Balancing elves by changing hp differences

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by illkkill, Feb 17, 2014.


What should the new hp difference be?

  1. 4 (leave it as of now)

    3 vote(s)
  2. 3

    7 vote(s)
  3. 2

    0 vote(s)
  4. 1

    0 vote(s)
  5. 0 (dwarf skills are too OP they need no hp bonus)

    3 vote(s)
  1. illkkill

    illkkill Mushroom Warrior

    Seems reasonable! Elf and human always have movements coupled with OP cards while dwarf can have traits coupled with them. Overall though, I don't think dwarf skills are that much better except for the no token ones and a few exception (etc: solid rock). Even the exceptions like solid rock, it is 1 trait 2 OP cards compared to 1 movement 2 OP cards which isn't much of a difference
  2. illkkill

    illkkill Mushroom Warrior

    It is true that raging battler is OP. But other than that skill specific for step warriors, other skills aren't that much weaker.
    Human and elf skills are only a tiny bit weaker than dwarf skills (Like I said to Jade 303, 2 good cards 1 movement instead of 2 good cards 1 trait). And even that weakness can be minimized if you run traits or armor on your boot instead of movements (Some items like [/card]Inspired Command even have 1 OP card and 2 okay cards).

    I personally don't agree with you on this one. Like a said before I ran an elf mage with a bunch of blocks and dodges before and it is still bad.
    The 8 HP difference between a dwarf and elf mage really is too much.
    Even if elves do have a skill like Solid Rock. What is it? Like 2 OP blocks + 1 trait in 30 cards in your deck?
    Most of my dwarf wizard games I never drew any parry or toughness!
    The 8 HP difference won't be justified by making racial skills stronger!
    The reason why I think elf mages suck is because of their HP! And their extra movement given doesn't justify their decreased HP enough.
  3. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    It's a huge difference.
    Pilgrim Bailey likes this.
  4. illkkill

    illkkill Mushroom Warrior

    Not as huge as everyone says it is im sure....
    We can prove that by testing it in the test server or something.
    I believe HP difference is a bigger drawback on elves and human
  5. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    It won't matter every game.

    But sometimes, my vampire draws Walk off Escapist, and that's usually a dead draw. Sure, it's not a totally dead card. But if that Walk were a trait, he'd be that much more likely to draw any of the 20 or so "live" cards in his build. And in Card Hunter, stumbling—even for one half of one turn—is often huge! I mean, it might depend on your build. Some can handle a tiny bit of inconsistency because they are overall so consistent (e.g. 3DC runs Rusty Armor, but is otherwise so consistent that that stumbling block is a minor hurdle rather than a death sentence).
    illkkill likes this.
  6. illkkill

    illkkill Mushroom Warrior

    True, but still walk is only a little worst off than a trait
  7. Ghostbrain

    Ghostbrain Ogre

    Yes it's true that 8 hp is a huge hurdle to go by, but its certainly not an impossibility with the correct build for them. Help Weak, Quick Runs and Team Runs, and then Smoke Bomb. Sure makes the elf mage useless for damage but can be viable against other mage builds designed around ice, lightning etc. In the Meta game it's not so brilliant to run this tact, but early on in my card hunter career I did so, using a heavy armored war with jump backs and step attacks.
    illkkill likes this.
  8. illkkill

    illkkill Mushroom Warrior

    It works but elf mage still wont do well in high elo
  9. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Illkill, what exactly do you think "OP" stands for? I hope you don't mean "Over-Powered" , unless you are majorly exaggerating. By the way, Raging Battler does not even scratch the surface of powerful dwarf skills.

    The Walk or other assorted movement junk on elf skills is usually a complete waste. I mean, come on, you get Dash every single turn. Why would you need more movement? On top of that, most traits (even some drawbacks!) are >better than Walk, Run, Dash, etc.
    If you take a Dwarf Warrior, give them Sticky Slippers, Raging Rock, Crusty Helm, and a 2-trait skill, right there they have a 29 card deck with 18 weapon cards. That my friend is huge. That is how I like to roll.

    Question: If you reduced the HP difference (by 1, 2, 3, or entirely) does that mean that Warrior/Priest/Wizard would still confer a 4HP difference? Or does every class now have 25HP?
  10. illkkill

    illkkill Mushroom Warrior

    Yes you are right about my usage of op:) I should use the word powerful instead!
    I agree with you on the trait opinion. It's just that it is not a huge difference compared to hp in my opinion.
    ( better yet they should balance the racial skills too!).
    And yes, only the racial hp difference changes and class hp difference stays the same ! ( still 4)
  11. CT5

    CT5 Guild Leader

    The walk vs trait difference only compounds the HP advantage that Dwarves have. Dwarves have more HP and are more likely to have relevant cards at every stage of the game because of the extra trait. In other words, not only can they "afford" to stumble and take some hits because of their HP, their decks are also more consistent.

    Drawing Walk from Escapist makes me sad every time, and I run two elves =/
    Aiven, illkkill and Flaxative like this.

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