Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Last edited: May 30, 2014
  2. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    I'd take the Staff Of Embers, but I'm very biased cause I love wizards who can literally make my enemies feel the heat of battle.

    Acade's Amber Amulet would be worth the price only if you go for a build relying on WW in some fashion, otherwise Alexander's Twisted Circlet or Farzil's Perplexing Horn are equally good and would cost only a fifth of the price. The latter is more expensive on the tokens, but comes with the longer range perplexing ray in the bundle.

    Xlaka's Sacred Bundle is gud. So is the Staff Of Chask although I doubt I'd ever use Punishing Bolt, mainly because of how disturbing the card art is =\
  3. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    Staff of Chask is Epic, not Legendary.
  4. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    A very effective Fire staff. It will help you a lot in the high-level farming. Well worth 2500g. I have one but would happily buy another.
    This is definitely the item you should buy at all costs. Double SPR items are rare, and this one is one of the best.
  5. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    None of them is worth it, firedamage is still only worth as a Firestorm build, the Bundle is a bad combination since Inspiring Presence is good for ranged decks and Mass Frenzy for melee decks. If you really need a item with two spr get the Amulet but a Whirlwind is mostly pointless and if you want to make a Whirlwind deck there are more useful things with WWE on it.
    And as Squidy mentioned, the Staff is only Epic. So if you really want to buy something get that, even though a Staff with only 3 attack cards cripples your damage output, it might be useful for a right build.
  6. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    I strongly disagree:
    - Arcade's Amber Amulet is great and should always be bought imo, as any item with 2 or more SPR, you never know when you will get another one. They are really useful and this one costs only a minor token.
    - Staff Of Chasks is a very good weapon for only a minor token and I have seen it in use in mp and leagues. It only has 3 attacks, yes, but they are very powerful, you can do more damage with 3 punishing bolts than many other staves with 6 attacks, and they have 8 range. Plus, the 2 pushback parries are very helpful for your wizard's defense from step warriors. The slowed drawback is very manageable, as wizards don't need too much movement. I use it in Death March and works great.
    - Xlaka's Sacred Bundle is not worth it given there are other great items with 2 or 3 Mass Frenzy, we agree there.
    - Staff Of Embers could be quite useful in a fire team, I wouldn't have it as a priority, but I would definitely buy this one too if I had extra gold to burn.
  7. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Oops! Then it must be something I can't remember. I'll adjust that when I get home. I was going off of memory.

    Edit: Fixed in my previous post.
    Last edited: May 30, 2014
  8. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    BTW, Brutal Agility is a lot of fun in SP. First you dash, then you smash! Great fun. I'll admit, I do wish it was two Brutal Charge instead of two Escaping Run but it's nice to have. I wouldn't buy it for 2500 G, but keep an eye out for Tochtli Boots. Those are sweet.

    Also, I decided NOT to buy Amulet Of Blades. As much as I like Path of Knives, there are better items like Bloody Bracelet and Sarigo's Rod which have good cards like Winds of War and Wall of Fire, cards that are *hard* to get more of then Path of Knives. Plus, Booming Ring is tokenless so... yeah. For me the amulet was just not a good buy.

    I also passed on Penteth's Orb. Until I am convinced otherwise, I'll stick to Banik's Bubbling Bauble and Morbo's Pendant for my firestorm/utility items. Remember, Firestorm items are generally (minortoken) items or tokenless anyways, so I can always use an item with a higher cost instead.
  9. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

  10. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I would leave Inkdark Halberd, there are better sources of Inspiring Presence (which I would avoid, anyways) and you don't need it for campaign.
    Rhood's Boots are nice, but I don't really use mine anymore - I prefer Wlakwa's or Sliding Boots, and until I get CC's or Kelharin's I won't bother with a (minortoken) Team Run boot.
    Banik's Bauble is nice, and I make good use out of both of mine occasionally, it would be good for high-level firestorming.

    As for Bloodchopper, like I have said before, if you can afford to buy it you can't afford not to use it. If you can't afford it, don't buy it.
    I would buy it in your situation but you really have to make those Chops count so it doesn't become inferior to Bejewelled Shortsword.

    This week I bought Apprentice Ferocity (finally!) and Healing Hand Mace. Going to use the former right away, and can't wait to use the latter!

