Is the game stuck? Can't progress because of a bug? Post here please! - INCLUDE LOG-IN NAME

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Megadestructo, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Heldot

    Heldot Kobold

    In-game name is 'Heldot'
    Update: on reload the game brought me to the completion screen, so I'm not sure what happened on reload. I would have edited my post, but I can not find a way to.

  2. Sourgrapes

    Sourgrapes Kobold


    Can't begin a battle in Campaign mode. Just get never ending loading. I reset and left the scenario and tried different lvl ones with a different part members. I haven't played in a couple of months and thought it might be a bug with old equipment so I tried going into the battles with no items equipped and still never ending loading screen after I hit the begin battle.
  3. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Sorry, this should be fixed in the new build I deploy tomorrow.
  4. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Hmm, no, that's not it. I tested using Ouch! to kill myself and it didn't cause a problem even with All Out Attack in hand. I think whatever the error was may have occurred earlier in the battle. If anyone else sees this issue, I'd appreciate another report.
  5. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    The forums won't allow you to upload images larger than 1 MB. Converting to JPG should fix it.
  6. Endox

    Endox Kobold

    Hi, I'm stuck at recruiting my first party members in Orc's Head Tavern. I can't recruit anyone since I have 0 gold. My in-game name is Endox.
  7. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    You should be offered the first warrior for free. Can you check the price tag on the recruit button?
  8. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    OK, I see the problem and will work on a fix.
  9. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    This should be fixed now. Let me know if not.
  10. Endox

    Endox Kobold

    It works. Thank you very much!
    Jon likes this.
  11. emacs

    emacs Kobold

    I'm stuck in the campaign and this one is mostly my fault. In game name: emacs

    Nothing too interesting in the logs. To unstick me you'll either need to assign me a valid party or force kick me out of the adventure (ingame methods don't work).

    Here is how to recreate it:
    1 Create a save game (easiest to just use one adventurer)
    2 Delete the character(s) you used to create that save game
    3 Load that save game with now 0 characters
    4 Click on any adventure, click to begin.
    5 Find yourself stuck. If you leave the adventure it puts you in the MP lobby. If you click back to the campaign then you go right back into the stuck game even if you choose not to resume a previous adventure.
  12. The Run

    The Run Mushroom Warrior

    while in the adventure press f1and type skiptut, ezmode.
    emacs likes this.
  13. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Are you still stuck? I'll look into the bug but I'm happy to unstick you if needed.
  14. emacs

    emacs Kobold

    The skiptut tip worked, thanks for the concern!
    I'm surprised the bug hasn't been reported already, pretty minor all in all.
  15. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I think it started happening recently. It's also not likely to occur that often.
  16. < same name

    I was also stuck at Wizard's Workshop with the situation emac described.
    I could get out with skiptut but now i can start every Adventure except that one, even with a regular team.
  17. Wizard's Workshop is still stucked.
  18. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I sent a request to Jon to check this the other day, chances are he missed it. I'd suggest sending a mail to - with your account name and your issues, for the quickest resolution. Sorry for the delay.
  19. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Sorry for the delay. It is better to email support since that gets checked more frequently than the forums.

    I believe you should be good to go now. Also, this bug should be fixed in the next release.
  20. Thanks

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