Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Perilous Agility is pretty great as far as old elf skills go. It's much better than just plain Agility (which I have) and it would be ideal for an elf wizard. Being able to pull a Flanking Move and follow up with a critical Cone of Cold or Frost Jolt is one of the keystone plays a wizard has.

    Coruscating Mail is not that great, and if you have one you have more than enough. Frankly I don't like it simply because of Shimmering Aura, but hey.
    Dark Chain Shirt is simply the best tokenless armor for any priest. It's solid, you should have one.
    I hate Sharp Shell, I have 3X the drop rate with it than any other epic in the game. That being said, having one or two for doing certain campaign levels is great.
    Trained Toughness is an odd skill, I'm not sure what you would use it for. I think the Hide Strips really hold it back from being a good item. They always do.

    Toughened Hide Strips. The junkiest rare card ever.

    In my shop there is Oquith's Choking Incense. Cause Fumble X3 is kind of cool! I have a lot of gold, and I have one already, so why not two?
    Also a Magma Scepter. Now there is Xipil Ring so do I really need this? I need one at least but still...
  2. zeroth_hour

    zeroth_hour Goblin Champion

    0L, 14E, 45R this week
    Apprentice Command
    Basher's Delight (again)
    Farzil's Perplexing Horn
    Giant's Battleaxe 2 really good cards and a good card but at the cost of 2 Blues and 3 bad cards, doesn't seem worth it
    Mageslayer Mail
    Necalli Charm -> Trade the Spear Of Darkness for a Healing Benediction and 1 point of Vamp. While Healing Benediction is good, it seems antithetical to a Vamp build... (however, I don't have any Wuuna's or Flax's)
    Pendant Of Artax
    Salazar's Sandals -> Team Run seems kinda rare. It looks like a poor man's Rhood's Boots, is that correct?
    St. Amarack's Cudgel
    St. Bethan's Charm -> Mass Frenzy + 2 heals, is it enough to justify buying it?
    Staff Of Freezing Fire -> other than the Brain Burn all the cards on this seem very useful esp. for control
    Staff Of Glowing Coals -> is the singleton Volcano enough to justify a buy?
    Yaro's Scepter -> have 1, need more
    Zazhetl's Gray Blade

    Notable (?) Rares:
    Barbarian's Club -> Good? No good?
    Healthy Trickery -> although I have 2 already.
    Helm Of Alacrity -> Sprint, Team! seems useful even though this is a major.
    Shuddering Relic
    Skipping Boots -> It has Flanking Move and Healing Dash

    EDIT: fixed link
    Last edited: May 11, 2014
  3. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    One of the best SPR items, should be bought by all costs.
    Looks pretty nice. I'd buy it.
    Not quite. Rhood's are generally better, right, but sometimes you need armor more than Wild Run.
    Surely it is. You should look at the heals more closely: both don't require a target and work despite of the distance and walls. You will play this Charm on many, many special maps.
    Good for the SP scenarios in "all drawback items" mode.
    Hmm, there are Firestorm and Ember Burst too. But I wouldn't buy it, the rest cards are weak.
  4. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Well that's great, but who plays Elf wizards and why? I guess when somebody decides to play a Elf, he wants speed + some unique elven tricks, not just the extra movement cards, right?
  5. SystemIsDown

    SystemIsDown Mushroom Warrior

    Can someone update the max number of epics in the Randimar's wiki? I have 18 of them in my Randimar's and the wiki says 14 is max. (1 Legendary, 18 epic, 40 rare = 59 total). Pic:

  6. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    The Randimar's wiki page has got a lot of incorrect information. It should be possible to get 0-59 rares, epics and legendaries from there.
    Also, my Randimar's log also contains one week with 18 epics already :p
    LeisureSuitLoli likes this.
  7. MysticQuail

    MysticQuail Kobold

    This week I'm looking at

    Chartwell's Ring - looks great for pve farming, and the spr is awesome in pvp
    Yount's Chain - not convinced

