Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    Depends if you need the walls for 1HP quests or for MP. For MP the one with path of knives may be the best, for 1HP it's the worst one.
  2. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

  3. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Do you realize I'd bribe Randimar for that one, right?
  4. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    Instant buy for Blazing Shortsword. It's been along time since I last got you in beta.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  5. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I use my two all the time and wish I had more.

    Just before reset I bought the Bloodchopper, but that left me with only 300 g for next week, and after reset I immediately spent 2/3 of that on an Infused Greatclub and Shielding Token (I've been waiting nine months for that).

    Not much else interesting for me, just two staves that might be good:
    Staff Of Burning Ice
    Wallbuilder's Staff
    I already have multiple Frosty Staff and Staff Of Winter, a Sorcerer's Staff, and three arcane items with double WoS.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  6. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Yes. I do. I saw it and gasped. :D

    I love my Infused Greatclub. Glad you finally got that and a Shielding Token, Kalin.
  7. zeroth_hour

    zeroth_hour Goblin Champion

    Legendaries (2):
    Oquith's Foul Incense - Blah. Cause Fumble would be theoretically amazing if the block roll wasn't 5+. Twin Heals also sucks.
    Tlaloc's Stormplate - I'm not sure what would move me away from Reliable Mail or Barbed Plate for a perma-keep armor card. I consider Auras in a different category.

    Epics (7):
    Apprentice Ferocity - appreciate the double Rage on this.
    Axander's Twisted Circlet - lookin good, double SPR
    Basher's Delight - Specialized
    Perfect Flexibility - blah
    Rod Of Palver Pree - farmed a lot of these already
    Silver Fir Staff - kinda lacklust at 1 Blue Token. If it were 0...
    Unbalanced Doloire - got one, it's okay, don't think I'd pay for one

    Notable Rares (50):
    Ebony Prayer Beads - I have one, but that's a lot of cycling
    Robes Of Alacrity - need a lot of Rushing Aura?
    Scouring Axe - ooh, Choppy.

    Good, I get to rebuild my money I think.
  8. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    This is great for Wyverns, but not much use anywhere else.
  9. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I wish I could bribe Randimar. Or can I? Maybe next week I'll slip him some legendary items...

    Red Flame is sweet but it's not White Flame. White Flame can be combined with practically any other staff to make an *epic* fire wizard.
    Don't get me wrong, I love my Red Flame! It's just that combined with my Staff Of Embers, it's not ideal.

    As for Badjeera's Black Relic, it is one of several divine items for a vampire but I wouldn't spend 500 g on it.
    Black Walnut Staff is good.

    For Cone Of Cold items, Xochu's Icy Circlet and Hylithia's Wand are both quite nice. Buy em if you want em. Cone of Cold is excellent for SP when you're facing down a horde of monsters.

    Staff Of Burning Ice- meh. Staff Of Freezing Fire is good for drawback levels.

    Oquith's Foul Incense- Crespin's Shroud is much better IMO
    Tlaloc's Storm Plate- I agree with Kalin, really only one clutch card, probably not worth buying.

    As for your other items zeroth_hour, it seems you already know what you want.
    hatchhermit likes this.
  10. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    That's absolutely amazing stuff. All items are worth buying! You've got a great fire staff, both the best double Cone of Cold items, a great Firestorm staff for farming (though with electric attacks) and a great vampiric item. I wish I had the Red Flame...
  11. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I've heard that some people like Cause Fumble (not me though). 5+ isn't good enough, but it will trigger sooner or later - probably sooner if your party is participating in an intense melee. The major benefit of this Incense is gaining two more blocks from an item (not shield or skill), allowing you to maximize the number of blocks. If you have a lot of gold, you can buy this just for experimenting :)
    A very very specialized armor. If the metagame will be dominated by Electricity, this may be a good buy... but currently I'd skip it.

    A great tokenless skill.
    This is the worst double-SPR item, but if you don't have it yet, it's worth 500g. Some players buy all double-SPR items.
    The best bashing weapon in the game. Yes, the bashing is overpriced now, but I hope the developers will change that. Bruiser adds 2 damage to every Bash you play, as well as Bash, so you can get a decent damage output. Well worth 500g IMHO.
  12. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Now it's turn to describe my assortment. Looks like Randimar is opened a boot store for me: boots, boots, only boots! Please Randimar, bring me White Flame or Red Flame :)

    Lt. Buckwell's Boots. Nice tokenless boots, but I have Red John's Boots, Garalem's Boots and Absolem's Leather Shoes. The only reason to buy these is protection from SPR. Or not?
    Quellic's Boots. Nice armored boots, especially for an elf warrior or a Firestorm wizard. A tokenized version of Bertha's Big Clogs. Probably the best armored boots in the game - they protect better than most armor :)

    Agility. Looks like a crap.
    Armor Of Negation. It would be good with Purging Bursts instead of cleansing. Crap.
    Weighty Wand. A strange assortment of cards. Very unfocused, but all cards are playable.
    Eixocl's Hammer. Yess!!! I will finally build an ultimate basher with this, as I have Basher's Delight and Hammer Of Bashing. Not very effective, but a lot of fun :)
    Morbo's Pendant. I have three, but will happily buy the 4th. The Firestorm wizards always appreciate Cone of Cold (especially my wizards that are supported by a priest in Arrogant Armor), and Teleport Self is the uber-survival card.
    Sliding Boots. Yes, the best warrior's boots in the game. Right, I have two. And will buy the third :p

    Rare department has a second Crusty Helm and Barbed Armor, which looks very nice for a tokenless armor.

