A few game suggestions...

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Paprika2215, May 27, 2014.

  1. Paprika2215

    Paprika2215 Mushroom Warrior

    Hey there,

    I'm Paprika2215 and, like this topic's title makes quite clear, I have a couple of suggestions for the game. I'm still fairly new (my best three-character party is at level 7).

    So here goes...

    Suggestion #1:
    An option in the options menu to turn already-read dialogue on or off when playing through missions already completed -- this would include the tutorials. Perhaps a button could be placed in the interactive manual (see suggestion #3). Here is a link to a related post on these forums:

    Suggestion #2:
    An option, in the options menu as well, that can reset your campaign progress, but won't delete all items collected, nor would it delete the characters. This would prevent players who want a fresh start at the campaign but don't want to have to create another account to do so.

    Suggestion #3:
    To me, it would be a good idea to include a kind of interactive "manual" to the game. The "How To Play" page of the Card Hunter site explains things rather plainly and lays down a clear outline for the game's basic rules. The tutorial is short and, in my personal opinion, not detailed enough (I believe it should be noted that I'm fairly new to this miced genre). So, this interactive manual would be accessible via the campaign map and in the midst of battles -- the manual would be placed next to the map or game board. It would be interactive in the sense that players could click on the corners of the pages to flip its pages. They would also be able to right-click on certain images to enlarge them, just like enlarging cards during battles. Now, this manual would contain the basic rules, similar to the How To Play page, but more detailed, and perhaps most importantly, it would also give tips and strategies for players new to the genre. I, for example, have played Card Hunter since last year's October and, while I didn't play all the time, I just couldn't get the hang of the basic Card Hunter strategy. And even though the Cardhuntrian community is a dedicated and friendly one, I do feel it would help many new players. I realize that the How To Play page could simply be updated and improved, but creating an interactive manual would only add to the feeling of board/cardgames!

    ...And there you have them. Those were my suggestions. I truly think this game would be much more... well, inviting and not intimidating for new players. I have no experience with technology whatsoever so I have no idea whether or not my suggestions are possible (not taking into account the costs).

    Okay then. Thanks for your time! :cool:
  2. Paprika2215

    Paprika2215 Mushroom Warrior

    Here are a few more:

    Suggestion #4:
    Longer, and more detailed tutorial. This would be very beneficial for new players or players new to the genre. As there are of course many people who aren't into reading, there ought to be an option for players to select whether they want the short version of the tutorial and jump right into the game, or the longer, full version. Perhaps the player could be given the opportunity to pick between these two options when they start the game after they have created and verified their account. Like I mentioned in Suggestion #1, the tutorial should have the option of a reset without deleting the player's party or resetting their item collection.

    Suggestion #5:
    More detailed hints after failing to win a battle, as well as more of them. The adventures only give useless hints if you ask me -- again, this is coming from someone relatively new to this genre.

    Suggestion #6:
    I may have mentioned this in another post, but I must apologize for not remembering which topic that was. Anyway, I want to suggest different color options for the character cut-outs. If, let's say, I created a party of 3 human warriors, all the same character cut-outs, they'd be in 3 different colors. But so far, that is the only possible way of altering their appearance. I suggest adding a color option in the Keep on the map (and perhaps also in the costume shop) which would allow a player to further customize and personalize their party.

    Suggestion #7:
    I believe music during battles would add to the fun. As far as I am aware, the only places with music are: the main menu, also called the title screen; during the very first battle of the tutorial, before Melvin tells Gary not to play with his high-level party; and finally, when preparing for a ranked multiplayer match. Aside from those instances, I haven't stumbled upon any other music. The current sound effects are superb, and all of the ambient moises at to the look and feel of each board you play on. But seriously, adding music to battles would only increase the feeling of thrill -- if Blue Manchu stayed within the whole "middle ages" theme (like with the music playing at the main menu) it would be super awesome, I tell you. :cool:

    And there you have it. If I have any other worthwhile suggestions, I'll share them right here in this topic. And, umm... I would very much appreciate it if anybody actually replied to my topic. That would be nice, indeed. I am simply trying to give Blue Manchu some ideas to make Card Hunter even better than it already is, you know? I admit I am not a techie or anything of the sort -- so I have no clue whether or not my suggestions are possible, data-wise... But still, one can try. ;)

    -- Paprika2215
    Flaxative and Pengw1n like this.
  3. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Hello Paprika,

    A lot of sound suggestions there - and good to see you back in the game! I agree that the tutorial could use more interactivity - or even being separate and replayable, would help returnees such as you. It's hard to add too specific hints to all the adventures, since it's relying both on what kind of items/party you're running - and what tactics you use. If you have any suggestions of hints you felt would have helped you in any module, feel free to share and we could see about reactivating the old "hints" thread where the devs asked for suggestions to add.

    Also suggestion #6 is a very popular suggestion since beta. Not sure why that's not happened yet.
  4. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    A lot of people want this, as @Pengw1n said. +1

    Every time I've brought a new player to the game, and stood over their shoulder as they played the Greenfang tutorial, the awesome fight music filled me with longing. "Why can't I have this every time I play?"
  5. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Just put on the Braveheart or Gladiator soundtrack while you play :D.
    Flaxative likes this.
  6. Paprika2215

    Paprika2215 Mushroom Warrior

    Or music from Fire Emblem or Legend of Zelda! :cool: But yeah, music would be a nice addition. I honestly wonder why they had at first decided to go with almost no music...
  7. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Probably a cost issue, rather than anything else. :)
    Flaxative likes this.
  8. Paprika2215

    Paprika2215 Mushroom Warrior

    Hey again! I've found the topic concerning the colored character cut-outs! Here is a link: http://forums.cardhunter.com/thread...-figurines-update-to-cuthberts-costumes.4366/

    Also, I found a topic in which people are conversing about a "manual" much like the one I described in Suggestion #3. It even seems I myself have posted to the topic, and now that I think about it, that's exactly where I got the idea from! :p Anyway, for your perusal, here's the link to the "rulebook topic": http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/suggestion-in-game-card-hunter-rulebooks.3950/ It offers a few more sound suggestions on the manual thing, a few of which are mine, haha. ;)

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