    I am considering the following: Eixocl's Hammer, Crespin's Shroud (it's a great source of Cause Fumble) and Mathiam's Helm (I think it's a good Sprint, Team! helmet).
    Last edited: May 31, 2014
  11. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Got 3 legendaries this week and some very interesting epics. Can't buy em all, so here goes.

    Ferocity : I have been lucky in the past and have 2 already, it feels like a waste to buy a 3rd.

    Og's Boots Of Peril : They dont seem worth the money to me, but im open to opinions. I sometimes miss the value in items. Although i will say that the tire tread mark on the item graphic is pretty hilarious.

    St. Portia's Mail : Ok here is the tough one for me. All the cards on this are great and its a lvl 18 legendary, but what gives me pause is that they lack synergy as Mass Frenzy simply slides right off Arrogant Armor. I keep going back and forth on this and i could use some perspective.

    Mind Splinter Staff : This seems like very good direct dmg staff to me but i rarely play mages with direct dmg so opinions are appreciated.

    Naradoc's Boots : these seem good but i have tokenless Flank Move items so it seems redundant and costs a token. Immovable is great though. Torn.

    Wlaka's Boots : these seem great, but steep at a yellow token, and i already have Captain Cedric's Boots, Kelharin's Clogs and Rhood's Boots so they are probably redundant.

    Agility I rarely play elves, but these do seem good just not quite sure how they stack up to other elf skills. I feel like if im playing an elf skill it should have Elven Trickery to make it worthwhile.

    As always, thanks for any input!
    Last edited: May 31, 2014
  12. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    A very very efficient weapon, but has no step attacks alas. I believe there are parties where the axe will be the best (majortoken)(majortoken) weapon (like elven warrior, for instance), so I'd definitely buy it if I could.

    A good Firestorm item, but not the crucial one. It's nice to teleport enemies away when they're trying to reach you, and it's even more nice to teleport them on lava... but it isn't a key item and can be skipped. I have one and don't use it every time.

    Looks very powerful for (minortoken)(minortoken), but somewhat unfocused. There are only two vampiric attacks, only one strong attack, and only one support card, though a very good one. I'd buy it, but I currently cannot decide where I could use it. So it can be skipped too.

    These are one of the best boots in the game. If you don't have two pairs of them (or something better), you should definitely buy them. The better boots are Sliding Boots, Wlakwa's Boots, and, of course, Captain Cedric's Boots. I don't believe Kelharin's Clogs are better, especially for a dwarf warrior, who would appreciate Wild Run.

    Boots are the most important here. I'd advice you to farm 1000 gold this week (or pay a bit of money) to get the boots and the axe.
  13. zeroth_hour

    zeroth_hour Goblin Champion

    3 Legendaries this week! This is the first time I've had this many.

    Leomunk's Kickin Boots - I already have Runcible's Boots and the Bash doesn't seem better than the Harness
    Perrio's Kinetic Robes - Reliable Mail on Robes is pretty rare, but a Blue Token seems like a lot to pay for it
    Twizel's Stone Talisman - I know it was mentioned before. Not sure still.

    Epics (6):

    Angry Jack's Helmet - seems decent with Blind Rage, but a Blue Token may be too much
    Hutul's Robes - I have 1 already, doesn't seem like it's worth buying
    Ogre Plate
    St. Voral's Charm - I hate Twin Heals and Healing Pulse is very situational :(
    Toughness - I find it ironic Toughness doesn't have Dwarven Toughness
    Untrained Tactics - the best thing I can say about it is that it is Tokenless.

    Notable Rares (50):

    Command - don't have one... good?
    Emberfloat Mantle - while Sparkling Cloth isn't Resistant Hide (on an FS Robe), this seems good anyway
    Focused Healer - is more than 1 actually useful?
    Inkstained Bone Touch of Pain seems interesting, though this is unfocused.
    Malign Mace I've been using 1 already - seems like a good Rare Tokenless.
    St. Borgun's Plate ?
  14. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I don't use my two pairs either, but if I would have none of these, I definitely wouldn't wait for CC or Kelharin's :)

    Nice techy weapon, but the damage is very low for a (minortoken)(minortoken) weapon. Bashing cards are overcosted, you know.
    I am not a big fan of Cause Fumble, but YMMV. I wouldn't be happy to spend a token on this as well.
    Probably if you need Chain Harness as well, which generally requires to spend a token on your armor too... and weaken your weapons too much. I don't like Sprint, Team! on helmets much, since the warriors need the move more than their teammates.
  15. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    If you're ever planning to run a team of three melee dwarves, then it isn't a waste. Every Violent Spin enhances your movement. But if you use two dwarf warriors + a human priest, like me, then you don't need the third copy.

