Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    I like using my pizza for pizza-only stuff (i.e. figures), although I'd likely spend a few bucks on an awesome item if I was short on gold.
  2. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Showing your hand is definitely bad, but if you're running a lot of traits and the cards with "draw a card", this drawback means almost nothing. Plus, some enemies are playing Elvish Insight anyway :)

    Believe me, it's MUCH worse. Even a single Raging Strike can get you killed pretty easily (imagine a Firestorm/freezing team against you), and you have two of them! And don't think that Nimbuses make you invincible: people are playing a lot of Purging Bursts now. But I don't recommend you to buy the Blade: you will eventually find something better.

    If the third card would be good, the boots would be overpowered :) You have two best move cards in the whole game here (well, Elven Trickery is probably better, but it isn't available on boots). 500 gold isn't very much, and these boots are much better than all boots you have now. You will love Violent Spin when you will learn all the tricks it enables.
    BTW, Shuffle isn't very bad, since you can play it any time, and sometimes that 1 square is all you need. There are much worse cards in the game: crappy armor, unreliable blocks, and so on.
    Last edited: May 20, 2014
  3. zeroth_hour

    zeroth_hour Goblin Champion

    RE: Wlakwa's Boots

    I see Taz Boots in my Randimar's as well actually...

    Is Taz a big dropoff from Wlakwa's or is it just a little? I've used Team Run before and like it a lot, but I haven't used Team Shift enough to determine how much worse it is.

    As far as the Roiled Incense vs Shuddering Relic, well they're both Rares but Shuddering is useful even if you have the Roiled Incense because it's tokenless. However, if you play a lot of level 6 adventures (since both gold farm levels are level 6) you may be able to get them through farming alone (I have 3 and I think I bought 2 of them at Randimar's)
  4. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Team Shifting your party around is better than not having a team move available whatsoever. But, seriously, Team Run is way better, for obvious reasons.

    If you can only afford 1 of the 2 pair of boots (or if you desperately need to spare every coin you can for whatever reason), I'd strongly vouch for Wlakwa's Boots. But, if I was in your shoes (un totally unintended!) I'd probably buy Taz Boots as well for good measure.

    But even then, we can only give a biased opinion. You still need to make your own choice, depending on your judgement, playstyle, preferred builds, etc.
  5. wavy

    wavy Thaumaturge

    After a couple of weeks without any legendaries, Randimar brought me two this week - I bought Kelvin's Chunk Of Ice, but would you buy Golden Wings?

    I've got over 20,000 gold but don't know how often I'd use it if I bought it.
  6. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    It's good for the Waterways league (if that ever comes back) and maybe similar specialty maps.
  7. That item has been very useful in the constructed leagues for certain maps like Wicked Waterways. It's the best flight card as it is attached instead of armor without the 'keep' keyword. Flight Aura is lost the first time it takes a hit.
    wavy likes this.
  8. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    First, I'd like to shout out for Madman's Maul. As my only Mass Frenzy X2 weapon for five months, it drove my two semi-peasant dwarf warriors all the way to 1500. You have to play carefully sometimes; however on a priest with a Parrying Buckler and the occasional Quick Step, I was able to dish out tons more pain to my opponents than to my priest. Why? Because people either: -Attack the priest, -Attack the priest (again!), or -Ignore the priest, and when they make the mistake of getting close enough they get nailed with 7-13 damage attacks. You can't deny that Madman's Maul has two big attacks, almost twice as much damage as the Fiery Pike.
    Now, if you start getting assaulted by Firestorm when you are holding a Raging Strike then your priest is probably screwed. But for the other 90% of the time, I didn't lose because of Raging Strike, that's for sure!
    St. Olf's Fiery Pike is more flexible (and less dangerous to yourself) since it doesn't require careful positioning or strategy. Still, every once in a while when I draw a Stab at a crucial moment, I do wish for that Raging Strike.

    So yeah... don't be afraid to use Madman's Maul, it's quite a dangerous weapon. It's simply a matter of making sure that it is more dangerous to your opponents then to yourself! Oh, and your priest has to be just a little bit Insane to use it properly.

    And as for just about everything else, I think that solid advice has been given by the experienced players here.

    Buy the Golden Wings. It's unique and useful, it's the best at what it does.
    It's a level 18 legendary and you'll never see them again!
    Bandreus, Sir Veza and wavy like this.
  9. e-stab

    e-stab Goblin Champion

    With enough gold, I'd buy Golden Wings in a heartbeat.
    Bandreus likes this.
  10. Inkfingers

    Inkfingers Thaumaturge

    Agreed. And it certainly sounds like you have enough gold.
  11. wavy

    wavy Thaumaturge

    Thanks guys, you've convinced me to buy it. I'll try it out on some SP maps this week.
  12. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Hey all, got a decision or two i need help with as usual. Got 3 legendaries this week, Bynzer's Weighted Club , Garalem's Boots and Arcade's Amber Amulet.

    Garalem's Boots i like for a wizard, but i already have Lt. Buckwell's Boots, Mouse Boots and Red John's Boots and im not sure that one Wild Run is worth the 2,500 gold. If im missing something obvious on this one, please educate me on the error of my ways.

    Arcade's Amber Amulet Seems very good, especially for a map like the death march league. I'm feeling like this should be one i buy, but i did just buy Axander's Twisted Circlet so im not 100% sure.

