Since /flip is in the latest test build, I thought it would be a good opportunity for the community to feedback on the list of emotes relevant/interesting to the game. I for one like to tickle. Oh, try to keep them gender-neutral and non-vulgar. /tickle Farbs >> phaselock tickles Farbs. /hrun >> phaselock runs away in horror ! Others which might be just plain funny: /infinite Farbs >> phaselock just owned Farbs with an infinite draw build. /aoa Farbs >> phaselock just owned Farbs with an All-Out-Attack ! /whine Farbs >> phaselock thinks Farbs is a whiner.
Those last three ones might need some editing before going in, they sound a little bit "baiting" for me tbh. At least leave the "owned" bit out. That being said, the more emotes the better! Is there a list which currently are in-game btw? I'd like to see: /cflex - "flexes thumb muscles". Aren't thumbs the most used when playing card games? /ckfu (unintentioal hurr durr) - "is impressed by your Card Hunter-fu" /dogs - "let's loose the armored dogs of war" /melvin - "is putting the Master back into Dungeon Master" (game quote - might need fixing up, can't recall 100% wording).
Hooray for suggestions! Unfortunately these suggestions in particular seem a bit redundant, since you could send exactly these messages using the /me command. Arguably the same is true of the new /flip command, however typing in all those funky characters is a huge pain. I am, of course, happy to hear more chat command suggestions.
hmm, looks like the direction is more emoticons than emotes ... fistpump, jump for joy ? /3cheers *\o/**\o/**\o/* /strong ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ /frost ( ̄ー ̄)= ***** (>_<)
phaselock says: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ phaselock says: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ phaselock says: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Zoorland says: Zoorland says: Zoorland says: phaselock whispers /flip Zoorland says: Aww... Zoorland says: No, I was trying to put the table back. phaselock says: lol Zoorland says: None of the things I could think of are coded. hehe, /unflip ? and /flip2 gives ┻━┻︵ ╰(°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ?
How hard would it be to code a coin flip emoticon? Where: /coin would have a 50/50 chance of each of these results: A coin is flipped by Kalin, landing..... HEADS! A coin is flipped by Kalin, landing..... TAILS! (I had to word it passively to avoid /me spoofing.)
Haha. The koalas are cute, but they don't look anywhere near angry enough. Coin flip is quite a bit more work, since the other commands just get interpreted clientside on arrival whereas this would require some server mediation to ensure that everyone saw the same result. It's not a lot of work, it's just a lot more than things like /flip and even /me. I love the concept though, and would probably extend it out to a /d20 command as well, for thematic reasons.