Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    Should I get a second St. Alipp's Hammer? Already have one, don't use it. But might be good for low level Mass Frenzy Priest?
  2. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    For a tokenless frenzy priest I usually just use 3x Shuddering Relics. I've thought about using St. Alipp's Hammer, but couldn't bring myself to give up my St. Portia's Mauls. I recommend you try it and see how it works for you before forking over the gold for something you may end up not wanting.
    kogi likes this.
  3. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

  4. MysticQuail

    MysticQuail Kobold

  5. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Yes, it is a must buy. These are one of the best if not even the best boots there are. Best in class for a warrior in MP.
    Don't bother, you won't be using it. I have more than one and have never felt inclined to use them. The two Dodges are intriguing but the rest of the cards are way too weak in order to spend two gold tokens on it. You'd be handicapping yourself.

    The go-to (majortoken)(majortoken) weapons with two Dodges are Reaper's Scythe and Quick Jon's Axe. Granted, they are both legendary so much harder to get. The training-wheels Dodge weapon while waiting for the legendaries to pop up would be the (minortoken)(minortoken) Eixocl's Hammer, not Bec De Corbin in my opinion.
    Bandreus likes this.
  6. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    You may play this rod at certain special maps and even in MP. All cards are useful, none of them is short-ranged, which is extremely rare for the tokenless arcane items, even legendary. Stone Spikes is common though, so you may decide to skip it, but I'd buy if I could. Massing Stone Spikes allows you to block the narrow passages. There are many worse legendaries in the game :)

    If you want damage, Staff Of Pain is much stronger and focused, and if you want freezing, Sub-Zero Staff or Winter Staff are specialized in that. But if you want decent damage with one Freeze as a "silver bullet", then you cannot find anything better. This isn't a must buy of course, but it isn't bad as well. I would even use it for the high-level farming where one Freeze may completely stop the big monster and let you finish it in two turns. Flash Of Pain is extremely useful against swarms in SP, especially boosted with Savage Curse.

    Definitely a must buy! The best warrior boots in the game.
  7. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    OK so here is an item that I am unsure about - Mindshrinker. I already have three Greyworm Mace that I don't use often.
    I mean, the difference is basically going from Able Bash - Touch of Death to Mind Worm - Polearm Slash.

    Does anyone here use Mindshrinker?
  8. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

  9. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    OK so let's assume that I absolutely cannot fit Whiteglow Flail. And I don't have Darkblood Glaive; for that matter I am unsure I would want to use that either.
    It's pretty easy to compare Rapier Of Misfortune to Mindshrinker though- is Bad Luck actually better than Mind Worm? :O
  10. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    The real question would be: is having mind worms instead of bad luck really worth a gold token?
  11. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Really depends on the specific situation. Both Bad Luck and Mind Worm are good vs opponents relying on lots of armor/blocks. Both cards also have interesting and unusual uses. I.e. Bad Luck to make your own dudes less likely to discard non-keep armors like Frenzy Aura or Arcane Aura, Mind Worm as a last-resort counter measures to Punishing Bolts.

    If I really had to pick one of the two, I'd go for Mind Worm, because I like card advantage over the -1 to rolls.

    Also to be kept in mind, Polearm Slash doubles as armor, which might or might not be what you're looking for.

    If you care more about the Mind Worms than the NSs (I doubt that's the case, but alas...) another very good option would be the Draining Dagger, which is cheaper (2 minor tokens) and fits a vampire build very nicely.
  12. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    If you have a fair amount of unused gold I'd say, sure, why not? But if that's not the case I'd try making a build that would include it and then look and see if you like the build. Its really one of those 50/50 items.
  13. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    The responses appear to be "no"s, so far. I've tried it out, but I don't regularly use it.
  14. Stage

    Stage Orc Soldier


    This week Randimar is tempting me with a Bynzer's Black Spear, which I can only just afford. I don't really play a vamp but I'd have to give it a go if I had this.

    Trouble is, I really don't have any priest weapons I'm really happy with. A Healing Hand Mace would best improve the builds I currently run with, and I would be most sad if I couldn't afford one if one popped up when I was broke from buying the above shiny.

    So... do people think BBS is supergreat? Thanks in advance.
  15. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    The Healing Hand Mace is just epic. You will be able to farm 500 gold easily in a week if you really see it.
    Bynzer's Black Spear is one of the best weapons for the vampire priest, if not the best, so you simply cannot afford skipping it :) Even if you don't play the vampire right now.
  16. Stage

    Stage Orc Soldier

    I'm convinced. I now have zero gold! Thanks for the advice.

    I'd be annoyed if I left it and then had nothing but garbage in Randimars for a month while I got trounced by awesome vamp priests :p
    Ector and Sir Veza like this.
  17. zeroth_hour

    zeroth_hour Goblin Champion

    I've been away for a while, but only 1 in Randimar's I'm interested in - White Katana (no Ls this week)

    3 Shredding Strikes and 2 Dancing Cuts seem good for a specialist weapon.
  18. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    If you are running into a lot of Reliable Mail then White Katana is one of the better weapons. However, since only successful armor rolls trigger the discard it is much less useful against things like Sparkling Cloth Armor. You'd often be better off just packing weapons with higher damage and hoping for the best.
  19. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    Something new players tend to overlook: Shredding Strike (and Sundering Strike) bypass Toughness, the ludicrous backbone of dwarf cheapness beside their disproportional high hp. So if you are tired of double tapping every dwarf, these are the attacks for you.
  20. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    Not sure about everyone else but I hate Ouch
    hatchhermit likes this.

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