    A very bad synergy for a yellow token. Skip it, there are better Arrogant armors.

    This IS a very good staff, buy it!

    I rate Wlakwa's second only to the Sliding Boots, but as long as you already have Violent Spins from your skills, your rating may differ.
  16. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Only one is playable though...Twizel's Stone Talisman. Buy it if you like building walls. I won't comment all the items, just the interesting ones:

    The only playable Enchanted Mail armor. The card prevents 2.5 damage on average, which is very good. You can try to combine it with Enchanted Harness for the hilarious results.
    A cheap replacement for Perfect Command. Yes, good enough to be played.
    If you don't have Firehide Robes, buy this one.
    Are you actually going to play more than 1 vampire priests?
    What is unfocused here? Both Heal cards are great for a vampire priest, and Stone Feet is great for everyone.
  17. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    My own assortment is quite small this week: only one legendary and 6 epics. But quantity means nothing compared to quality!

    Bloodshield Of Xoc. It would be very difficult to compete with Slippery Shield and Twisting Shield, but I believe this one is probably the best melee shield for a blue token. Would be great to know your opinion, as I'm not sure on this. The picture is awesome BTW :)

    Firehide Robes. Yesss! Finally! Second one at last!!! I am moving to the Serious Firestorming League :)

    Bimson's Hard Stone. A second one. Why not?

    Raging Rock. I really doubt on it, since I have one and I'm not using it now. This may change though.

    Notable rares are Blackeye Hammer (really impressed with its damage output for a blue token!), Inkstained Bone and the third Untrained Toughness for the low-level farming.

    As usual, any input is appreciated!
  18. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Agility: It's on my list of "Bad elf skills".

    Naradoc's Boots- I love Naradoc's Boots on my wizard. Flanking Move is invaluable, especially to a wizard! I play Trembling/Lightness/Electroporter, and I use all of my gold tokens on other items; having Immovable is always great but the most important thing is consistancy! With Naradoc's Boots, you get more spells, and every one counts.

    Og's Boots Of Peril: It's a weird one alright, but your only way to get Enchanted Harness on boots, for a blue token. It comboes well with Mystical Wyrmhide, Barbed Platemail, Enchanted Plate and other Harnesses. I would like it a lot more if it had at least one Flanking Move or Officer's Harness, (it would be a much better item with one or two of those!) but it's still interesting.

    St. Portia's Mail: Would be good if you want to Nimble Strike into wizards who want to encumber you, while sometimes boosting a warrior or two. It's not really necessary for anything; certainly not worth 2500 G, however it is worth noting that you won't draw the Arrogant Armor very often even with 2 in the deck.

    That Eixocl's Hammer would be great for a certain narrow-hallway league...
    Pressing Bash and Lunging Bash are actually quite useful.

    Bloodshield Of Xoc is ... bloody amazing! The key here is two Bloodied Block, which are Block Any 1+ (100%) as long as you have taken 1 point of damage. I don't think that Bloodied Block has seen enough use to prove how good it is, but I would buy the Bloodshield given the chance.

    I don't think I would buy a second Bimson's Hard Stone, but that's just because I have so many items with Wall Of Stone.

    I did enjoy using Raging Rock for a long time; even now with my switch to Apprentice Ferocity I'm not sure that I like anything better than that Toughness.
  19. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    One more week with little of interest at Randimar.

    Reynoldo's Boots - Have a pair already, never used it. Yeah...

    Mainfold Medic - Not sure I want to spend 500g on an item I'd rarely use. Triple Heals is just decent, but what's the point when you're giving up traits for those?

    Raging Rock - Insta buy?

    Rhood's Boots - Have a pair + 2x Salazar's. I'd like to buy a spare pair, but with 2700g in the bank and other decent boots in my collection... I'll think about it.

    Goat Boots - Immovable, an actually nice move card + some cheap armor, all tokenless. For 100g this is actually something I don't mind having at hand if need be.

    Polished Plancon - Have one already, don't think it's worth getting a spare, especially when I rarely use it in the first place.
  20. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Not "insta buy", but if you don't have it, then it's probably worth buying. It's always nice to have options.

    If you don't have the better boots (see the discussion above on what I consider better), then buy Rhood's. 500 gold isn't very much, and you need three good pairs of boots.
    Bandreus likes this.

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