    Mail Of St. Aulx First time I've seen inspiring armor which looks really strong - but the other card are a bit meh.
    Underdog Shield maybe? but twisting shield seems better for a tokenless shield
    Risky Trickery Strong but I already have one, aswell as a cautious, healthy and pacifist trickery...
  8. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Personally I'd buy these two without hesitation.
  9. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I'd buy Chartwell's Ring immediately as well (it's the best Firestorm item in the game IMHO), but not sure about Risky Trickery. Both legendary Elven Trickery skills are better.
  10. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    Buy the ring. If you have the gold and you donĀ“t grind a lot, then get the elf skill, you might need it for a special build.
    The chain is absolutely not worth the gold or the token.
    And you are right about the shield, it was great before the Twisting Shield arrived.
  11. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    You are kidding me. Wild Trickery is not better than Risky Trickery, no way. Until there is a 24 square wide map, Wild Trickery is still going to be garbage. It costs a token (unlike Risky) and Superb Trickery is much better. Risky Trickery is pretty great for the 500 g price, you should have at least 1, so whether you buy another is up to you.

    Underdog's Shield and Icicle Shield were pretty nice before the expansion; now there are only useful in certain campaign missions (although Spellthwart Shield would work just as well or better). Don't underestimate Wounded Block though, it's pretty useful.
    Pass on the Mail of St. Aulx.

    Farzil's Perplexing Horn Buy this.
    Giant's Battleaxe Those Obliterating Chops + Mass Frenzy are good for killing 13HP zombies. Still, worth using, not worth buying.
    Salazar's Sandals -> Team Run seems kinda rare. It looks like a poor man's Rhood's Boots, is that correct?
    These are <= to Rhood's Boots, depends who you equip them to.
    St. Amarack's Cudgel Don't buy, but useful for campaign.
    St. Bethan's Charm -> Mass Frenzy + 2 heals, is it enough to justify buying it?
    Two of the best heals in the game + Mass Frenzy. It's great to have, period.
    Staff Of Freezing Fire -> Great for drawback quests.
    Staff Of Glowing Coals -> is the singleton Volcano enough to justify a buy?
    Not anymore, see Xipil Ring. The glowing coals staff is random and not very useful unless it's all you have..
    Yaro's Scepter -> Sure, it's cheaper and more common than Chartwell's Ring.
    Zazhetl's Gray Blade see Raxcotl's Hammer.
    Man these things are hard to spell, but don't bother posting the link if it doesn't work...
    Notable (?) Rares:
    Barbarian's Club -> No good.
    Healthy Trickery -> Not bad, not great.
    Helm Of Alacrity -> Pass.
    Shuddering Relic You want 3-4 of these eventually.
    Skipping Boots -> It has Flanking Move and Healing Dash --Good to have!
    Last edited: May 11, 2014
  12. zeroth_hour

    zeroth_hour Goblin Champion

    Thanks Ector and Jade for the review. I have 1 Shuddering Relic, so I'll be hoping to get more :)

    I've picked up Farzil's and will probably pick up Salazar's, St. Bethan's, Necalli Charm, Yaro's Scepter, Shuddering Relic, Skipping Boots and maybe Staff of Freezing Fire (I have 1 already).
  13. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Don't have much time atm, so I'll just post the obvious.

    Twipp's Energy Boots - a fency item, although the 2500g + major token is too big an investment for what you get.
    Ekkerg's Amulet - I have one already, rarely use it (if ever)

    Mouse Boots - Now, I have a pair of these already, probably the item I used the most in the whole freaking game, I might buy a spare pair just as a "thank you" thing. If only it wasn't for...
    Ulalia's Boots Now, these really look like something my wizard would love. I usually go token-less on wizards boots but, whenever I do otherwise, it usually is for getting cards other than Flank Move. I think I'll still buy these for my collection.
  14. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I guess you evaluate Vulnerable as it was evaluated for a wizard :) Unfortunately, while a wizard can consider Vulnerable a good way to cycle cards, the warrior cannot, especially the elven warrior who is low on HPs. The wizards, if played wisely, rarely take a lot of damage, while the warriors take it in every game. Thus, Vulnerable is a serious drawback, and even the tokenlessness doesn't make Risky Trickery better.
    Also, Wild Run can be very good even for an elf, especially in the world of Whirlwinds/WWE :)
  15. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    I am on Jade303 side for this one. And even if you can afford to spend a token, as a sage would say, Wild Trickery is not better than Healthy Trickery, no way.
  16. Inkfingers

