Lord Batfords Manor - Final Fight

Discussion in 'Adventure Discussion and Strategy' started by Sakuko, May 1, 2014.

  1. Sakuko

    Sakuko Kobold

    I really have trouble with this map and would love some tips. The cramped quarters, the fast dog and spear-wielding mercenaries are just too much for me.
    Even if I can get the dog down fast, the mercenaries are very mobile and will usually take out my cleric and/or wizard very fast, and in a war of attrition my fighter will inevitably end up losing to the superior numbers.
    I'm playing with a dwarf cleric, elven wizard and human fighter.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I found an old thread for you, might hold some old wisdom - otherwise our community can make some excellent suggestions - other than just suggestion "3DC" or firestorm builds, that some people seem to view as the solution to everything. ;)
    Sakuko likes this.
  3. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    Probably the most important thing to do is to protect your wizard / priest behind the warrior. There's a little alcove in which they start, and they shouldn't move out of it. The warrior needs armor and blocks, whatever you can stack, and should tank with the priest's healing support.

    edit: NVM, I was thinking of Shieldhaven. Will come back with thoughts once I remember which map this was.
  4. boro

    boro Goblin Champion

    for your party i'd suggest
    fighter: range 2 weapons, parry's
    priest: range 2 weapons, parry's. Mass frenzy, martyr's blessing or impenetrable nimbus can be useful
    mage: anything with encumber, runestones (get them at the goblin bazaar for 5 gold)

    I usually just stand back in this map on starting positions and fall back if needed. Doing this most of the time causes lord batford to just stay in the doorway so the dog can't pass till late turn 2.
    Sakuko likes this.
  5. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    Oh right, it's the one with Lord Stafford barricaded in his treasure room. A high-damage output wizard is very useful here. I think I used a couple of warriors with blocks and armor to tank while the wizard blasted away and ignored parry. Lava terrain is probably also a good thing to have once the opponent has exhausted moves for the round.

    Also, if you can double team an enemy with one warrior on each side, it will turn to face each warrior as you strike from behind, letting you avoid all the blocks.
  6. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Only Batford has ranged attacks, and they're pretty weak, so just stay back from the others until you have the cards you need or the dog plays Cowardly. I remember Impenetrable Nimbus helping me a lot on the map before this, so I imagine it would be good here too.
  7. Sakuko

    Sakuko Kobold

    Thanks for the tipps. I actually just managed the map shortly after I made the tread, pretty much at random. I guess it's mostly just luck after all.
    Sir Veza and neoncat like this.
  8. esthkol

    esthkol Lizardman Priest

  9. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    There seems to be some confusion between Lord Stafford and Lord Batford.


    stafford 3-brd.jpg


    esthkol likes this.
  10. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    In fairness, all CH lords look alike to me.
    I'm surprised no one suggested backing into the alcove and killing opponents at the bottleneck. It works for me, except occasionally when it doesn't.
  11. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Stafford has one mercenary and two dogs while Batford has three mercenaries and one dog. Totally different! (And Gorald has one dog, one servant, and different architecture.)

    Pengw1n likes this.
  12. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I was referring to the lords, not the entourage or the furniture. ;)
    I don't fall back if needed, I turtle up immediately.
  13. esthkol

    esthkol Lizardman Priest

    Ah, yes, I had the lords confused myself. My above comment is for Stafford. I don't do anything particularly unusual for Batford.

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