[Feedback] Upcoming Balance Change MEGATHREAD

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Questor, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    WW was OP. Just because it randomizes your own positions doesn't mean it is bad. You know when to use it and can compensate by waiting to play it.

    I do agree that the changes to Cause Fumble and Defender's Block make no sense though.
  2. UiA

    UiA Ogre

    Well its a primary source of income for a lot of players so crap for you might not be crap for everyone else.
    Also just because it still works good on one thing doesn't mean its bad on the rest, would suggest the opposite, actually. I'm not going to bother testing other modules not really worried about it. Players will make up their own minds in time I guess.
  3. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    Yeah, that's why I said it wasn't SO op as WWe, I remembered you saying WW could be exploited too. But to be fair, it was much better for you because of your 2 VPs that allowed you to easily position yourself after a WW (added to the Team Runs). Non VP owners tended to use it more as a defense resource than anything else.
  4. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    Cause Fumble and Defender's Block... I like to idea of warrior having a square (one that carries his shield) :p but atm they are too very strong. Why do they have 3/6 range? How can I shield someone so far away from me?? They could have 2 range instead so priest and the other char would be then in range for opponent to chop them both at once.
    And yes, I agree with Veza that 18 days for a legendary to appear is too little.
  5. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Card rarity has absolutely no effect on item level. The item level is simply the sum of the Quality values (divided by 2 for weapons). Likewise, tokens are also based on sum of Quality values: divide by 9, and if a weapon divide that result by 2 and round up for first token and down for second.

    The tablet version is being developed by a separate company and will not share accounts.

    Trait abuse is probably the main reason they added this.
  6. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Forgive me for misunderstanding and mistating, but what does card rarity reflect? Does it only affect the rarity of the item?
    I would say a rarer item should be more powerful, but perhaps I am using my own view.

    I seem like one of the few who disliked trait abuse (as you called it) and would only use an item (e.g. Shuddering Relic) despite the black card not because of it (e.g. Trembling Staff). But I am also one fo the few who likes lots of items being available at Randi's so maybe I am just a different type of player.
  7. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Well it would be closer to 28 days and even so why is that not long enough?
    About once a month you might have the chance to purchase a particular legendary item. That assumes you sign in every day (guess what most people don't) AND that you have the gold to buy it... yes you can choose to spend $10 or $20 dollars (depending on how much gold you need) to buy pizza and get gold, but most people won't.

    I play this game because it is fun and challenging, someone having more or better items than me doesn't bother me if the cards are balanced.
    If you are worried about the lack of challenge if you manage to collect everything, guess what YOU DONT HAVE TO BUY ANYTHING.
    If you think there willbe no incentive to play (other than to win or have fun) if there is nothing left to collect... if BM makes money they can build more expansions, with more cards and more chalenges.

    Okay I have to stop checking this forum.
    Genki likes this.
  8. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    264/10 = 26.4 days is the number of days after what you will have on average 1 of each legendary appeared. But if you are hunting a specific legendary, you will usually get it faster than that. 1-(254/264)^18=0.5 and logging in 18 days and spending 2500 gold once is too little effort in my opinion. Items are meant to be hunted! :p
  9. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    Is there any CCG that you can directly buy any single card you want in a shop ? At least with TCG you can trade for it. Making every legendary so accessible is like saying: No we dont want CH to be a CCG game anymore.
    Lord Feleran likes this.
  10. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Actually, most CCGs work this way. In the most popular CCGs (Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon) there are trading sites where you can buy any card - but the prices on the most popular cards may be steep, of course.
    As for the online CCGs, I'm currently playing just two of them: CH and SolForge. And guess what? In SolForge you can buy any card you want for silver coins (the game currency equivalent to gold in CH). You may earn the silver by winning 3 games per day (vs. AI which is easy) or buy it for the real money. Essentially, everybody can buy everything he wants. And the game isn't doomed, the fat wallets don't dominate it.
    IMHO, it's just silly to complain about the card availability. Some players spent days and months grinding for the items, and they feel that their hard gain is devalued, but that's wrong feelings. If the best items were rewarded for the top places in the season, or for some real achievements in SP, there would be a reason to boast, but we all know it's just luck. Somebody could grind lvl 18 scenarios 10000 times for a VP, while another player could just buy it from his Randimar's. Nothing to boast about.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014
  11. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Obviously both sides are right depending on how they want to play the game. People that value the hunt for new items don't want accelerated item acquisition. People that want to have all the items available to play multiplayer love the proposed change. At the end of the day, it's up to the developers to decide what kind of game they want this to be and not much more can be said for either side.
    hatchhermit likes this.
  12. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I don't have a problem with giving more items to players, as long as it isn't excessive to the point where it isn't fun to hunt for items anymore. But I do have a huge problem with giving identical items to players. I've had enough problems with Whiteglow Flail, and that was a pizza-only option that flew under many a player's radar.
    Keep it random. As for giving us X guaranteed legendary items to buy a week, remember that we are used to getting between 0 and 1 most weeks. Going from almost nothing to 70 legendaries is a bit extreme, but if you can guarantee 10 Legendaries a week, or 1 legendary every day, or something, that will provide the players with a gold sink (and hopefully some impulse buys) but also give people a leg up in adding the items they want to their collection.
    Lord Feleran likes this.
  13. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I kind of like the idea of having the same shop items available to everyone. It's still random, but without different individuals getting blessed/screwed by the RNG.
    When I first used the test server I went crazy buying chests (pre-item-cheats) and got 99% of all items. It was really fun at first, and I got to try out everything I wanted. I blew through the campaign a few times with different configs and shredded the AI in MP, then got bored. Once I no longer had a reason to care about loot drops, it just wasn't fun. This may not apply to everyone, but I think it would apply to many.
    A daily Randimar reset is the ideal gold sink.
  14. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    The biggest problem with identical Randimar's is the samey builds it leads to. The day Randimar's has Tess' Hammer Of Hitting Over The Head to buy is the day everyone and their fake account is playing it in MP. After the seventh match of the day where both player park next to each other and hit each other upside the head with increasing ennui it might be getting a bit stale.