    Inkfingers Thaumaturge

    Healthy Trickery is totally worth it for a vamp with Focused Healer (Cantrip Dash that heals 2-6 hp? Yes please!). I don't think I'd play it on anyone else, though - Risky Trickery's lack of token is pretty tempting. I've been experimenting with Risky Trickery at the moment, and I think it's niche, but totally playable. I also don't like Wild Run because of the discard - you're playing an elf already, so the burst movement isn't as important, and the discard really hurts sometimes. My current setup is Healthy on my priest, Risky on the more mobile of my warriors, and Escapist on the less mobile, and that seems to work pretty well.
    CT5 likes this.
  17. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    I'd like an opinion on this epic item:

    Perfect Flexibility - 1 major token human skill, one of two items bearing 2x Advanced Battlefield Training (the other one being General Gideon's Helm). I'll be honest, I never used that card, so I'd like to know if the strategic uses for it allow for interesting/effective builds, hence justifying a buy. Maybe in no-priest, warriors-centrick builds?

    And here comes a bunch of assorted rares. Feel free to express your thoughts.

    Advanced Ferocity - It might be called a poor men's version of Perfect Ferocity, but I see that as a positive, it seems a pretty sweet skill for a minor token.
    Elderwood Staff - I know, it's not the Heartripper, but what do you think about this staff?
    Exceptional Sparking - You basically pay a major token for an Obliterating Spark
    Warp Robes - Token-less Mystical Drakehide + Dimensional Traveler. I'm tempted
  18. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    It can be interesting on some league maps like Wicked Waterways for example. In this case, you would have a wizz stuffed with Teleport Self with the human skill equiped so that he can give his teleports to the other team members to highly improve their mobility. If I have the funds, I would buy it in the doubt.

    It's good in a team full of dwarves, mostly during those elf blooming times. The War Cry is very good if you have a vampire priest in the team or an All Out Attack + Oblitering Bludgeon warrior.

    I really prefer Staff Of Chask even if it has a Slow.

    I often use it PvP when my Wizz has extra token, good to have.

    I find it meh. It exists an armor with 2 cycling traits for 0 token and there are better armors then the Drakehide to me like Sparkling Cloth Armor or Resistant Hide.
    Bandreus likes this.
  19. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    This is just a complete crap: even if you plan to pass a special card to the other chars with Advanced Battlefield Training, are you going to wait until you draw this special card and ABT? Moreover, the ABT represents strict card disadvantage, as you're spending a card and an action just to move a card from one char to another. Still moreover, Flimsy Block is a very weak card, and you are going to spend a yellow token on that!!!

    It's better than Perfect Ferocity. Warriors rarely have yellow tokens to spare.
    Too many weak cards to be playable.
    Personally I prefer my wizards' skills to have as much traits as possible. While the arracks here are surely very nice, three Spark Generators would provide the better results on a long run, if you have a dedicated electric mage. But if you want just to pump the damage of your control mage, this one may work. 100 gold isn't very much, after all :)

    Squidy, I really applaud your skill in selling the crappy items :) Could you please sell me Perilous Agility? I feel it can be used some way, but my imagination fails to show me the way :(
  20. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I would pass on Exceptional Sparking and go for Superb Electromancy instead. Generally I see people going Electroporter Novice > Focused Electromancy > Superb Electromancy. I personally feel that having 2-3 Spark Generator is more important than adding any sort of Spark into your deck.

    Before the expansion, I would have said that Perilous Agility was the best tokenless elf skill. Now? There are some different/better things, and as I have always said, it doesn't really make sense to give Elves all of these extra movement cards;
    However, I make an exception for Flanking Move. It's an excellent card, it can lead into a step/stab attack, support magic, or a spell like Winds of War/Cone of Cold, not to mention it can be used to steal Initiative for the next turn. Going first can be critical to winning games! I try to get Flanking Move from my boots (and skills) whenever possible.
    As for PA, if you have the money it doesn't make sense NOT to buy it considering all of the TERRIBLE legendary racial skills out there.
    Sir Veza likes this.

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