The Daily Deal

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Fry_The_Guy, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I'm going to holdout for Nasrum's Moccasins/ General Jelom's Helm. It's good to have Enchanted Harness on a Helmet.
  2. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    General Jelom's Helm is worse, since a warrior can rarely spend a yellow token on a helmet (consider that he'll almost inevitably has to spend a token on armor to have some armor cards to enchant). If you want Yolotli Armor, that will cost you two yellow tokens, which is too much. I've bought the Cap from my Randimar's.
  3. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    You're crazy Ector. Just crazy. Duncan's Chain Cap isn't that great. Not yet anyways - Leather Harness in particular is just plain bad right now.
    See thread, Why Harnesses are Bad:
    [Suggestion] About Harness

    Also, I would use Spiked Thlathuiztil or whatever it's called + Jelom's Helm over Yolotli Armor + anything .

    //Also, what poor unfortunate warrior is being stuck with a tokened helm/armor to begin with ? Oy.
    I don't know how you deck build Ector, and I don't want to start a discussion here. However, Slippery Shield is hardly a necessity anymore and there are more than enough tokens to go around on a warrior if you have a few key rare/uncommon items.
  4. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    So why are they bad? I don't understand your comparison, sorry. Harness isn't a separate armor, it's a card to enhance other armor.

    A good argument. Yes, I will pay a (minortoken)more, but you'll have Ouch! and Officer's Harness while I'll have two Leather Harnesses. Probably not worth a token, but in this config Leather Harness is really good, since we have just two Enchanteds, and Leather Harness + Barbed Armor is much better than just Barbed Armor.

    Who argues about the shield? But the good boots with Team Run still costs a token, as well as the good skills.
  5. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Leather Harness is bad because it will save you less damage overall than a Reliable Mail, even in conjunction with Barbed Armor. Leather Harness will let Barbed Armor absorb .7 more damage but it will only block .5 damage itself so you are better off with just about any other decent armor as the second card.
  6. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

  7. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    The orb is a nice source of Globs of Flame and the Boiling Armor is very useful since it totally annihilates armor.

    Staff Of Peril makes you play around with Arcane Curse , which has both a very short range and a nasty drawback if you can't play/discard it. Versus Greenspark Staff, it does have one extra Deadly Spark so it's up to you.
  8. Accent

    Accent Hydra

  9. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    But we want Barbed Platemail to trigger and deal damage to the enemy as well! So Leather Harness will net you (on average) 2/3 more damage absorbing from Barbed Plate, 0.5 more from itself and 2/3 more piercing damage to the enemy. That's 1.8333 total damage, which is still less than Reliable Mail's prevention, but almost the same. You have to consider, though, that the Reliable Mail prevents two damage only if there is damage to prevent - in other words, if you have both Barbed Platemail and Reliable Mail, and the enemy hits for 4 damage, which is totally absorbed by the Barbed, the Reliable absorbs zero damage. Moreover, if the enemy hits for 2 damage and Reliable Mail absorbs it first, the Barbed's ability won't trigger (as it will prevent no damage), and you want it to trigger! That's why Leather Harness is better with Barbed Platemail on average (though slightly).
    I just hope we will eventually get the armor cards with really powerful triggered effects. At least the armor with 2+ Barbed Platemails, since without it Leather Harness is definitely a crap.

    Boots Of Etzicatl are great, I've bought them already :) Rantic's Orb Of Inner Fire... I strongly believe that a burning wizard should concentrate on burning, leaving the armor thrashing to another wizard. But I guess I should buy it just for collection :)

    For the new players: there are some really cool rares there!
    Auric Charm. I've used it extensively in SP, for my usual wiz-wiz-priest party, and it was great versus the giant monsters. Entangling Roots really turns the tide to your side.
    Crusty Helm. One of the best tokenless helmets.
    Trainee Command. A tokenless human skill with Pushing card and a nice block.
  10. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    hatchhermit likes this.
  11. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    I seem to get Auric Charms in pairs. I always thought it was good (kept all 8 of them) but literally never used it.
  12. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Today's Deal is:

    St. Sebanna's Armor - all cards are good, but can be found elsewhere. I cannot imagine paying 2500g for this, unless you're trying to build an ultimate healer. If it wouldn't cost a yellow token at least...

    Atchocl's Spear - probably nice for one token, but there are better alternatives.
    Sharp Shell - very specific armor...
    Whiteglow Flail - became much worse after the rebalance.
  13. UiA

    UiA Ogre

    This was a pretty nice set when firestorm decks were making their rounds. Can't say whether or not worth the gold but its pretty top notch armor and gives options and flexibility. Not just about making a healer priest, also just giving you a couple team heals and potentially freeing up a divine item or weapon slot for something else in return.

    Yep everything with nimble got taken down a notch. The net damage of the weapon remains the same as before however. I still like it for what its worth.

    The spear is pretty bleh maybe some potential for sp with those punishing? Sharp shell might one day graduate to mediocre if they ever do something with shimmering.
  14. ClimbHigh

    ClimbHigh Mushroom Warrior

  15. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    My Firestorm priest uses Holy Knight Armor, and he's happy with it. Arrogant Armor saves from my own Firestorms and many nasty attachments, and I have two of them compared to the single Reliable Mail on Sebanna's armor. Holy Armor heals the entire party a lot. Plus, my Absolem's Leather Shoes increase the chances of triggering all the armors. All that for a blue token! You rarely can spare a yellow token for Sebanna's armor in SP.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2014
  16. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

  17. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I have that one too, but like the Holy Knight Armor's picture much more :)
    doog37 likes this.
  18. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    I bought Sebanna's. I had to sell a legendary treasure and grind a wee bit, but I've wanted one since forever ago for a number of reasons.

    1. I love the item art.
    2. I love the aesthetics of the cards on the item—Reliable Mail, Team Heal, Team Heal: it's gorgeous.
    3. I can see scenarios where I'd like to run it. It won't be immediately improving any particular build of mine, and I don't think it's necessary for anything, but I can see it providing marginal gains in some cases.
    4. @CT5 once convinced me not to buy one from Randimar's, half a year ago or so, and I have always been bitter about that.

    But now I have the plus-sign breastplate! And 2500 fewer gold pieces. :)
    CT5, hatchhermit and Sir Veza like this.
  19. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I bought it because I didn't have it yet. Sounds pretty shallow compared to Flax's story.
    CT5 and Flaxative like this.
  20. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    It's weird because it's kind of a hybrid symbol... I think it's meant to look like an ankh like the symbol on Consecrate Ground but it looks more like the Templar symbol. But it's really just a Holy Hellyn's Breastplate with a prettier trim, of course the St. Portia's Mail is the prettiest of all, even if it is slightly backwards to have Mass Frenzy on a 2 Arrogent Armor,
    Sir Veza likes this.

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