Devs [Suggestion] Make Nimble Strike Purple Quality

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Pilgrim Bailey, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. Problem:

    Nimble Strike - Step 4 - damage 6 is the equivalent of a 4 move cantrip with 6 damage that can be buffed.

    Vibrant Pain - 6 Nimble Strikes.

    For comparison, Quick Run is a Gold quality card that gives you move 3 cantrip.

    If Quick Run is Gold Quality, how is Nimble Strike Silver Quality if its a better move with buffable damage (base 6)?

    If Nimble Strike had 0 damage, it should still be green quality card due to Quick Run being cantrip 3 and Nimble Strike being cantrip 4. With 0 base damage, you could still buff it to do damage, and thus its a cantrip effect that allows an attack. Even if you didn't buff it to do actual damage, you could fish for blocks or parries.

    Devs: Why has this card remained in the game since beta? I've played for about 5-6 months, and it has been widely known and complained about that VP is game-breaking and so is NS.

    Is there a reason you are choosing to ignore this item and this ability? Or do you feel it is appropriately balanced?

    At the very least, one could argue NS should be Purple, Emerald, or Gold quality.
    Scared Little Girl and Flaxative like this.
  2. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    To be fair you can Quick Run into SPR, Winds of War, Nimbus, or other strong non-damaging attacks, or into some instakill situations (cantrip drains or All Out Attack + Obliterating Bludgeon). But I agree with the spirit of your post. Personally I think Nimble Strike should be emerald, not purple.
  3. Quick run + other card = 2 cards.
    Nimble strike 1 card.

    Emerald is fine with me. The quality suggestion was based on the quality of other in-game abilities (I value NS more than obliterating strike for example).
  4. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Yep, and that's the biggest problem with Nimble Strike, and it's what I've been saying for a while. I was just allowing for the fact that Quick Run, in combination with other cards, can blow out in ways that Nimble Strike's movement can't. But yes, we're on the same page :)
    Pilgrim Bailey likes this.
  5. There's some related discussion about this in my previous topic about Vibrant Pain in case someone is interested.

    Yea, Nimble Strike is nuts. The problem is that the game uses an automatic system that decides the level and cost of an item. This means that if Nimble Strike was made Emerald or Purple (which it should imo), that would increase the level of many items, making them unusable. For example Vibrant Pain would probably become a level 100 item.

    A less dramatic way to fix the problem would be to just nerf Nimble Strike, either damage or range, or both. I personally don't think that there should be any step attack in the game that let you move 4 squares. That is not a step, it's an insane LEAP. We could simply nerf Nimble Strike so that it would step 3 instead of 4 and then re-evaluate the situation. I personally would decrease the damage as well.
    Flaxative likes this.
  6. It would be interesting to have someone show the mathematical item level value of an item with 6 purple quality cards (which is what VP really is). Any idea what level that would actually be?
  7. Martin K

    Martin K Goblin Champion

    The current system values cards at the following:
    Black -3
    Paper 0
    Bronze 3
    Silver 6
    Gold 9
    Emerald 12
    Sapphire (purple) 15

    x3 to get the level of an item with 3/6 cards of that color

    All purple would be level 45.

    I'd personally rate Nimble Strike at gold but there is no "scientifically correct" answer.

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