New League Details

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Jon, May 6, 2014.

  1. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    Yeah, they really need to change the way tiebreakers work. Especially with some of the new maps it supports certain builds (those that can just sit on VP spots) than those that rely on dealing damage and killing the enemy to win (since the enemy will usually get a few VP while you set up kills).

    Some other suggestions I've heard have been to lower the price and rewards a bit to make them more accessible (maybe after a week or so of the current pricing structure). Something like 25 entry but 50/25/10 pizza as prize instead of the 75/50/25.

    Maybe have an alternative high gold cost entry fee (like 2k to 3k gold) for those who are unwilling to spend any money on pizza.

    Also, I fear the large number of Leagues is going to diminish the number of participants, but we'll see how that pans out in a week or two.

    Besides those the Leagues have been really fun and interesting. Definitely curious to see more! =)
    Neofalcon and Jacques like this.
  2. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I would like to see a (free) league where the prize is an exclusive, AOTA themed rare-to-epic treasure item.
    Alternatively, you should be able to win a major (pizza) league entry ticket.
    Fyra and Stexe like this.
  3. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    Uh... I wouldn't like that -- treasures are lame :-P . Maybe alt skin items as prizes later on, but I wouldn't say that the Leagues have to be free.

    I do think they should have "League tickets" as prize possibilities. Then you don't have people farming pizza for membership or whatever, but people will still get their "moneys worth" -- remember that Blue Manchu has to make some money from all this development work! :-P

    EDIT: Actually, I guess treasures as prizes might work out instead of simply giving gold as a reward. That way people can choose to sell it or it could feed into the collectors. Although I still don't think they should have free Leagues with prizes.
    Neofalcon likes this.
  4. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    It seems a lot of people (myself included the first few times I've played it) have been having trouble with Monkey Madness's 10 minute duration. I'd suggest increasing the time limit to 15 minutes. The fact a speed player like me is asking for a time increase means it is probably a big deal... :-P
    Sazanami likes this.
  5. Sazanami

    Sazanami Orc Soldier

    I was playing a game yesterday that was pretty awesome, in that it was very close. I had 5 victory points, with both my monkeys on 7 HP, but occupying the VPs and with ways to defend themselves. I was so absorbed in the game that it was a rather rude awaking when I suddenly lost because of a lack of time. It was kind of a bummer.

    Perhaps the intention was to pressure people into playing faster. (It would fit with the theme :p) I like that way of thinking, but if you're going to pressure people that way, they should be aware that their game time is limited. They shouldn't have to find out the hard way by a sudden and unexpected death.
    I think it was suggested on the forum somewhere that players should be notified when their timer has counted to down to a few minutes, that might be an alternative solution for similar leagues in the future.
    neoncat likes this.
  6. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    I assume you have the sound off? It makes a specific clicking sound every second for the last minute.

    The thing about Leagues is 10 minutes *should* be enough time... if you're familiar with the deck of cards. However, most people aren't going to play practice matches and read each card before hand and memorize them. That takes a large portion of the time each game which really makes me think that most fixed deck Leagues should be 15 minutes.
    Sazanami likes this.
  7. Sazanami

    Sazanami Orc Soldier

    Yeah, I do play with sound turned off, thanks for letting me know :D
  8. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    I remember when I started playing MP, I also wondered why the clock is SO tiny up there. Could be easily 3 times bigger imo. Now I'm of course used to it and don't find it a problem any more but newer players might.
  9. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    First time I played the monkey league, I won first game by time. Lost second by time. Then it has been ok. And it's not about deck lists, it's more about knowing what to do in a given situation, things that you can't learn by checking the deck lists.

    Imho all leagues should have the extra 5 minutes the first week they are scheduled and then a regular time can do it. Or maybe increased time all the time as we should expect people to fully enjoy their league matches as they paid 50 pizza for them. This may demotivate people for playing more league games after their 4 games are done but on the other hand average players are not found of playing against pro farmers.
  10. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    Also I would like to ask, are the current figure prizes a one time thing or will we be able to win those figures in some different future leagues?
    Because some leagues aren't attractive to me (Golden Shrine) and probably both the constructed ones for some beginners. So, do we have to pay to play some things we find boring for the figure or can we postpone the thing in peace until a league we like offers it again?
  11. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Interesting, according to Farbs' site, the average total duration for Monkey Magic is only 11 minutes (the same as Astral Tourney). That's nothing like as long as we were seeing with Clash of Geomancy.

    Still, I'm happy to increase the time limit.
    Sazanami and Stexe like this.
  12. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I'm sure we'll run new leagues with the same figures.
    Squidy and neoncat like this.
  13. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    I'm curious if that "average time" comes from calculating people who finish games as opposed to just average game times. I've seen a lot of people quit when they knew they were going to lose due to the tree destroying one of their monkeys on the first turn or two.

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