[Suggestion] Card idea: Quicksand

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by WhiteSorcerer, May 29, 2014.

  1. WhiteSorcerer

    WhiteSorcerer Guild Leader

    Silver card. Creates 2x2 quicksand terrain attachment. Quicksand is a difficult terrain that halts the units on it while the unit is on it.

    It would counter step warriors while strengthening 2 ranged attacks - spears need more love. It would also strengthen team moves.
    Last edited: May 29, 2014
    Sir Veza likes this.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    A very similar a card exists (Mud Pit). Just not available for players at this time, but I guess this might change?
  3. WhiteSorcerer

    WhiteSorcerer Guild Leader

    Yes, now I see that they fit the same purpose. Now I realised that if cast under an already occupied square, halt effect would be too powerful. so, silly idea.
  4. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Maybe not. Ember Burst is just a scaled-down player version of Fireball. Quicksand wouldn't need a Halt effect, just be difficult terrain. Covering 4 squares instead of 9 and not negating blocks should easily drop it to silver quality. I think it's a good idea. :)
  5. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Or bronze.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  6. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yeah, some scaled down player card versions of this - and rockfall/cave in would be pretty interesting I guess?
    Sir Veza and Flaxative like this.
  7. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

  8. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Absolutely! People seem interested in a method to make step attacks come up short, for some odd reason. Maybe a no damage version. It might even cost less, quality/token wise.
  9. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Honestly, a 1-square rock fall with somewhere between 3 and 5 damage would be a muuuuuch better Stone Spikes in terms of playability/use (it can block-check) without being broken. I could definitely see it still at paper, maybe bronze if it did 5-6 damage.
  10. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Ah. I was thinking little or no damage and 2x2 or 3x3. A single square would be good: It wouldn't impede a character already in the square because she could just leave the difficult terrain, but it would cause damage. Versatile! I'm an American, and I want both! Sorry I'm thinking in typeface, but it's about 8 hours past my bedtime.
    Flaxative likes this.
  11. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    I like the idea, I'm in for everything that can counter NS actually, but I not sure about the quality. A card like that would probably put 3DC near the top again, as it now has 3 weaknesses: FS, NS and WW/WWe, and one of these (NS) could be greatly reduced with a card like this one. Bronze with no damage and silver with damage IMO.
  12. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    1-square rockfall without damage at BRONZE?
    To be clear—it would be strictly worse than paper Stone Spikes.

    And who says that wizards need to get all the goodies?

    Give it to priests. Make it druidy.

    I think 2x2 no damage and 1x1 with initial damage would both be solid cards. The former, bronze; the latter, paper or bronze depending on the amount of damage.
    Robauke and Sir Veza like this.
  13. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    How would you target a 2x2 effect? It would be simpler just making it a Wall of Rubble or something.

    And I've always thought that rogues should get Mud Pit, but making druid specific items is a great idea!
  14. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Probably target one square, with a hover effect showing where the other three squares of terrain attachment would go.
  15. Jacques

    Jacques Hydra

    Sorry, I thought you said 2x2 square, now that I read you said only 1x1. Because a 2x2 square casted in the middle of where an opponent's character is would be quite powerful, as it will take a lot of movement to get out of there, that is why I suggested those values. This would also be good to put some cards like Flying Aura or Wings of Faith back in track, as they are rarely used outside of some leagues.

    I also like the idea of buffing priests instead of wizards. What about the duration effect? I think 2 turns would be nice.
    Sir Veza and Flaxative like this.
  16. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    2 or 3 depending on what kinds of items it gets onto.
    Maybe larger effects should be smaller; a 1-square rockfall-esque card could definitely last 3 turns.
    Jacques likes this.

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