Instant burn typo

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Magic Elves, May 9, 2014.

  1. Magic Elves

    Magic Elves Thaumaturge

    The card Instant Burn reads that it burns for 1 damage, duration one. However, it actually burns for 2 damage, duration one.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I believe the instant burn might trigger off of the burn somhow? So it's 1+1. Not sure if this is a bug or not.
  3. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Ok, silly question... were talking about the burn on the subsequent turn, not the initial attack value of 2, right?
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I believe that's what the op means, and I confirmed it is a 2 damage dot on the subsequent turn, without any additional attachments to either the burner (caster) or the burnee.
  5. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yep, this is a bug. Fixing.

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