks. I can see where quickdraw could be fun but it just feels like a lot of times the whole thing was decided before the game even started by the makeup of the teams and the cards that were offered (or maybe more accurately not offered) to each player.

    People keep saying it's about skill and I can see that to a point but its sorta hard to skill your way out of a 13+ attack when the game didn't even offer you the chance to select any blocking cards ..... or to land a decent attack when one hasn't been offered to you. I guess what I'm getting around to is that it feels like a lot of the Quickdraw battles end up with one side taking a spoon to a shotgun fight :p
  12. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    To a point. But sometimes things don't work out regardless of how good you are. I don't think that's a bad thing for QD.
    Flaxative likes this.
  13. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I actually REALLY like the idea of giving each team 75 hp total.
    I'd still like to see random races/classes, and honestly I don't care if my opponent has more than one of anything per character except for certain lethal card drawing shenanigans. That being said, you can't rely on anything and sometimes you can get Nimbused out with no way to purge or hold the VP. It probably wouldn't hurt to max out the cards to 1 copy/the whole team if it's doable. No more double volcano XD

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