Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    You want to encumber yourself?
  2. Yeah, so that my Dodges all fail. I have had zero legendaries the three previous weeks, so I am trying to excited about the one crap one I see this week.
  3. Didn't you notice Randimar standing outside his store singing his trademark song?
    Susurrus in Gloaming likes this.
  4. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Believe me or not, but it isn't completely useless. Savage Curse and Soothing Darkness are good for the Firestorm party. I've really played my Thighbone in SP. So, if you have a lot of gold, think about it.

    Buy it.
    100 gold is a steal for it :)
    Just one good card for a token. But I guess 100 gold isn't very much.
    Absolutely unplayable for the yellow token. Only Barber Platemail is decent, but you can get it cheaper.
    Too expensive IMHO (two yellow tokens). Plus, you rarely need both fire and ice.
    It's even better than Hylithia's, as your primary goal is to keep their warriors away from your wizards. Buy it!
    Doesn't look that great? It's the best weapon for a supporting Firestorm priest for (minortoken)(minortoken). Three good attacks, three good heals. I use it all the time in SP, especially at the midrange levels, where you have no yellow tokens.
    This is totally up to you, but if you want an Arrogant Armor party, you generally want it for all your warriors :) I mean, you can build a priest-warrior-warrior party with enchantments (Mass Frenzy, Martyr's Blessing, Impenetrable Nimbus etc) or rely on Arrogant Armor for all characters and build a vampire priest with some healing. So, if you don't have another Panoply or Bern's Untouchable Mail, buying this may be a good idea.
  5. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Now it's my turn for boasting and asking for the input :) Boasting comes first: 2nd Jygpin's Healing Ring, 2nd Rhood's Boots, Sliding Boots (yess!!!) and 2nd Torching Staff. Now the doubtful items:

    Aegis Of The Defender - probably the only shield able to defend other chars. May be used by a support priest in Firestorm team... if he manages to find a yellow token.
    Shield Of The Tumbler. How good is Acrobatic Flip, and is it good at all? Theoretically this can be used to push enemies on lava, but did anybody played this?
    St. Ulrich's Bones, a 3rd copy. It would be at least funny to build a party relying on Bless :) Wouldn't it?
    St. Ozark's Blade - good, bad, or ugly?

    Blackeye Hammer - looks pretty nice for a one token. What do you think?
    Cautious Trickery. Not as good as Risky Trickery, but not as bad as Pacifist Trickery :) What do you think?
    Diamond Mocassins. Yes, I know that's good. But do I need a second copy, considering my shiny new Sliding Boots, two pairs of Rhood's Boots and the whole boot store besides that? :)
    Leaping Mobility. May be a nice skill for an elven priest or wizard, to avoid being killed by the enemy warriors. What do you think?
  6. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I already have Glasod's Dark Eye... which I will use eventually when I get some kind of firestorm items. So do I need the Thighbone? ....
    I agree on the Icy Ring and Panoply though.

    As for the other items, Defender's Block and Acrobatic Flip have their niche uses. Flip was great to me on Chess Madness.
    Ulrich's Bones- Sure why not!
    Blackeye Hammer is good, and the rest is pretty much meh. Leaping mobility is a waste IMO- either use Cautious Mobility or the one with 2X Jump Back.
  7. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    This is SWEET
    But do I buy it? Is it usable?
  8. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    Bejeweled Shortsword beats that.
  9. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Not against Toughness.
    But yeah :p
  10. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Hey guys, im a little late asking for help on this, but what do you think of Raxcotl's Hammer I didnt notice it before and im trying to decide if its worth the 2 blue tokens
  11. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    It might be useful but it got only 5 attacks.
    I looked into the AotA weapon and if i want damage i would still take a Infused Greatclub and for speed a Lochaber Axe but it might get useful if you aim towards a Hard to Block build.
    So the usual answer for unsure items, if you have plenty of gold buy it to be on the safe side.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  12. Vacuity

    Vacuity Ogre

    Is Magma Scepter worth 500G? There's no question it's useful, but is it really worth the cash and therefore not being able to buy other stuff?
  13. e-stab

    e-stab Goblin Champion

    It's one of the epics I'd buy unless I really need the gold for something else.
  14. Vacuity

    Vacuity Ogre

    I've got to admit, this is the first time I've looked through the shop with an eye for what's genuinely useful (when I started playing two weeks ago, I didn't have much of a clue). It seems to be the only item in the shop I'd be willing to pay gold for, so I think I'll take it. Hopefully there won't be a 500G item on sale next week that'll make me cry.
  15. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Magma Scepter is very good for single player Firestorm farming. It will help you get the gold back soon. It's also pretty nice for MP, especially a Firestorm team. The Burning Fingers is bleh but the Firestorm is usable for finishing off badly wounded opponents, mass removing blocks and revealing armor in the beginning of a round and Volcano is Volcano.
  16. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    This great if you want both Volcano and Firestorm. But if you only need one, there are Rare items you can buy instead (Orb Of Flames, Xipil Ring).
  17. Oberon

    Oberon Hydra

    Magma Scepter is the type of item that really helps firestorm decks hum. I prefer 2-4 of them, and since they take tokens I will usually dedicate them to these first. (Use what you got, but if you have a choice...) The way i see it, the best items to improve a firestorm deck are the ones that grant 2 usable attacks (firestorms or volcano). So you've got firehide robes, a number of firestorm legendaries, a few staffs, and the magma scepter. When you can flip your items over to these, you'll notice that the deck just gets much more consistent and therefore faster.

    Having a couple of Lava's just really helps speed up most levels. It's not perfect but when you can drop it at the end of the first turn and the AI doesn't move it normally means you beat the level in 1 turn. It takes a bit of practice to use it properly, but it's worth learning.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  18. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Can anyone convince me to buy Ravenna's Incense? Have one, don't see the use, it has one good card then two useless ones.
  19. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    No tokenless 3-card item can give you 2 great cards :)
    It's also the best tokenless item to get IP from although you may not need them even in a firestorm deck.

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