Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Accent

    Accent Hydra

    Anyone think I need a second Forval's Teak Staff? I got one in a loot drop, and now Randimar has one this week.

    As much as I'm attracted to Freeze, I'm not sure I'd ever run this.

    EDIT: on second thought . . . maybe.

    SECOND EDIT: It seems like such a kitchen sink-type item, though, which gets me. Here's Ice! Here's Electricity! Here's a utility card! Some terrain attachments! An indiscriminate attack!
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2014
  2. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Bandreus, Sir Veza and Ector like this.
  3. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

  4. Stage

    Stage Orc Soldier

    A weird selection of temptations for me this week.

    Amulet Of Blades; would be more tempting if PoK didn't come on so many other items with other great cards...
    Sabo's Flamespit Staff; not sure what to think of this one. I suspect the Instant Burn nutters would like it but seems tough to use to me.

    Blackhammer Do I need a second one? I have Golden Wings for the WWaterways league.
    Cintxotl Mail For the priest who thinks they're a warrior this is pretty wonderful, but I'm not sure how I feel about Barbed Plates with no way of getting Enchanted Harness to pair it with.
    Corian's Boots I'm thinking I should buy this, quick step is a gamewinner, and I'm currently running a couple warriors with 3 enchanted harnesses in their decks each...
    Dancer's Dagger I actually have one of these, though I haven't used it, but I'm mentioning it here in the hope of hearing people's opinions. Would mean ditching a bejewelled shortsword and thus losing a lot of damage, in return for some defense and the occasional chance of getting to OB people in the back.
  5. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Hmm... If you ever need a wizard with TONS of Stone Spikes, then you will probably need two Forval's Teak Staves. But I fear that in most situations Red John's Staffs will be better for that build. We usually expect the good attacks from our staves, and here we have only 3 of them.
  6. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    How is Red Jon's Staff for a zero token item?
    Have one in my randimars but am undecided
  7. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Flame Spit isn't the best fire card, alas.

    I don't think you'll play two, but I'm not an oracle :) Sundering Strike is a very powerful and rare card.
    Barbed Plates prevents 2 damage on average even without Enchanted Harness, not to mention the spikes, which is better than Reliable Mail. This is one of the best divine armors.
    IMHO it's far worse than some popular tokenless boots like Bertha's Big Clogs.
    The cost is waaaaay too high for two Acrobatic Flips IMHO.
  8. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I would buy it at least for the farming. There are maps where Stone Spikes stop huge and powerful monsters, providing you an extra turn you need. And the rest attacks aren't too bad.
  9. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Really? Could you explain why do you feel this way, since I also have it at my Randimar's? :) I see the average damage for a two-token weapon, only one step attack (albeit a very good one), and no other tricks. Rageblood Dagger is much better IMHO.

    Now it's my turn to show the Randimar's goodies. I have 10 epics, most of which are crappy or unneeded. There are 3rd copies of Xalanen's Boots and Vira's Chain (which I'm not going to buy); 4th Staff Of The Fire God, some utter crap like Toughness, Axe Of Evasion or Manifold Medic. Some items I am doubt are:

    Japper's Energy Boots. Did anyone use them and where? The cards aren't bad, but I cannot decide where to use them for now.
    Ravenna's Incense. A tokenless item with Inspiring Presence looks nice for my Firestorm farming team, but the rest cards aren't so good. What do you think?

    As for the legendaries, I've got the mentioned Hawlic's Handy Axe and.... ta-dammm.....Blue Destruction!!! :cool: After 5 weeks without the good legendaries from Randimar! The fellow just wanted to make a great surprise to me and spent a lot of time browsing the whole world for it. Do I need to remind that my priest has five Savage Curses from Darkblood Glaive and Skull Of The Savage Iljin? ;)
    Muahaha, the total destruction comes!
    wavy likes this.
  10. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Sure, I can explain why it's "not too bad". Nimble Strike and the 2 Strong Hacks. The Perforating Strikes are okay and the Weak Chop kind of ruins it. I'm not really endorsing it. I guess I was hoping someone would come on here and say it was better than I thought.
  11. Stage

    Stage Orc Soldier

    I bought that based on your recommendation, though I'm loathe to stop using my Burnished Plates at present; I'm bound to want to use a blue token divine armour at some point. I have good tokenless and gold token items for this slot but not blues, so bound to come in handy at some point.

