Beta Keys coming here!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Jon, Jan 10, 2013.

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  1. Drakeye

    Drakeye Kobold

    One thing I can do, wait and maybe i get a beta key :p
  2. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    But if you sign up for beta you still have the chance of getting in via email, so checking forum is an option to fast entering it
  3. Infinite

    Infinite Kobold

    I agree. I've done a lot of all day forum watching multiple times before to get into other games CBTs, and this shouldn't be acceptable.

    I'm aware they're gonna post some on Facebook/Twitter and here on the foums, I just hope that they post a decent amount at once, rather than a few every now and then. This way the keys won't get taken in minutes and only those who spend all day lurking for the keys will get them. Posting 50 (or whatever acceptable high amount at once) or so should allow a decent few hours or so until they all get taken up, allowing those who are unable to sit around all day to get in.
    I'd hate to miss out because I wasn't here in the 5 minute window to get one of the 5 keys, for example.
    Knutto likes this.
  4. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    You know if they give away 50 keys (that is way too much) I (I wont) but I can easy make at last 10 acc and give it to my friends? Beside of that I think there is way more than 50 people wating for the keys so even if they drop 50 they will be gone in 1-2minutes(maybe less!), But if you sign up for beta is only a matter of time to get the email
  5. Infinite

    Infinite Kobold

    And that's another reason why a large amount of keys should be posted at once, you or I might not do this, but I'm sure there are others who will take multiple keys and use them all at once, unfortunately.
  6. Szczypior

    Szczypior Orc Soldier

    The biggest problem with the signing thing is the fact that there are way too many people who signed and didn't even looked at forums or anything. Not to mention those who just registered on forums without posting anything. I don't think such people should take keys instead of people who are interested in the game for long time. I regret I've registered so late, while I knew about this game earlier when it was presented "work in progress" in our Polish CD-Action magazine a while ago. Still, ever since I've registered I was checking forums few times a day, posting a bit in some topics, and now I'm hoping I'll get my beta invite :)

    And that's why I think it's stupid idea. There shouldn't be an option for picking few keys by 1 person. They should only invite people who signed-up earlier and were at least viewing forum.
  7. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    Yeah there is no way to know that but 1 person already have the beta and is looking a key for his friend

    So even if they post 100 keys they all will be gone in 1 min or 2, with or without 100 people

    Well at last you got lucky that is a random system, I sign in 2 days after they announce it and still can be the last one to get a key
  8. Daniel

    Daniel Kobold

    got here thanks to totalhalibut would love to get to try this
  9. Fugs

    Fugs Kobold

    Good morning Beta Hunters!

    Miss anything good?
  10. Womble

    Womble Mushroom Warrior

    Still waiting!
  11. barbalatte

    barbalatte Mushroom Warrior

    Wheres my key?
  12. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Don't start the old lurkers vs active forumites thing - it's old hat, and happens in every beta that has an active community. I opted in for beta first day submission was up, and have visited this forum daily - just haven't gotten an account as I have nothing to contribute apart from spam or noninformed opinon based on beta feedback from other - myself not having access to the game. Does that make me less deservant of a key than someone who participates in every thread and yet says nothing of value? Just curious. Either way, I think Blue Manchu seems to be handling it well while still growing the interest for the game. Hoping for some luck soon :)

    Out of curiousity - now that there are beta keys from 4 sources (forum, e-mail list, twitter and facebook group) - if someone manages to get a code from from one of the dev postings and then later recieves one from the mailing list, can they give the new key back to the community, or is the new key tied to the person it's sent to and thus wasted?
    Insolentius, Kinetic and Timaeus like this.
  13. Shawn M

    Shawn M Kobold

    I so want a key....
  14. Kinetic

    Kinetic Kobold

    I just now created an account so I could agree with this. I registered for beta on day one and have been waiting patiently just like everyone else. Just because I don't sit constantly refreshing these forums everyday doesn't mean I don't deserve a slot in the beta. Once I get in, forum participation will become part of my daily routine, but until then I doubt I'd be contributing much to the cause when I've never seen the game other than what is on Youtube.
  15. Vaccine

    Vaccine Kobold

    Yer created an account for same reason! Lurked since late 11. Good luck with getting in the beta all.
  16. peasant

    peasant Kobold

    We love you!!!! Now, give us our keys before we turn into an angry mob and steal them for ourselves!
  17. Keep the key and just give me more pizza.... and the ability to Mod adventures for friends "DM style" later on down the road of course
  18. Lotan

    Lotan Kobold

    I'm in for 1!
  19. coopdeloop

    coopdeloop Kobold

    First post of mine!

    Flash updated --> CHECK
    Registered on forum --> CHECK
    Checked my application for beta (on day 3) --> CHECK

    I am as prepared as I can be!

  20. Neuro81

    Neuro81 Kobold

    My F5 finger has been busy all day feeling pretty ill think i should sleep though now
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