Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. zeroth_hour

    zeroth_hour Goblin Champion

    I'm drooling at Advanced Crushing right now.

    The other Ls are Bloody Command which doesn't seem to be worth the buy and Cudgel Of Wrath, which is worse than Dark Drewg's and St. Alipp's (I have that and St. Amarack's so I don't really lack for low level Divines anymore)
  2. Sir_Gamealot

    Sir_Gamealot Kobold

    I have Shield Of Ultimate Dodging in my Randimars Rarities this week. Although Dodge is a very cool card, I am not so shure if I want a shield with no real block card...
    Opinions please! :)
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2014
  3. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    Dodge can be tricky because a 4+ is not reliable. There are times when you roll everything and you are untouchable, and other matches where you can't roll a single 4 and get very frustrated about it. But if you can have 2 dodges in hand, you have a 75% of chance to dodge any attack, which is excellent. The fact that it works against any attack (magic or melee) is what can make it very strong, but positioning is extremely important. Rolling a 4+ against a magic attack is worthless if you don't have cover near you, as it doesn't block the attack.

    I have 2 questions about Dodge:
    1) The last changes about encumbrance means that you will always be able to dodge even when encumbered?
    2) Is dodge unaffected by hard to block? I guess hard to block doesn't affect it because Dodge isn't a block, but I'm not entirely sure. If it's as I think, Dodge would be the best way to deal with Deadly Spark (apart from Grounding Plates and Resistant Hide), better than any block you can think of.

    I would definitely buy it. You could make a build around Dodge just by including a couple more. There are weapons, helmets and elf skills that also have Dodge. It can be a bit map dependant, but still, it's worth it imo.
  4. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    1) I think that's going to be the case, encumbrance won't be able to completely shut down any kind of move-centric ability. The effect might be reduced (like for Reflexive Teleport, Surging Block, etc), but otherwise you still get a chance to move at least 1 tile. Well, at least that's what I got from the recent blog post.
    2) I'm not completely sure, but given that "hard to block" is implemented via "ModifyBlockRollComponent", I'd say yes, Dodge shouldn't be affected by it just as much as other non-block rolls aren't. I haven't specifically tested thisbut, if you wanna be sure, you can try it out in a casual with a friend or something.
  5. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    1) The encumber change isn't set in stone. Buying a Dodge item on the assumption that it will always ignore encumber is speculation. Good luck!

    2) Hard to Block, as Bandreus guessed, does not affect Dodge. Bad Luck does.
  6. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    It's one of the best items in the game, buy it!!! Losing a card can be painful, right, but when your wizard with Savage Curse plays an area spell, he deals more damage to all targets! Cone of Cold deals 5 damage instead of 1, Firestorm deals 8 damage to everybody, Ember Burst deals 7 damage in a 3*3 area, and so on. This effect is well worth losing an extra card. And you get the three wonderful cards in a tokenless item! I have one Skull, but I'd happily buy the second one.

    Hmm... Is Weak Parry going to become stronger? If not, I'd think twice about it.
    Nice, but you could have more for a yellow token IMHO.
    One of the best weapons for one blue token, if not the best. You cannot skip it.

    You simply cannot miss the Skull and the Maquah. Everything else is optional.
  7. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Weak Parry has been buffed, and no one has complained about the buff, so it's a decently safe bet it'll stick around. But again, speculation :)
  8. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    OK then, the Buckler may be also worth buying, but there are many good shields in the game, while the Skull is still unique and should be bought first.
    Flaxative likes this.
  9. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Nice skill, if you want the real damage. Especially if you have Shieldripper :)

    I have two of them and play them regularly. Sprint, Team! is simply awesome, while the rest two cards are just very good. I'd say you're going to use it much more often than Advanced Crushing, since it doesn't require a special build and can be used by ANY human with the great results. Other skills with Sprint, Team! are worse, and the helmets with it are much worse by default since you want the supporting char to move the warriors, not the warrior to move the supporting chars :)
  10. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    My Randimar is focused on staves this week: Barnum's Staff and Black Walnut Staff (my 2nd). The Barnum's Staff is quite good, dealing less direct damage than my Staff Of Embers, but more burning damage. Black Walnut Staff is great for the mid-level farming, where my chars wouldn't have yellow tokens.
  11. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Ah, the joys of buying Legendaries during a rebalancing. Is it good enough to spend 2500 on, but not so good that they'll nerf it?
    (Huh, if shields were counted as warrior items, it would be level 9 instead of 18.)
  12. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    Ya, I've had some fun during last 2 resets too buying some items that might get better :p Twin Heals anyone? :)
    Flaxative likes this.
  13. MysticQuail

