Premmiun system?

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Kodi, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    • Hi here is an idea for your store
      Maybe you can make an account upgrade system like Free Account/Silver Vip/ Gold Vip/ Platinum Vip, spending money in unique character avatars or cosmetic items or etc. and give some extra % to get a rare item, I mean somenthing like this:
      - Free Acc: 1% get a rare item
      - Silver Vip: 6% get a rare item
      - Gold Vip: 8%: get a rare item
      - Platinum Vip: 10% get a rare item

      And you can make it an upgrade permanent
      (just an example of prices)
      - Any cosmetic item/avatar/etc that cost 5$ gives you permanet Silver Vip
      - Any cosmetic item/avatar/etc that cost 10$ gives you permanet Gold Vip
      - Any cosmetic item/avatar/etc that cost 15$ gives you permanet Platinum Vip

      So you just have to buy a single time to upgrade your account permanent, (you still can buy more stuff if you want but no higher upgrade that Platinium Vip), so if you don't want to pay for the game you still got almost same strength that another accounts.

      This is only an Idea and you can change it!
      I hope that can help you, my best wishes!
      (I apologize for my bad english)
  2. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    Your english is fine.

    A system like this would be over complicated I feel. Now I would be fine with like a subscription style system that increases exp gains and gold earnings. Having many different teirs would segregate the community I feel
  3. Szczypior

    Szczypior Orc Soldier

    Way too many levels. Also, I'm against any idea which will make paid users to be better than those who can't afford paying. As long as free user has same chances of getting stuff and paid users can buy only cosmetic stuff it's fine, but system like the one you explained here will lead the game to pay2win. Also, new user who joined a bit after launching would have hard time getting stuff to compete with users who are already playing for some time.. Not sure if you know what I mean, but there is the same thing in Diablo 3. Introduction of Auction House made this game quite unavailable for player who doesn't want to spent money on it after buying the game. Prices for good items are very high, farming gold is extremely long and tiring, but you can't get anything better without proper gear, so you have to either farm or buy stuff for real money from Auction House. That's the thing which was an "arrow in the knee" for Blizzard. They made their community quite closed, because who wants to play a game if he knows he has to spend weeks farming or has to pay a lot more to get gear to be able to play through end-game content.
  4. Kahar

    Kahar Mushroom Warrior

    I really like the idea of getting a permanent bonus for contributing some money to the game. It makes me much more inclined to buy something (see Tribes Ascend and a few other games). I think the bonuses Kodi has come up with are a little big, and multiple tiers may be overly complex, but that would just be fixed with tweaking.
  5. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I despise the VIP tier systems that so many decent games use these days. Mainly because they tend to involve pay to win rewards and the top tier is always much higher then what it feasibly should be but as a general idea as well. The tribes idea I'm much less against but it seams hard to implement properly. A thought would be something minor that adds up like 20% more gold for selling rare items and up after you make your first purchase of pizza.
  6. barbalatte

    barbalatte Mushroom Warrior

    yes I dislike as well
  7. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    But be a premiun dont get you 100% better items just plus 9% chance of drop its not that much (and its for the higher premiun) You still can get these items free to play and with better items or not in pvp still up to the player (no pay to win like you say) and we shall remember that money is required to keep the game alive, But maybe a solution to this is making free acc and (Silver) vip so premiun only got 6% of droping a rare

    I keep not understanding why you guys says this system is pay to win, I mean you still can get the rare item as a free acc just have to work harder, even the silver have to work like hell 6% of droping is nothing! Pay to win for me is BUYING the rare item for real money
  8. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Go back and read my post again and you will see that i was talking about other games with VIP tiers.
  9. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    C'mon you can't be serious... 6% of droping vs 1% still low as hell both acc will have to farm to get the rare item, but you know I do like the 20% extra gold that you mention
  10. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    You are clearly not even trying to read my posts but i will try one last time to nicely ask you to read the post where i talk about VIP tiers carefully not just skim it and draw your own conclusion on what i was saying.
  11. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    I'm trying maybe i'm just dumb xD or maybe it is because english isnt my native language? :p who knows?... the point is I want a permanent bonus if I buy anything for real money, It can be a an extra % of drop, extra gold when selling like you said or whatever, I just don't like the idea of keep buying stuff over and over
  12. Szczypior

    Szczypior Orc Soldier

    Any additional XP is fine with me, %drop seems to be OP with the stats you provided. I just simply think it's way to early to talk about such stuff, and I will take my mind after devs speak in this topic. I know you want good for game and for players who want to pay for playing, but when it is so imbalanced new players will simply quit as 9% drop chance is waaaaaay to much. I think that any paid thinks should involve only cosmethic things, not gameplay, exclooding gold/xp boost which should be paid separately. So with any further conclusions I'll wait for someone from BM to take statement.
  13. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    With the way that the equipment system works you shouldn't have to buy anything more than once unless you want duplicates of the same item. Items are not bound to characters.

    Lot of american gamers have a set feel about free to play and how it should work. They feel that paying should only add variety or cosmetics and nothing else. Its ingrained in people and anyhing else to them is pay to win. As games f2p keep coming out this arguement won't end anytime soon.
  14. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    Well that is a good explanation
  15. Thirandras

    Thirandras Kobold

    In the end, if the game is fun and enjoyable, and if the idea is amusing, I´d definely pay some cash for cosmetic items. I did the same thing when I played League of Legends.
    If some of my hard earned cash will help Blue Manchu grow, count me in =]

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