Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I've got Sabo's Flamespit Staff this time. It would be great to know your opinion about it, as I'm currently inclined to buy it :)
  2. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I used mine a time or two, but didn't find it very useful. Short range (4) and 6 damage over time (2/2/2) is weaker than several of my other (minortoken)(minortoken) staves.
  3. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Hmm, it's obviously designed for Firestarter, which I'm trying to build for a long time. With Firestarter on, Flame Spit deals 12 damage over time + 2 initial = 14 damage total. There are no other cards in the game able to do 14 damage to a single char from 4 range except for Glob Of Flame, which deals 16 from 6 range. Actually, these two cards are enough to kill a char without armor, except for dwarven warriors :cool:
  4. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    And there's a new card coming called Hot Flames that makes Burning damage Penetrating, and it's available on items with Firestarter.
  5. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    There are also Instant Burn cards in AotA that deal 1 damage per burning attachment when played. Getting/keeping the Firestarter buff when I want it has been a bit problematic for me. It's one of those "Theory vs. Reality" things. I also prefer dealing fire in mass quantities. If you like Sabo's staff, go for it. I hope it works well for you. :)
  6. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    One other thing in AotA are MANY new staves. From my experience long time burning cards rarely go through their full duration. You'll most likely kill the target or get killed before it has dealt all it's potential damages.
    So my advice would be browse through the new staves before making your decision.

    edit: typos.
  7. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Yes, I know that. But the goal of my Firestarter char isn't just to burn them to ashes - the subtle goal is to remove their attachments by playing a lot of my own attachments. That's why I'd like to diversify my burning cards: have equal numbers of Ember Burst, Glob Of Flame, Firestorm and Flame Spit, plus some freezing cards (probably from another wizard).
    Where can I look at them?
  8. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    No, what Instant Burn does is trigger all the Burning attachments controlled by that char.

    There's 30 new staves coming, 11 of them legendary. In addition to Instant Burn (one staff has 6 copies of it), we'll also see the return of Fireball (but that will cost you a (majortoken)).

    They're live on the test server right now, and you can search through them here.
  9. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    Flame Jet or Sizzling Bolt seem also playables. You can also find both cold and fire spells on the same staff like on Staff Of Burning Ice for example. Not saying that the item is great (2 gold tokens is expensive) just saying that it's a possibility.

  10. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Got a few interesting items, need some feedback as my funds are really limited right now and i want to know if i should take the time to farm this week to buy em.

    Rapier Of Misfortune 3 great cards, 3 mediocre cards, but for 1 power token. Seems good but is it worth grinding for?

    Morbo's Pendant i dont play mages much, so im kind of lost on what arcane items are the best. These cards all seem good for a regular power token. Is it better than most other options for a firestorm build?

    Thanks for your input.
  11. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Yes, it's really worth. Great weapon, especially for the low-level farming. I have two :)

    Yes, Firestorm really appreciates all these cards, especially Cone Of Cold. If you can stop them, you can burn them.
  12. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I want Overheated Staff right now, and White Flame is even better, but both are Legendary alas... Who can rely on getting them? I may play 10 years and never get one of them.

    Again, there are only two staves with it, and the only good one is Legendary.
  13. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    This week I have Mindless Aggression and Crown Of Mad Eskin. I'll buy the crown I think, and I have some money to burn on the legendary weapon; I think I could use that in single player although I would love to hear from someone that has used it.
  14. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    The crown is very good; Randimar just brought me the third copy, and I'm seriously thinking about buying it! All three cards are useful both in SP and MP. As for the Mindless Aggression, I would skip it. Why do you need that even for SP? There are many better weapons.
  15. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Ah. I just looked at the card and saw Burning 1, Duration 1. Pretty obvious I've never used it.

    I would, but I grind a lot anyway. I consider these more useful in SP than MP. I don't use mine a lot, but they're good when you need added mobility.

    There are 3 legendary tokenless firestorm items that have 2 firestorms each and outclass it for a pure firestorm build. Morbo's Pendant is, IMO, the best of the single-firestorm items, and one of the best minor-token items in the game.
  16. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I've never owned a Mindless Aggression; it always seemed to be one of the sillier weapons that's overpriced because it has six copies of a card (like Hammer Of Bashing and Deadly, Deadly Staff). But the new expansion contains a martial trait that boosts all crushing attacks, so maybe it'll be more useful soon. I still wouldn't ever use it in MP.
  17. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Aww frick. I meant Massive Harm not Mindless Aggression ; I have Massive Harm in my Randimar's and I just happened to remember the name Mindless Aggression instead. Whoops. The difference is not much; and frankly The Strongarm and Beater are better; but Massive Harm is still OK in my books.

    That being said, I wish that Violent Overswing was Hard to Block 2 or something to compete with Controlled Overswing not to mention Strong Bludgeon. I mean, come on, V.O. is a rare card and worth 4 points to boot so it should be better but different!
  18. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Massive Harm is better, but do you really need it? Most SP missions can be easily completed with Firestorms.
  19. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    So... this week's useless level 18 legendary: Glasod's Dark Thighbone
    Gaudekki's Orb I don't have any good tokenless firestorm items...so ?
    Diamond Moccasins These look good. Should I buy?
    Xipil Ring Volcano ! Should be good for SP
    Yolotli Armor Yolo! Kind of neat.
    Staff Of Burning Ice Tempting... It's costly but kind of cool.
    Xochu's Icy Circlet I have one Hylithia's Wand but this looks good too.
    Cudgel Of Healing Light Any thoughts here? I have virtually nothing for my priest; although honestly this doesn't look that great.
    Impervious Panoply #2 . Bought my first months ago, and haven't touched this.
    Price isn't a concern to me anymore. Hmm... What to buy?
  20. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

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