    Bynzer's Weighted Club i am dismissing as a junk legendary but ive missed seeing value in legendaries before. Thanks for your input all!
  13. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I agree with your assessments. Arcade's Amber Amulet is pricey, but double SPRs are good, and WW is situationally good.
  14. zeroth_hour

    zeroth_hour Goblin Champion

    Legendary (1):
    Xentoc's Maul - I'm not convinced here, Violent Overswing really sucks. Healing Hand Mace looks so much better, even taking into account this is only a Major Minor instead of 2 Majors.

    Epic (10):
    Advanced Levitation - I'd honestly like my Arcane Skill to do more - but Hover is quite good, and it's not replicated anywhere else.
    Bloody Battleaxe
    Chadwick's Clogs - I have 2 Vira's Shoes and 2 Iberial's Boots. Those don't cost Tokens.
    Cintxotl Mail - If I did want to pay a Token for Divine Armor this seems like it's pretty good. Though this seems like a battle armor.
    Elphala's Healing Ring - Twin Heals sucks :(
    Novice Evasion - prefer Advanced Evasion over this even if they were the same rarity - mainly because of Elf Mobility. That being said, Elven Trickery is a really good card.
    Salazar's Sandals - have 1, probably buying 2nd
    St Ulrich's Bones - have already, not looking for a second.
    Staff Of Freezing Fire - probably gonna grab a 2nd
    Wlakwa's Boots - oh look

    Notable (?) Rares (48):
    Crusty Helm - Do I need a third one?
    Diamond Moccasins - Looks like 2 great cards and 1 good card on it - but can I afford the Blue Token?
    Fireblinker Initiate - Unfortunately, this costs a token and Electroporter Novice does not. IMO The Ember Burst makes it a bad cycler anyway (over Fireblinker Novice)
    Focused Impaling - I have Bruising and Slicing, this completes the set
    Gray Blade - not sure if Demonic Miasma counts as a drawback card.
    Heavyweight Mace - Seems like a good card for a Bash focused build.
    Rod Of Winds - 3 Whirlwind type cards?
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
  15. zeroth_hour

    zeroth_hour Goblin Champion

    Krodis: I'm pretty sure Barge is as sucky as you think it is. It doesn't even have Bash in the title so it can't benefit from Bash Marital Skills.
  16. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

  17. One of those situations happens to be Death March, our current constructed league. WW is better than WWE in this scenario, as it lets you overcome Wall Of Stone more effectively. Items with two SPR's are always awesome. I have two of this item already and would gladly snap up another.

    Now for my Randimar's legendaries:

    Absolem's Leather Shoes - seems good for a firestorm build
    Asmod's Telekinetic Chain - mmmmaybe
    Mandaeus's Aegis pretty sure it's bad
    Massive Harm - pretty sure it's bad
    The Lunginator - pretty sure it's bad
    notable epics:
    Angry Jack's Helmet
    Vira's Chain - would be my fourth, but I think it's really good, especially for certain constructed leagues

    Any advice?
  18. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I've got it too as my only Legendary this week. I also have Red John's Boots, but not Lt. Buckwell's Boots. I feel Garalem's will be the best for a Warrior in a Whirlwind party. I never evaluate items in the way of "whether a single Wild Run is worth 2500 gold": if that Wild Run is good for that char, then it's worth the gold. That's especially true if all three cards of the item allow you to pursuit the same strategy, like here. I guess you'd like to have that Wild Run when you're ready to cast Whirlwind/Whirlwind Enemies, much more than you'd like to have Officer's Harness :) And as long as Flanking Move allows you to launch Nimble Strikes, Garalem's Boots are probably the best tokenless boots for the Whirlwind army.

    Some people are buying all decent SPR items, and most people are buying all double-SPR items. I've refused to buy the second Axander's since I don't like Big Zap, but this amulet should be bought immediately! SPR has a very good synergy with Whirlwind, and this amulet is the best double-SPR item for a blue token.
  19. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    You're absolutely right here, the Maul isn't worth playing. A Legendary weapon could have better attacks. Plus, I don't like Soothing Darkness much, even for a Firestorm party. Dwarven wizards hate to be encumbered, and the Darkness won't trigger most Divine traits, as it isn't Holy and doesn't heal immediately.

    I guess most people would play this for Arcane Burst, not Hover :) It's really extremely rare and can be very powerful, if you manage to hit several enemies with it. Going to be very nice in SP, buy it.

    I am regularly paying a token for a divine armor. Why not? Clerics have only two weapons and usually can afford this. This armor is awesome and definitely worth the token, buy it.

    I've bought 3rd, and don't regret that! There are some unique builds with mass Bless.

    Great boots, one of the best in the whole game.

    Do you want 3 warriors? I guess not.
    That's the question only you can answer :)
    It would be, if a Bash focused build would exist. Unfortunately, the Bash cards are currently overpriced token-wise.
    Yes. And it's very effective if your army is built around Whirlwind.
  20. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Yes, I've bought them last week :) My firestorm cleric usually wears Holy Knight Armor, but I will try Holy Breastplate as well.

    I would buy it. It's techy, but not that bad. Bashing is in a bad shape now, but this can change; Lunging Bash is a great way to move enemies from the victory area. You get them as "the weak strikes" here, and the strong strikes are really good.

    I am not sure whether you want your warrior to push the other chars: generally you want a non-warrior to push your warriors :) I guess there are better helms for a blue token in the game.

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