    Really? Bertha's big clogs is popular? Why is that? Walk is a terrible draw. I've been using Boots Of The Foolish on my dwarf warrior (who is currently resting) and quick step is constantly a game-changer (particularly with two Quickness Aura in the deck). I don't think officer's harness is generally a nice draw, but I can only imagine that enchanted harnesses would make them quite valuable.

    The only point opposing you here is that there's no cheap way to get them :p I've decided to experiment, currently have one warrior using the dancer's knife and the other using bejewelled. I'll see which one feels more effective!
  12. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Quickness Aura isn't supposed to boost Steps. Bug?
  13. Stage

    Stage Orc Soldier

  14. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I've tried mine a few times, but now I always have other staves I find more useful.
    It isn't bad, but a Lochaber Axe, Infused Greatclub, etc. are usually better for (minortoken)(minortoken). Much depends upon what you already have.
    Og's Boots Of Peril are a possible option if you're serious about it.
    Good call. :) I've also had good results with stacking Officer's Harnesses on my fighters and using Leadership on my frenzy priest. Converting the extra cards can be a nicely lethal bonus.
    I really doubt it. Having a bit more focus usually helps a lot.
    On a less serious note, you might pair your Forval's Teak Staff with a Sorcerer's Staff to create a tandem Swiss Army Staff for use in some sort of Style build. They don't have tweezers or scissors, but they provide a wide array of quirky, unrelated tools. The clincher is (judging by the icons), the Sorcerer's Staff might be used as a corkscrew, and Forval's Teak Staff could double as a bottle opener. Just sayin'.
  15. rowspower

    rowspower Goblin Champion

  16. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    The eye is a great item for Death March and i would get a second Staff, since there are not many good 2 gold staffs around.
  17. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I don't think I would EVER use or buy Japper's Energy Boots. I've had several similar boots drop with Energizing Move and I've rarely used them. Although now that I say that, I can think of how useful having 2 plain old Dash was in the sealed tournament... hmm... Probably no good for competitive play.

    Sabo's Flamespit Staff+ White Flame + Smoag's Bucket of Pitch/Rantic's Orb +.... you get the idea. This is probably the best combination of Instant Burn, Flame Spit, Glob of Flame and even Flame Jet if you have it. If you want to be flashier you can use something with Ember Burst instead of Flame Spit, but I find that Flame Spit is more reliable over time, unlike Ember Burst which is fantastic for one turn and then gone.

    This week I have Boxton's Razorstaff #2, and Staff Of Immolation. I think the fire staff is decent for Forest of Souls/Sinister Wood but not much else considering all of the other fire staffs I am hoarding.

    As for Boxton's Razorstaff, it's a very unique item. I'm tempted.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2014
  18. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Your priest has almost no armor then, since he doesn't get to keep Frenzy Aura. You will feel a huge difference when you play Cintxotl Mail.

    Yes, it's quite popular. You may consider Quick Step a "game changer", but this is only because of our selective memory. We remember every situation where Quick Step changed something, but rarely remember how much damage was prevented by the Reliable Mail :) But if we think about it, we can easily decide that the Reliable Mail is always a game-changer. Officer's Harness usually protects you from Perplexing Rays and can be traded for the better cards via Leadership, as Sir Veza said.

    There are maps where Acrobatic Flip and Violent Spin are the winners; I am using Reap The Whirlwind there, but Dancer's Dagger will be good too.
  19. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Yes, they are, but I'm not sure how do they combine with Whirlwind.
    You will be able to create a really hot Volcano party then :)
    It's somewhat unfocused, but it has its uses. I can imagine using it on my supporting human priest in a Firestorm team. Encumber 1 doesn't usually mean a lot for a human (and he rarely needs to move far anyway), but having a 2+ block magic is nice. And Dodges can protect him from the enemy warriors. I would equip two Godtouched Spears to hit the warriors after dodging :)
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2014
  20. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Thanks for your reply. I am a bootmonger, you know, so I was asking about these boots just for the greed :)

    Yes, Flame Spit works over time better... but the range is quite dangerous for a wizard, especially in the world of NS :(

    I have 4 Staves of Immolation and use 1-2 of them regularly. They are very good for a dedicated fire wizard with Firestarter.

    Hmmm. You can get two Path Of Knives from Sarigo's Rod, and Wall Of Stone also usually found on arcane items, not the staves. But I guess amassing Paths of Knives will be very effective in SP, since the AI seems not to pay attention to it at all and takes a lot of damage! I would definitely buy the staff.

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