Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. wavy

    wavy Thaumaturge

  2. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Yes, Huetotl's Firebrand ((majortoken)(minortoken)) is one of the best Priest weapons. I'd grab it immediately.
    I've seen e.g. vampire players praise it over Vampire's Blade and *
    It's very good for NS+MF builds. It's the best Divine Weapon with 2x Mass Frenzy together with St. Olf's Fiery Pike ((minortoken)(minortoken)).

    * Sorry, I was confusing Firebrand with Sacrificial Axe (which has very similar graphic with different colouring). The Axe is the vampire cycling weapon I've heard talk of.
    Last edited: May 26, 2014
    wavy likes this.
  3. wavy

    wavy Thaumaturge

    Thanks, I thought it looked pretty good.
  4. zeroth_hour

    zeroth_hour Goblin Champion

    Double Mass Frenzy on weapons is hard to get.

    Only Epics and higher get Mass Frenzy on Divine Weapons. In addition, Huetotl's is the highest level Divine Weapon to get it. So it's pretty unique.

    Does Sacrificial Axe's lack of Vampire Attacks interfere with the Vampiring? I have one and was wondering if I should use that over Vamp Blade. It's a better Trait Cycler to be sure...
    wavy likes this.
  5. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Flaxative likes this.
  6. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Yes, Sacrificial Axe replaces Vampire's Blade in token-hungry [heal/inspiration]-slave priest builds.
    And maybe it's okay for all-around priests who don't have St. Portia's Maul.
    But it is not better than Vampire's Blade for vampires.
  7. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Inkfingers likes this.
  8. zeroth_hour

    zeroth_hour Goblin Champion

    Yes, we should petition Blue Manchu to rename Strong Bludgeon to Strongheal Bludgeon. :p I'm sure then it would proc Talented Healer.
    Inkfingers, Sir Veza and Flaxative like this.
  9. e-stab

    e-stab Goblin Champion

    More choice in legendaries than usual in this week's Randimar's and ~3k gp to spend currently. Shouldn't be hard to get to 3.5k or even 4k until Saturday though.

    Dangerous Club - nice for a blue token, right?
    St. Osrim's Corona - a good one, but I have Savage Plates already
    Waasker's White Cup - hmm...?!
    Xemu's Staff - does almost everything but lacks focus and reliability IMHO

    Aegis Of The Defender
    Azure Shield
    Corian's Boots
    Cudgel Of Healing Light (*)
    Demon's Golden Blade (*)
    Plates Of Ixicha (*)
    Rusty Healing Armor
    True Mail (*)
    Vigun's Blessed Blade (*)
    Xochu's Icy Circlet
    Zachary's Boots

    Some nice epics there, I marked my candidates with (*). What do you think?
  10. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    It is a nice club for a blue token and might be interesting but usually it is more worth to get a second silver token for for a far superiour weapon or go tokenless with similar weapons.
    The Cudgel is good for specific Firestorm builds and the other Priest weapons also fit into some builds.
    The Plate is great and the Mail is nice if you want to go full armor.

    I personally would buy the Cudgel and the Plates.
    Get the Golden Blade and the Mail if you have something in mind for them and if you really want a Blessed Blade just replay the level 3 and 4 Adventures for a while and you will get it sooner than later.
  11. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Xochu's Icy Circlet is actually pretty nice too. Whether you need or want it is another matter.
  12. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Very nice. Good not only to save a token, but as a tech weapon versus blocks. Should be bought IMHO.
    This is a great staff for low-level SP firestorming. All cards are playable here, even Able Bludgeon. I would buy it without any hesitations.

    A great weapon for a supporting priest in a Firestorm team.
    Probably the best Cone of Cold item. Should be bought.

    Yes, I know that's 6K gold, but the items are worth it.
  13. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    I kinda prefer the epic Maquah Of Ancient Blood, so 2k gold can probably be saved. Maybe 2.5k if he can get the maqua for free from one of the 50g leagues.

    edit: I wouldn't buy the Cudgel either. You don't need a priest to FS in SP and for MP Healing Hand Mace is better.
    Last edited: May 29, 2014
  14. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Hmm... you may be right here, but I feel that if you want Unnerving Strike for your warrior, three copies is better than two :)

    A weapon for (majortoken)(majortoken) should be better than a weapon for (minortoken)(minortoken). But you don't always have the tokens! As for the priest in SP, I feel that his support makes the team much more stable than 3 wizards.
  15. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I often run a priest as well. She serves as a tank on melee levels (strong weapons - some heals), and a heal-bot on demon/geomancer levels (starting with blessed club as the weapon at zero tokens). Some adventures are quicker with 3 wiz, but I had terrible luck with it early on and got used to bringing a priest. I think much depends upon which items you have available. If I had 6 Lavastaffs I might run 3 wiz about all the time.

    I think there should definitely be a stronger version of Vampire's Blade (maybe (minortoken)(minortoken)) using strictly vampiric attacks and a drawback or two. Having only the tokenless version kinda makes it seem like BM forgot about the concept.
  16. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    I'd like to see (viable) vampiric weapons at every token combination.
    Right now there's basically just Vampire's Blade; Lifesuck Spear and Draining Dagger are okay but basically suck in comparison. Bynzer's Black Spear is cool but you want more DPC (and more focus) on a vamp.
  17. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I would love to see more Unholy Melee cards, for sure! And some new vampire weapons to boot.
    Does anyone notice how Invigorating Touch appears to be a Gold, but isn't valued as such on any items? I think the card is incorrect and it should be Silver.
  18. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Yeah, Vampire's Blade is level 2?
  19. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    ok Crazy Sal's Halberd appears in my club reward the day after my club finished. grr, is it a great item?? worth the $10
  20. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    You need to build around it to get the full benefit. A spear warrior staying at range 2 could maybe use it. For a step attack warrior there are better options. Your damage output will drop if you equip Crazy Sal's on a step warrior. I've tried this, it was no use. I wouldn't pay either real money or even 2,500 gold for it myself. I have two and I never use them.
    kogi likes this.

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