[Roleplay] The First Little Pig vs the Armored Dog

Discussion in 'Custom Scenarios and Boards' started by Phaselock, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter


    The untold Story: Before the big bad wolf huffed and puffed on the first little pig's house of straw and wood, there was another visitor. This is the untold story of the First Little Pig and the Armored Dog. Unbeknownst to all but his immediate family, the first little pig was a demolitions expert, having served in the Boar Wars of Ommlet. He had earned his stripes on the battlefield, defusing enemy mines, detecting trip wires and served with the highest honor. The first little pig specialized in anti-creature mines and bore intimate, sensitive military knowledge of the workings of five types of mines. In his ammo depot, there were 20 such mines in prime working condition.

    The 20 mines are:

    a) 6 x fragmentation mine. Effect: -2hp piercing damage to tile occupant when triggered.
    b) 5 x blast mines. Effect: -3hp crushing damage to tile occupant when triggered.
    c) 4 x C4 charges. Effect: -4hp shock damage to tile occupant when triggered.
    d) 3 x shape charge. Effect: -5hp slashing damage to tile occupant when triggered.
    e) 2 x chemical mines. Effect: -6hp acid damage to tile occupant when triggered.


    How to play

    Roleplay: First Little Pig
    Lay your mines in the 5x5 difficult terrains to make a minefield. Prevent the Armored Dog from approaching your house. If it reaches your VP, you lose. Distribute your mines in the tiles marked (A1 to E5). Remember where they are !

    Roleplay: Armored Dog
    The objective of the Armored Dog is to navigate from the landing position to the VP. Pick 1 of 5 starting positions (S1 to S5). You win by landing on the VP alive. Remember, you only have 15 hp, so choose your moves wisely ! The simplest way to navigate through is to pre-plan your moves like so:

    S1 -> A1 -> B2 -> C3 -> D4 -> E5 -> VP

    Match your results to determine who won. Have Fun ! :)
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2014
    Stexe, Jon, Flaxative and 1 other person like this.
  2. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I'd call this a puzzle rather than roleplay.

    I think this setup will guarantee a win for the pig:
    _ 1 2 3 4[5]
    E 0 0 5 6 6
    D 0 0 5 4 5
    C 4 0 3 4 4
    B 4 0 3 0 0
    A 2 2 3 0 0
  3. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I don't see this as a puzzle. It seems to me it's not possible to make a guaranteed pig win. In your proposal there are two routes which give only 13 damage to the wolf (more 13 damage routes are possible if you meander). The game is a battleships variant.

    EDIT: Kalin, you used only 15 mines out of 20 and you used one too many C4 mine.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2014
  4. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Hmm, OK, I seem to have found a way to force a win for the pig. Looks like a puzzle after all -- or an unbalanced game :).
  5. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    This seems that it would do it not accounting for the dogs armor, and I didn't even use any fragmentation mines.
    _ 1 2 3 4[5]
    E 0 0 5 6 6
    D 0 0 5 5 3
    C 4 0 0 3 3
    B 4 3 0 0 0
    A 3 4 4 0 0
    Stexe and Jarmo like this.
  6. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Good solution, Scarponi! Much better than mine was.

    Thanks for a fun puzzle, Phaselock!
  7. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Congrats to all who solved the warm-up! :)

    The First Little Pig vs the Armored Dog (Part 2)

    'Ugh, I will have my revenge! My brothers will find this place and tear you from limb to limb!', says the Armored Dog as it succumbed to chemical burns. The First Little Pig quickly set about to rebuilding and upgrading his mines. He had just finished updating his stores before the yapping and loud barks heralded the visit of yet another canine intruder. The Armored Dog's brother, the War Dog !!


    The First Little Pig took stock of his mines and wondered if they were sufficient to repel the invader.

    a) 6 x fragmentation mines. Effect: -2hp piercing damage to tile occupant when triggered.
    b) 4 x blast mines II. Effect: -3hp crushing damage to tile occupant when triggered. Slide Back 1. Tile occupant is moved back the way it came.
    c) 3 x C4 charges. Effect: -4hp shock damage to tile occupant when triggered.
    d) 2 x shape charge. Effect: -5hp slashing damage to tile occupant when triggered.
    e) 1 x chemical mine II. Effect: -6hp acid damage to tile occupant when triggered. All adjacent mines are triggered. Tile occupant takes damage equal to number of adjacent mines triggered.

    Remember: once a mine has detonated, it is removed from the map. Help The First Little Pig !
  8. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    I think you could guarantee victory for the pig if the 1 chemical mine could go in the victory point square, but otherwise I believe it now is dependent upon the route chosen.
  9. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    The Slide Back won't have any effect: the tile it pushes the dog onto can't have a trap, because it would have been removed after triggering when the dog first stepped onto it; and the blast mine is also removed after triggering, so the dog can just move back onto that tile. What if the pig chooses the push direction when placing the mine?

    Another idea I had, what about a "pit trap" that is impassable, but is only revealed when the dog tries to walk onto it (effectively an invisible wall)?
  10. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline


    extra: 3x2d, 2x3d, 1x5d


    extra: 1x2d, 1x3d
  11. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Solution 2 works with the Armored Dog (HP:15) but not the War Dog (HP:20) which is actually in scenario 2.
  12. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    This is just for cosmetic effect.

    Aye, this thread was created for people who would want to print the images and play irl using pen and paper. I also wanted to take the opportunity and explore possible feature sets (and their boundaries) currently not in-game. Hopefully, this process will drive the devs insane and they finally incorporate them. :p Nah, just joking...

    Question at large: Do people like these in puzzle form or roleplay ? or smthg else ? If there is enough interest, maybe we could have a long running series for active participation or get BM to sponsor some prizes ? Ofc, my puzzle sets are always wicked HARD...ehehehe

    I'm hyped on hidden tile effects right now. My crystal ball says it could go into a new class/expansion/feature/cards/items etc...shrugs.
  13. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    Oh, missed that. Max guaranteed damage in any configuration is 15, so the war dog could always be safe.

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