Card Hunter Wiki - Cardhuntria

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Farbs, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    From my main and test accounts:

    The Armory
    Item Counts _ 153 _ 152 _ 163 _ 156 _ 157
    #Common _ 115 _ 115 _ 115 _ 115 _ 115
    #Uncommon _ 38 _ 37 _ 48 _ 41 _ 42

    Kyburz Market
    Item Counts _ 151 _ 163 _ 157 _ 152 _ 160 _ 161
    #Common _ 115 _ 115 _ 115 _ 115 _ 115 _ 115
    #Uncommon _ 36 _ 48 _ 42 _ 37 _ 45 _ 46

    The Goblin Bazaar
    Item Counts _ 142 _ 141 _ 140 _ 158 _ 140 _ 153
    #Common _ 101 _ 101 _ 101 _ 101 _ 101 _ 101
    #Uncommon _ 41 _ 40 _ 39 _ 57 _ 39 _ 52

    Randimar's Rarities
    Item Counts _ 59 _ 59 _ 59 _ 59
    #Rare _ 52 _ 51 _ 53 _ 51
    #Epic _ 6 _ 7 _ 3 _ 8
    #Legendary _ 1 _ 1 _ 3 _ 0

    EDIT: new data from Dec. 14 - 15
    Lusus121 likes this.
  2. Lusus121

    Lusus121 Goblin Champion

    Thanks Kalin!

    Any others? The more the... more accurate.
  3. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I followed Kyburz Market for 19 days here. Here are the numbers for that period:
    All	Uncommon
    162	46
    158	42
    150	34
    154	38
    154	38
    158	42
    165	49
    155	40
    151	36
    151	36
    153	38
    158	43
    146	31
    152	37
    160	45
    156	41
    153	38
    156	41
    154	39
    Lusus121 likes this.
  4. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I've updated my shop counts with new data.

    I don't know when this happened, but all the fake items representing empty equipment slots got changed to level 0 and a rarity value of "Default" (they used to be level 1-3 and Common or Uncommon).
  5. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Jayce likes this.
  6. Lusus121

    Lusus121 Goblin Champion

  7. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Changelog (18th Dec 2013)

    As per feedback from here, all adventure quests are now categorized. Enjoy !

    Time for some art !
  8. Jayce

    Jayce Hydra

  9. agent8261

    agent8261 Mushroom Warrior

    Does this effect epic chest that you buy? Or are epic chest completely random?
  10. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I'm pretty sure the bought chests follow the levels listed next to them, otherwise Blue Manchu would be culpable for false advertising which is taken pretty seriously in commercial circles. That is, bought Epic chests have level 1-18 items.

    Actually, come to think of it, I have tested this on the test server extensively. I opened 1,000 Epic chests without ever advancing beyond the second introductory adventure in the SP campaign so my only character was level 1 or 2. I got items of all levels.
    Jayce and Phaselock like this.
  11. Just popped in to say that I have found the wiki to be a very useful tool in both deckbuilding and custom scenario making. I would like to give big thanks to everyone who has participated in updating it.
    Jayce and Phaselock like this.
  12. Mosalla

    Mosalla Orc Soldier

    Rowan Magestaff dropped for me today in one of Mauve Manticore quests. Do I look happy? Hmm, not really. ;)
  13. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Mosalla, thanks for the note! So it can drop, cool! I figure it's the rarest common item in the game by far. It can only drop from level 16 and 17 adventures, Mauve Manticore and multiplayer and with a low chance at that.
  14. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    By the way, I was mistaken about the White Star Diamond in my earlier post you quoted. I added the following to that post:

    "Sorry, I was confusing White Star Diamond (Rare level 30) and Cleansing Diamond, a completely different item (Epic level 11). As far as I know, there is no non-scripted way for the White Star Diamond to drop in the current game, its level is far too high."
    Pengw1n likes this.
  15. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Farbs likes this.
  16. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    These items show up when filtering on 'handicap' in the game, but are not in the Handicap Card list in the wiki:
    Arcane Curse
    Blind Rage
    Demonic Miasma
    Ill-Fitting Armor
    Raging Strike
    Unstable Bolt
  17. Aeldaar

    Aeldaar Kobold

    The search tool is coming along nicely, but I'd like more control over the output; specifically I'd like to be able to search for any item with additional filters instead of needing to decide between staves or divine armor or what have you
  18. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Thanks for the feedback. These are hybrid cards. You can find them in the Hybrid Card list.

    Yes, this has been discussed before. You can find the response here. Once we get extra bandwidth, it will be my first priority. Apologies for the inefficiency. :(
  19. Aeldaar

    Aeldaar Kobold

    well that is a very reasonable answer to why there is no search any item function, no need to apologize
    Phaselock likes this.
  20. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I noticed a small error in the wiki. The adventure "Beneath the Frozen Earth" is categorized as a level 6 adventure. In truth, it is a level 7 adventure.

    I couldn't find a way to edit this myself. Is it possible for a logged-in wiki user to edit the category?

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