Let's Analyze the Cards!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Strumiker, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yep, though it's not as simple as saying Warriors can't use any Wizard cards. There are ways of getting cards into decks that might not usually be there.
  2. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I'm not quite sure how we're going to deal with this yet, which is why there isn't a set icon or description on that card. We may well go with a more free-form arrangement where new cards come into play more frequently than in a traditional CCG.
  3. Rising Zan

    Rising Zan Mushroom Warrior

    Right, although so far the cards seem to be more action based. Like Stunning Blow and Chop, do you think they're will be weapon cards that can be equiped to the character and thus a somewhat permanent buff is attached to the hero? Like say equip the Iron Lance and you get +3 with any cards with 2 reach or equip a mace and get a +3 with stunning cards.
  4. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    Vorpal Sword, with a bonus for beheading, please! :eek:
  5. Running_Man

    Running_Man Kobold

    I was wondering about the Stunning Bash card as well (namely the word "Ogre" and the range of 6), so I'm glad I found answers.

    Now based on that information, I have a question about the Escaping Run card.

    In the right-hand corner, where "Ogre" was on Stunning Bash, there's "Lurker's Boots" instead. Jon said that "Ogre" meant that the card came from the Ogre deck. So does that mean there's a creature called Lurker's Boots, or just plain Lurker? And if it's just a Lurker, where do the boots come in? I'm just curious about it (and also hoping to learn more about the game in the process).
  6. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    We think that some items are keyed to a body location, so only one set of "... Boots" may be active at one time on a character, for example. Sir Knight put that forward after seeing the "Arcing Zap" card, which has a 'necklace' description.

    Stressing again the "think" part of that sentence. We'll look back and laugh at our assumption once we're seasoned players, of course!

  7. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    You don't say. No pictures yet, but we can still analyze.

    So . . . a magic/movement card, like teleport? An attack/movement card, like "Chaaaaarge"?
  8. secran

    secran Mushroom Warrior

    This makes me (as a person playing a swordmage in 4th edition d&d) extra intrigued. Hybrid/utility character types are my fave.

    I'm betting you can't play more than one item of a given equipment slot per turn. Cuz it'd be weird to have two pairs of boots on at the same time. ^_^
  9. Hopibear

    Hopibear Mushroom Warrior

    I am always a fan of hitting multiple targets!
    Huzzaa for this card!
  10. Strumiker

    Strumiker Mushroom Warrior

    Woo another new card!

    It's a shame there is so much mechanic text in there - I bet they could come up with some hilarious flavor text :)

    This card has so many uses, just like he said [link]. I'm glad we are seeing more of these cards, it's bringing out it's own way of complexity which I'm starting to get more excited about.

    And Puppeteer's Band!? That just sounds so intriguing! Maybe it's a whole slew of cards that manipulate and influence people and monsters in mischievous ways?

    Thanks a lot for keeping us entertained with these new cards, which are coming at us way more than I would have expected :) The Girallon gives you four thumbs up!
  11. Olothontor

    Olothontor Kobold

    Now, here's an interesting mechanical quandary: we already know that "facing" plays a role in the game. When a card like that says "You must be able to see [x]," does that mean that you can only use it on a space in front of you?

    And I totally agree that "Puppeteer's Band" sounds like it could make a really, really fun deck theme.
  12. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    Seems that way as you're right, facing determines what you can see.

    Puppeteers Band make me think of:


  13. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Should I say I "called it," or are we good on that front?

    Anyway, is this supposed to be a "multi-coloured card"? I can see that the header box is blue (like a movement card), whereas all other cards have had gray. If so, this does not make it very visually clear that it is multi-coloured. Fortunately, unlike in Magic, we don't need to care about such things as much.

    I'm thinking about "Puppeteer's Band." Here, just compare the other cards:


    "Ogre" is a type of deck. "Lurker's Boots" have got to be an item. "Sparking Necklace" likewise. So I tend to think of "Puppeteer's Band" as a band you wear as a bracelet, necklace, or suchlike, and it gives you the power of a puppeteer. Alternately, as you seem to be concluding, it could be the name of a group of persons, all of them puppeteers.
  14. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    It's not a multi-coloured card.
  15. Strumiker

    Strumiker Mushroom Warrior

    Thank you for taking the fun out of our posts :p
  16. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    The cards have also been re-designed at least once in the process, so what we see may not reflect reality. As per usual in my case... :confused:
  17. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Well, phooey.

    Though it helps refine thinking on the matter. Would a magic/movement card, then, be more like "Magic Carpet"? The deciding factor being that it moves oneself?
    You are legally permitted to have fun.

    Also, according to the text I see when I quote you, you have written post number 666. Congratulations.
  18. secran

    secran Mushroom Warrior

    Spiffy teleport card. Will be neat to teleport a stabbity rogue behind monsters ^_^.
    Jon likes this.
  19. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    Also i noticed the top border of teleport other is this multi tone silver where as cards up to this point have been solid color grey or tan. Perhaps this will display rarity of the card at a glance?
    Jon likes this.
  20. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Good observation!
    SurgeonFish likes this.

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