Can you get a male human priest without buying any of the extra avatars or are the class race combos gender locked for the basic ones?
They are locked at the moment. Good question though and I do feel maybe having a single male and female for the race/class combo would be better then the locked male or female one. Though with so few at the moment its not that big a deal.
Didn't like any of the male priests T_T the human broadsword warrior in full plate is totally awesome so i snatched him up with my last pizza.
I fully support premium avatars being purchasable with RL currency, but I feel that allowing basic gender selection is a requirement for a game like this that simulates a pen-and-paper RPG. It's a... basic right of character creation. And this is a game where your characters matter to you. We need two free avatars, one of each gender, for each class/race combination to accommodate this. Everything beyond this initial gender selection, however, is fair game for requiring money.
Blue Manchu needs to get in touch with Rich from Order of the Stick (, because I really really want to be able to buy OOTS characters as avatars for Card Hunter...
I just started playing this game but am really put off that you are stuck with specific genders if you do not pay money. My immersion is broken! I heard there is free pizza somehow? Can you buy different appearnces with that pizza and for how much and where?
You get a total of 150 free pizza slices with the SP campaign. One figure in the shop costs 80 pizza slices. BUT: -There are often some temporary 50% discount on some specific figures -You can get some new figures through Leagues. The ones players could previously win can be find here: New ones will come in the future as well as old ones will return -You can also get some new figures through events. example: If you want to get a peek at incoming figures, you can do that here:
Figures and treasure hunts are the only premium content in the game, so they don't want to give away too much for free. You can also win pizza from player-run tournaments and Mauve Manticore. Some leagues give out pizza too, but they cost pizza to play so it's a gamble.
which shop can you buy figures? In the shop I saw I only saw "packs" which cost 20 or more dollars, which include figures. I understand that they need to make money but I think it is nonsense you are limited by genders
It's also the place to go if you want to change the look of one of your guy (the same figure can be used illimitedly and for as many characters as you wish).
The starter decks do not contain figures; they contain three level 1 chars which use the same free figures you already own (you're mainly buying the items they're using). Also, it's a bit misleading to say you're "buying" figures; you are actually paying to unlock them. Once unlocked they can be used any of your chars that are the right race and class.
I was watching the Yogscast video and saw that you can. When you buy a character in the tavern, use the arrows next to the figures to cycle through the other options. I don't know when this was implemented, but I haven't seen it before.
That would explain it. I looked for a way to swap when I first started, but didn't buy the starter package until quite a while later. I never noticed the arrows until this subject came up, and I saw them used on the video.