    MysticQuail Kobold

    4 legendarys this week

    Eye Of Wicna I guess with the WW change this really isnt too good
    Holy Helyn's Breastplate - not impressed tbh, if Im playing arrogant armors I want more of them
    Staff Of A Million Embers - Now this looks awesome - is it worth the two yellow token price tag?
    Snitrick's Shield - very nice shield, but I doubt I can scrape together the coin for this and the staff

    Epics of note:

    Flashing Longspear - seems like a decent weapon, but maybe the token cost is overpriced
    Raging Rock I have one already debating whether to buy a second..
  14. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    Eye Of Wicna: Wall of Stone will become Flash Flood, and is nice having 2 of them in one item. A shame that the third card is WW. I guess it depends if you have other items with 2 or more Wall of Stone or not. But there are even epics with 2 WoS that seem better than this one.

    Holy Helyn's Breastplate: nah

    Staff of a Million Embers: After the FS nerf, there will be very few items that could work if you want to play with fire wizards. One of those is this staff. Fireball is better than Ember Burst, but you can only have 3 oFB per staff (and that is only if you have the legendary Searing Pain), while you can have 6 EB only with this one. I would buy it, it could be very useful for some leagues. It's much better if you have also a buffing priest (Unholy Wellspring or Savage Curse).

    Snitrick's Shield: very useful for SP, not so great for MP, but it's imo the best tokenless shield with 3 "Block Any" cards. I have one and would probably buy a second.

    Flashing Longspear: I always thought it was a cool weapon, but never used it. Although now that step attacks will be nerfed, maybe you can include one of these in your party. It shouldn't be be a high priority to buy, anyway.

    Raging Rock: probably the best dwarf racial out there. If you have an extra token, you can upgrade your Apprentice Ferocity or Raging Battler to this wonderful racial. Try not to miss it, as it's only epic, so it's easier to buy.

    So, imo, the priorities here should be 1) Staff of a Million Embers, 2) Raging Rock 3) Snitrick's Shield.
    Bandreus likes this.
  15. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Hey guys, just one this week i cant quite decide on. Pergop's Slippers seem good with 2 Violent Spin but im not 100% sure if i would use it a ton. I dont want to pass up a lvl 18 legendary i might regret passing on but i havent played with violent spin enough.

    I also got Suvv's Boots Of Escape but i dont like the idea of giving up a yellow token for 3 Escaping Run
  16. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Violent Spin is great at stealing victory points and playing keep away. It's also something not many people use so no one plays around it. If you have more of a defensive build Pergop's Slippers can be very nice.

    The only reason to run Suvv's Boots Of Escape is for the cycling. Draws will be capped and you need to be up close and personal to use it to full effect. The draw is too conditional for you to run boots that essentially have 3 Runs on them most of he time.
  17. MysticQuail

    MysticQuail Kobold

    This week there is a Bleneth's Frenzy Tome. It looks nice, but I don't think savage curse really fits with a priest + warrior lineup.

    I allready have Bleneth's Frenzy Medallion which I think is better, but can anyone convince me I also need the tome?
  18. Stage

    Stage Orc Soldier

    My legendary-less streak has been broken by... *drumroll* Boxton's Red Pendant! From the "I can't believe it's not common" range, I believe.

    Randimar has somewhat made up for this cheek by offering a pretty remarkable selection of epics.

    Frozen Shield might be worth playing once Slippery Shield is nerfed to hopelessness.
    Shimmering Helm Really on the fence about this. I can imagine it being very good and very useless quite easily.
    Incense Of The Caged Demon Oh if only I could put this in every slot /s Included in list for comic value :p
    Whiteglow Flail Do I want a second one? Barely use my first since I got Healing Hand Mace.
    Blazing Shortsword Do I want a third? :p
    Nanahut's Morningstar ???

    Oh, and a Raxcotl's Hammer which I immediately bought and will try in place of a BSS on a warrior who already has a decent stash of steps. Feinting Strike seems like it could force some panicked play.
  19. rowspower

    rowspower Goblin Champion

    Tome is useful if you run a 1/1/1 and want to buff your wizard. It's also just another 2x frenzy item, so if you have the gold to spare and you run a frenzy priest, it might be worth it to you.
  20. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    I would still use it if the third card were a drawback. Mass Frenzy is that good. Savage Curse isn't always good but it's not unplayable in melee teams.

    Frozen Shield is getting nerfed as well.
    Good tokenless helms are hard to come by and Shimmering Helm is good at what it does but you are right in thinking it's incredibly narrow.
    You've obviously insta bought Incense Of The Caged Demon, next.
    But does your precious Healing Hand Mace have Barge?
    I would want three Blazing Shortswords for triple warrior builds but can't see using any more than that.

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