The Daily Deal

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Fry_The_Guy, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    A stall deck would rather run Infused Greatclubs if all they want to do is draw the powerful attacks. Without taking into account Crusher and token costs, Hackmaster trades one great card for better damage on the weak ones which is a lot better for the average build. Eight damage is nothing to sneeze at.
  2. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    I usually see the off damage as block checkers or sustained damage after the build up. At the highest Elo people would usually dance around each other until they get a decent combo in cards and then go in. Meaning that the highest damage card is the one they will look for while using other cards to check blocks. After that then when they are engaged the rest of the cards matter. Infused Greatclub means you can save up two attacks for 34 damage while Hackmaster is saving two attacks for 28 damage.

    It depends on your build and preference, I just like Infused Greatclub more due to the saved Golden token. If Hackmaster was 2 blue I'd use it over others.
  3. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
  4. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

  5. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Almighty Hack is on exactly one item in the game and that item is The Hackmaster. If you want to experience the thrill of wielding the only Amethyst / purple quality attack available for your card deck you need The Hackmaster. Accept no substitutes.
    doog37 likes this.
  6. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    I think the steady diet of 8 point attacks supplemented by the almighty is a nice item. Now that the steps have been nerfed the BSS is not as good (but still better than most) and while I think the Infused is a deal at 2B, I prefer the consistant damage of the Hackmaster and there is nothing more fun than having an Almighty in hand. Granted it is really situational, but with a Hackmaster a Bejeweled and a Tenderizer (for the 3 Sundering) or a Maquah Of Ancient Blood I only have at most 3 attacks below 8 (and those are the 2 Vicious thrusts) and never get upset having to discard a Strong Hack there is another one coming. "They call me a "hack" so I return the favor."

    I am sure if I ran with 3 Infused having 6 Obliterating would proabably be more fun but all of the chaff you get stuck with can be frustrating.
    I am considering a Quick run Oblit build which I would have to weigh having the Hackmaster instead of 1 Infused Greatclub.
  7. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    I will be direct, with the steady stream of Legendaries available you should pass on the Hackmaster if you are not excited about it. I bought one ages ago and get a lot of use out of it in MP, but I am also obsessesed with maximum damage on an item. But after playing the Bludgeonater is probably superior to the Hackmaster, but it has never been available to me.
    I am not as good as Stexe, often handicapping myself buy trying to have fun or creative builds (and I lack of top items), which can work but once you go up aginst a tight 3 d-wiz or 1 preist 2 war build you are gonna get trashed. I also still have issues with wizard (both using them and against them) which tends to handicap me. If CH had a no vic square MP map I would be a monster as I am not the best with control as I always want the kill.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
    hatchhermit likes this.
  8. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Personally I prefer the weapons with a bit of tech to the weapons with just high damage. It's awesome when you kill the unsuspecting enemy with Almighty Hack, but it's as spectacular when the Hack gets blocked or dodged :)
  9. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    I gave in and bought my Hackmaster. :(
    doog37 and hatchhermit like this.
  10. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Don't be sad. Everybody should have at least one. :)
    Ector, hatchhermit and wavy like this.
  11. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Stexe likes this.
  12. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Force bolt is not crap. It's very useful for positioning allies or moving enemies. On Booming Ring, it fits quite well.
  13. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Force bolt is a cute little push attack never a choice draw but often good for both block draws and vic square removal... and it probabaly is what allows this to be tokenless.

    I like Raxcotl's but to me there is little difference between 1Y1B and 2B for tokens. I am rarely seeking out an extra Yellow toekn I wish this was just 1B. BUT I love Bloodied Block which I think is the best block in the game, the only time it fails is when you are full health or from Hard To Block attacks. Even against hard to block 3 if you are not at full health it is still a 50-50 which is better than any universal block. I almost bought it last night but I am still holding out for a Blazing Shortsword (which somehow I STILL dont have).
  14. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
  15. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I would probably buy Staff Of Pain rather than Mindsplinter Staff. Very similar, only a slight difference in damage and cost.
    The important thing IMO is the 3X Flash Of Agony. Staff of Pain provides that, and it's usable on twice as many adventures.
    I guess they should call it Staff of Agony now though, huh?

    If Mindsplinter had a Deadly Spark or something on it, that would make a huge difference to me. As it sits, it's an underperforming level 13 item. To think, if it had one less Powerful Spark and one more Flash of Agony, it would actually be a better item.
  16. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Yes, Staff of Pain is better for SP, but I am thinking about MP now.
    Wizards have just few good (majortoken) skills, you know, so spending (majortoken)(minortoken) on a staff is rarely different from (minortoken)(minortoken) to them. But the damage difference may be crucial, especially if the target has armor. Also, Powerful Spark is better than Sorcerous Bolt in a right build, since it combines with Spark Generator. I wish those Flash Of Agony were electrical too!

    Guess what? I have Deadly, Deadly Staff at my Randimar's, and I'm not going to buy it! The reason is: I simply don't believe that you will often catch more than one char in MP (people aren't stupid to stay in line after the first Deadly Spark) and the (majortoken)(majortoken) staff isn't very good for SP anyway; I prefer burning staves for the high levels.
  17. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    I dont like Flash of Pain... I have a mindsplitter I rarely use which kills me as I love Oblit Spark (well Oblit anything really) but the Flash just doesn't suit my style. I had wanted to build a spark wiz but no spark damage on Arcane items which is a bit lame. I use the lame way too much...

    Ector don't overestimate people catching onto things, I know in the 1500+ range most people get it but sometimes it takes a while to do something about it. If you wait till later in the round you might get 2 or 3 Deadly Sparks off hit 2+ people, especially as the currentl meta is becoming melee focused. But I dont really like spending 2Y on any item so I can see passing on it. I passed on it last week mostly because I dont play enough to get the gold I want.
  18. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    The new Deal is.... who cares? Everybody is busy defeating the entire Cardhuntria :) Nevertheless, I proclaim the Day of Helmets!

    Asmod's Telekinetic Chain - crap

    Lt. Morrison's Helmet - a very, very good techy helmet. Probably the best in its category. Barge is pretty decent now, and the warriors never have enough attacks, right?
    Trickster's Blade - has only one trick, but it's ranged and hard to block. Personally I prefer Penetrating attacks.
    White Katana - very good techy weapon with moves and armor sundering.

    Crusty Helm. A really good tokenless helmet.
    Silver Helmet. Became much better after the rebalance. Dodge became stronger, and Scuttle, Team! is also quite nice.
  19. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    I'm still on the hunt for Noral's Cleansing Charm... only Epic item I'm missing.

    As for Legendaries I'm looking for some top tier ones like Strongarm, Raging Battler, Shield of Ultimate Dodging, Perfect Stoutness, Bleneth's Skull, Xander's Mail, and a few others.

    Soon let's hope! :-P
  20. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

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