    Thanks God, boots are needed for everyone. If Randimar would start bringing me only the helmets, it would be much worse :)
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2014
  13. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Axander's Twisted Circlet is a very affordable double Short Perplexing Ray item, and it only costs (minortoken)! It's a good item to have, and useful in campaign to boot.

    Speaking of boots, Quellic's Boots are sweet. Flanking Move is so much better than Shuffle!
  14. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Got 2 interesting legendaries this week and im not sure what to make of them.

    Bloody Command Seems like a good human skill but i dont play humans often, how does this stack up? Is it worth the gold? Kinda out of my element on this one.

    Blog's Club Of Evasion Now this one is interesting. Ive never seen an item with so many dodge cards, so it seems quite unique. That being said, im not a huge fan of being on the defensive with my warrior even though dodge is super versatile. I feel that if the attacks were better i would be more inclined. Seeking perspective please :)

    Also had some epics im interested in

    Risky Trickery This seems like an instant buy. Im assuming this is the best tokenless elven trickery item in the game
    Magma Scepter To many good cards on this to pass up on
    Plates Of Ixicha These seem very good, anyone played with them that can comment on their value?

    As always, thanks for the perspective
  15. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Check the last couple pages for extensive discussion about Bloody Command.

    The Club comes with 3 decent attack cards. Dodge can be a very powerful card. Not only it comes with Keep, but it also doubles as a move card. The double minor token cost means you can couple it with meatier attack items. It does allow for some interesting builds.

    I'd buy all three.

    Now. One more week of Randimar hating me. But I guess I did get at least some interesting pieces of equipment. Nothing ultra fancy though.

    Bloody Stoutness - Might be cool to have, plus I don't have any other interesting legendary to buy this week (I already own both Suvv's Boots Of Escape and Wym's Fiery Pin. The latter probably is the legendary I used most in my whole CH career, but can't currently spare the gold to buy a duplicate).

    Colossal Hammer - double Obliterating Bludgeon

    Mathiam's Helm - Sprint, Team!
  16. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    It's a wonderful skill, and yes, it does stack up nicely. I have two and would buy the third :) The secret is three Sprint, Team! that really bolster your mobility :)
    A human priest or wizard is a good support for the two warriors, specifically for his mass-movement cards like Sprint, Team!

    I would buy this, though I don't think it's uber effective in the current metagame. I just like to build the unusual chars and parties :)

    Well worth 500 gold, but I have to warn you that elven warrior will hate Vulnerable much more than a dwarven wizard. He is low on health already, and has to fight in melee.

    I am not a huge fan of Volcano, but I guess this will help you to farm.

    It doesn't seem very good to me, sorry. Having a single Arrogant Armor is pointless: you either build a whole party around it, or don't play it at all, since it would interfere with your own buffs. Quickness Aura may be nice when you need to move a large distance, but it will not help you in combat - and you could have an attack or block, or a decent armor instead.
  17. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Yes, Bloody Stoutness is very nice, especially if you're building a "blocking warrior". An opponent can try to lure your Duck when it's your only block, but when you have another block, it will be very difficult.
    Wym's Fiery Pin is a good fire item that can be used in any quantities, especially by a dedicated fire wizard (Instant Burn, Firestarter and so on). My fire mage plays two Barnum's Burning Baubles. Why not?

    I wouldn't pay 500g for it. Yes, two Obliterating Bludgeons, with four weak attacks.

    There are two problems here. First, warriors rarely have a token for a helm, and, second, cards like Sprint, Team! should be used by the support chars to move your warriors, not by your warrior to move the support chars :) Plus, Weak Chop is a bad card.
  18. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

  19. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    There is Holy Knight Armor, which is better.

    Really? Quickness Aura can be found on commons and uncommons, the Plates of Ixicha is the only Epic card with it :) Get a Necalli Cap, two Quickness Auras plus All-Out-Attack. Coruscating Mail is a special anti-magic armor, not a universal one.
  20. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Silly Ector. You are Wrong, Holy Knight Armor is the Christmas version of Untouchable Plate, which is Divine Armor.

    Plates of Ixicha is Heavy Armor, and I'd rather have Arrogant and Reliable Mail then a comparable epic (minortoken) Heavy Armor like Coruscating Mail (which I see newer players using), which is nice for Dynamic Armor but I strongly dislike the Shimmering Aura. The Quickness Aura from the Plates have more use to me than Dynamic Armor as well. Yes, Necalli Cap is wonderful too.

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