    On the other hand, if the proposed plans go through, this will only be a problem until every player has all the items they'll ever buy and with the current numbers it won't be long at all.
    wavy likes this.
  15. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    It does. Playing it (selecting a facing) will remove it from your hand, so its only drawback now is being a (usually) dead card.
    Push cards are now also labeled as move 0, but aren't buffed because the push doesn't trigger for the character playing the card.
  16. piotras

    piotras Goblin Champion

    Thank you, I do indeed (not from games however, that's just a chewing gum for the brain, not an accomplishment).
    In terms of the FS situation I'm happy to see that the balance for FS came exactly in the way that I (and many others) have proposed a long time ago (even if it took ages and it's financially motivated).
    It's your opinion and has nothing to do with your co-called 'truth'.
    It is effectively narrowing down potential viable builds to a single one which works wonders in comparison. Thus, in practice it's "the only SP strategy".
    For example (but there's more, look around).
    The reason why it saves a lot of farming time it's because it's easier, safer, faster, not dependent on board placement and not-requiring to adapt decks between quests (no wonder there were gold-grinding bots that you could automate to play this deck). In my opinion (or 'the truth' as you call it) it's because it's broken. In MP the situation is the same. As in the case of WW/WWE it renders one of the main pillars of the game - positioning - completely not important. In MTG that would be ok, but this is a CCG/BG hybrid.
    No surprises here - there are always masses of copy cats that go for the cookie cutter stuff rather than come up with builds of their own, pays $ to get it, when MP meta becomes bland and boring the build gets nerfed and the story repeats itself with the next cookie cutter build in line (harness anyone?). Welcome to CCGs, enjoy your stay.

    FS will remain playable because the changes come coupled with WW/WWE and step attack nerfs which are strongly in favour of FS. FS players, especially in MP, will have to adapt but they have the means to stay at a distance with the current changes. But are FS-players willing to adapt? Those that bought their FS gear because it's quick and easy probably won't, but in-long term it's good for the meta game if the FS deck to stay in the hands of people that know what they are doing. For the first time FS builds will become interesting and balanced, not 'crap'.
    Jacques and Stexe like this.
  17. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    What's your source for this information? I've never heard of Card Hunter bots before.
  18. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    That's a first for me as well.
  19. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    You're welcome, and true dat. When I wasn't stuck sitting around for 10-14 hours a day, I rarely played computer games.
    Is it?
    I doubt it. My All-Elf firestorm team has been languishing in the roster at 11th level. I knew it was a bad idea, but wanted to see if I could make it work. My 3DC (three dwarf clerics) had a hell of a time making it through, but they eventually did. I really don't consider it any of my business what others play in SP. I just hope they have fun.
    Um, Have you ever played firestorm past the low levels? The 'not dependent on board placement' matches my experience. The rest really doesn't. The reason it's faster is that you can hit a dozen opponents at a time and don't have to chase them around the board. When facing equal or fewer opponents, individual attacks are usually faster and safer. As always, there are exceptions. Like those GD Wisps with teleport moves.
    LOL! I hear such things are easily negated by wearing a tin-foil hat. ;)
    Flaxative likes this.
  20. Soltis

    Soltis Goblin Champion

    Yeah the 6 range is half way across some maps, I would really think it shouldn't be more than 2 or maybe three spaces. So at least some level of positioning comes into play. Especially since it sounded like (tho I could be wrong) they were having their directional orientation requirement removed, turning them into an omnidirectional block.

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