Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. The Run

    The Run Mushroom Warrior

    reliable mail is the anti burn card ;)
  2. rowspower

    rowspower Goblin Champion

    Well I'm really glad I didn't buy the eye with the upcoming changes, would've felt even more burnt than I already do.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  3. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Flash Flood will be a good card too; probably even stronger than Wall of Stone. If you're playing the long-ranged wizards, of course :)
  4. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I see Flash Flood as much weaker than Wall of Stone in the campaign. I used WoS mainly against monsters with flight and/or ranged attacks, and Flash Flood won't do jack squat against either.
  5. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    To be fair, I don't think you'd want Wall of Stone anymore if the Firestorm changes go through.
  6. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Unless I'm terribly wrong (and I don't think I am), FS doesn't require LoS in the new build despite the 5-squares range. So WoS would work perfectly fine when coupled with a FS build, even after the changes.
  7. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    I don't use Wall of Stone in single player often. I assumed the enemies would go around it if you had to move out into the open to get into range.
  8. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    It really depends on the specific map/mission/enemy you're fighting. But yeah, the changes to FS don't otherwise make WoS work less effectively in conjunction with it, plus this is getting kinda off-topic, so I'll leave it at that.
  9. UiA

    UiA Ogre

    Can't speak for campaign but for mp flash flood is much much better than wall of stone for wizards
    Sir Veza likes this.
  10. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I expect so. If I played MP more I'd probably be happier about the change.
  11. Tardis

    Tardis Kobold

  12. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

  13. UiA

    UiA Ogre

    St. Portia's mail is one of those "gotcha" cards to me.. The arrogant implies your mass frenzy doesn't play well with the caster. A minor squabble I suppose, being most priests are supporting other heavy hitters anyways. Truly if I was running arrogant on a priest I think I'd prefer Untouchable Plate for a lesser token cost, since mass frenzy is fairly easy to stack with other priest items. Still good armor though just a matter of preference.

    Pretty neat considering surging shield will be the premier movement block shortly. (still falls way short compared to pre-balance hard to pin unfortunately, but perhaps they will change it after feedback?) I'd say looks good for SP, maybe for MP in certain maps too.. the question as always, 2500 gold worth of goodness>?

    I got a pretty nice haul for once in Randimar's


    Lochaber Axe : (my first - bought)
    Healing Hand Mace : (another first - bought :D)
    Magma Scepter : (my 3rd - bought)
    Hrillia's Healing Ring : (have 1 already + the 3 team heal one, on the fence if I should get another)
    Dorimer's Boots : (have 1 already should I grab another? Thinking no as quick run is about to be overshadowed by multi quick scuttle boots)
    Wlakwa's Boots : (use them occasionally just don't know if I need another pair though)
    Torching Staff : (have 1 never use it, probably will still never use even with the upcoming flame spit buff)

    and 2 legendaries

    Aork's Vial Of Memories : (there was already some discussion on this earlier in the thread. but now as I understand it, post- balance this item is going to now be 3 counterspells instead of forgetfulness. With the wizard craze about to hit the fan I'm thinking about investing in one)

    Bolg's Big Iron Plate : (Again an item that will change post-balance to be better than it was, thinking of getting this for the same reason I posted about Axe of Titans above, the 2 surging and the atks are fairly consistent for the cost)
    hatchhermit likes this.
  14. NobleHelium

    NobleHelium Kobold

    Last edited: Aug 3, 2014
  15. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    So Randimar is toying with me since he knows the changes are still up in the air so to speak. I got offered:

    Duncan's Chain Cap
    Oquith's Foul Incense

    Both choke full of items getting a boost... or will the boosts never make it to live??? What do I do?!
  16. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    I think the armor boost has little chances to stay with all the negative feedback it has received, and Cause Fumble has more chances imo. But I can't ensure anything :p
    On the other hand, Crespin's Shroud is very similar to the Incense and it's only epic, so if you have many of those (I have 5 for example) you may pass on that one if you don't have too much gold. I know that Twin Heals is getting a boost, but Purge will be very useful after the (im)balance changes.

    Meanwhile, 2nd week with no legendaries for me. At least I got my first Savage Tome, so I'm missing only 12 epics now.
  17. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Surely not. There are much better boots in the game.
    I'd say if you need one pair, you need another too :) There are scenarios where you'll want to have as many Violent Spins as you can.
    I am using them a lot for a low-level farming. But you may have the better staves, of course.
    It's even better than Axe of the Titans, since you save the yellow tokens for something better (maybe even the Axe of the Titans, if you want a char with a lot of blocks).
  18. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    It's one of the best staves in the game, and it's going to be even better after the rebalance, since Firestorm is dying. I have three Staves of the Fire God, but I'd buy this staff immediately.
  19. CKaz

    CKaz Goblin Champion

    Maybe I should put this somewhere else, but is anyone else put off on Randimar changes?
    * Going from weekly to daily means never saving for/buying a legendary unless I sit on cash
    - with 10 legends a flip, this seems even crazier to up so much, one change or the other was drastic enough IMO
    - even epics at 500gp a pop aren't a done deal without dedicated level 6 farming, needs a change here also IMO

    Are 'hardcore casuals' being considered, e.g. ones without extensive time to burn but committed? Paying ones too, I've dropped $60 on the game (basic + expand + club extensions).
    Mindlessly doing the 2 lvl 6 maps, nerfing FS some and now the loot fairy just went through both of them = I'll just have chances to see a metric ton of things I can't afford.

    Maybe I need to put this elsewhere but meh. Even some of the balance changes make me wonder if casual cards/time can continue to strive to be competitive.. TBD
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2014
    wavy likes this.
  20. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I've never cared about the competitive aspect of the game but I'd guess ... maybe?
    If Randi's does cycle 10/10/10 per day (I like the daily, but not the amounts), it can have it's own pitfalls. If you grind as you're able, determine the items needed to perfect your build(s), and buy them as they show up without blowing your gold on things you don't really need, you should have a good shot. The desired items should show up in weeks or a few months, rather than years.
    There are worse things to sit on than cash. ;)
    Bandreus likes this.

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