Still playing with the formulas... I'm guessing the rule for boots is "use highest quality of any class", but I haven't tested that for cards other than Hard To Pin Down and Fright. Now for tokens. First assign them numbers: () = 0 = 1 = 2 etc. Then take the item value calculated from the card quality, divide by nine and round down. If it's a 3-card item, that value is your token. For 6-card items, divide that value again by 2, round up for the first token and round down for the second. This correctly assigns tokens to level 13 weapons (26 = , 27 = ), but predicts that level 5 and 6 weapons (and some level 4) should be (). I'm thinking the devs just manually took the tokens away from those to avoid confusing new players.
Umm what? I don't think that the devs did anything like that. Here is my take on the Token calculation. Ignore all remainders. 6= 3= 2=() (Empty slot) 0=() (Empty slot) Step 1: Take the point value of your item and divide it by 3, rounded down. -Good? Now subtract the largest number you can from the item: 6, 3, 2, or 0. That is the token. -If your item takes 2 tokens, subtract the largest number you can (again) to get the second token. *If that number is two steps or more below (eg 6 and 2, 6 and 0, 3 and 0) then you must start over and subtract the second biggest number instead. This happens at levels 9-13 and 3-6. 36+ points = 12 (-6) (-6)= Level 18 35 points = 11 (-6) (-3) = Level 17 27 points = 9 (-6) (-3) = Level 13 26 points = 8 (-3) (-3) = Level 13* 18 points = 6 (-3) (-3) = Level 9* 16 points = 5 (-3) (-2) = () Level 8 12 points = 4 (-2) (-2) = () () Level 6* 7 points = 2 (-2)(-0) = () () Level 3* You could also say that () = 5 points, = 6 points, =9 points, and =12 points and subtract that way for two token items.
Your formula gives items worth 14 points (level 7) zero tokens, but the game gives them (). And having only two levels with that token value is awfully suspicious.
Excellent. Thank your for that info... So can we say that is worth 18 points, is worth 9 points and () is worth 5 points? Of course, once an item goes below 10 points we assume that the tokenless value of 5-0 or 0-0 applies. 18 = Level 9 17 = Level 8 () 16 = Level 8 () 15 = Level 7 () 14 = Level 7 () 13 = Level 6 ()()