Voice commands for Card Hunter

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Phaselock, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Phaselock: "Hurthin, play Nimble Strike on Stexe"
    Hurthin: "Which Stexe ?"

    Well, just a small joke on Stexe. :D Then again, I don't see why it can't be done...erm, I don't mean the part where my figurines talk back to me, I mean the part where voice commands control cards played. Iirc, AS3 has a voice gesture library ?
    Stexe likes this.
  2. Farbs

    Farbs Blue Manchu Staff Member

    /me has a quick look...

    There do seem to be a few voice recognition libraries written in AS3, but the ones I tested were... let's just say they weren't a good fit.
  3. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Guess they wrote their own VR library, tho I must say...my first impression isn't too bad and its a boon for handicapped players. Shrugs...
  4. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Now I need to see a video of someone using voice commands to control the board editor.
  5. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    I laughed on the "which Stexe" joke. :-P

    But yeah, it would probably be easier for them to simply implement text commands for everything in the console and then a player could dictate using a speech-to-text program.
  6. Farbs

    Farbs Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I tried using the default windows speech recognition to play the game ("mousegrid 8 8 2 click!" etc), and it was sort of interesting and fun but also thrashed my CPU and eventually bluescreened my machine. Boo.
    Unfortunately getting it to type simple commands into the commandline was an absolute nightmare. I think it's quite good at selecting from a list of known commands, and quite terrible at recognizing from the set of all typeable input.
    Stexe likes this.
  7. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Was your mic calibrated and tuned ? Were you in a noisy environment ? I'm surprised you could get anywhere with the windows speech recognition system. Mine just gives rubbish, then again I have my high frequency CPU fans less than a meter from the mic. :(
  8. Farbs

    Farbs Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Not at all calibrated, but the environment is sort of okay. I did notice it freaking out every time the game made a noise. The bluescreen might also just have been because my machine is horribly unstable, but thrashing the CPU so hard that the game kept stalling isn't cool.

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