What kind of classes or monsters would you like to see?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hopibear, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. Cordalinge

    Cordalinge Mushroom Warrior

    It was warhammer dwarf classes....specialisation after Troll killer dwarf :)
  2. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    Ah, a Dwarf that kills Giants, rather than a Giant Killer Dwarf! :D
  3. Bryan

    Bryan Kobold

  4. Hopibear

    Hopibear Mushroom Warrior

    Humanowlbearboar :p how would that look like ?
  5. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    Some strange Lycanthrope mashup?
  6. Bryan

    Bryan Kobold

    Reference to ManBearPig from SouthPark. "I'm super cereal!"
  7. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    I would be pretty much happy with the base stuff in the beginning. Warrior, Priest/Cleric, Ranger/Bowsman, Rogue, Mage/Wizard. As far as playable classes. And then ither expanding out their decks to more "Advanced" type roles or making more sort of "General" cards that most classes could play then making "advanced class cards" for adding more classes or roles such as Paladin, Dragoon, Bishop, stuff like that

    As for creatures, there are plenty of ideas out there, i mean just pick up a D&D monster manual (there are tons of them) new creatures are always fun.

    I'm just hoping for unique locations or the way the dungeons are setup. If there are only like 5 playable areas that are exactly the same every time that would be a shame. But if there are like 3 playable areas and they are random everytime you enter, then that would be awesome!
  8. secran

    secran Mushroom Warrior

    While neither a class nor monster, a trap that 'devours' all the monsters in the room and spits out a horrible chimera of them would be magical, not only in it's origin, but in it's existence.
  9. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    That would be something, but in a game like this it would mean changing the number of characters in play. Merging decks and whatnot. Might be kinda funky without a good system to handle the results.
  10. secran

    secran Mushroom Warrior

    True, Sir Knight. But a video game is the ideal format for such a mechanic, as the host side can do the transformation fast enough to not impede gameplay. In the hands of players it gets messy.

    The brain is in rare form this morning (pre-coffee even!), a class came to mind that I would play the dickens out of (doubly so in the theoretical co-op). A support role mage/alchemist. Putting down status effect traps, using abilities to buff allies attacks, not only stat wise but attaching new effects (ex: explosive strike; the next melee attack adjacent ally uses deals +2 fire damage to the primary target and does 2 fire damage to each enemy adjacent to the target. Forfeit your move this turn.) No healing, but possibly damage reduction, so as not to render the clerics and other healsy classes moot.

    Monster side: mimics, heaps of insidious mimics in all guises. You'll never trust a candelabra again!
  11. Hopibear

    Hopibear Mushroom Warrior

    Too bad that characters wont have stats in cardhunter like str, dex , stam etc.
    They do have HP and perhaps the buffs what your talking about could be indeed like 2+ def armor for the party till damage. Or 1+ damage on next attack. Would be nice to have a buffer/healer in the party , ofcourse using healing cards and damage/defense modifier cards. ^^
  12. Strumiker

    Strumiker Mushroom Warrior

    I like the above's idea for the alchemist/support mage. Along the same lines, the Paladin or even a Warlord class could have aura's that would give surrounding allies pluses to damage or negate incoming ones... or aura's that could hamper the enemy instead.

    Lots of fun ideas being tossed around here :)
  13. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    Remember everything is card related, so im assuming if there are going to be auras, you need to draw the card for it.
  14. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    Without knowing how the pool / build rules work this is conjecture on my part, but the 'Paladin' deck could have four 'free' heal cards in the same way that Goblins could have four 'Cowardly' ones. Still card based, but tied to class.
  15. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    speaking of deck, do we know how the deck will work? for all we know we could only have one unique card per deck
  16. Strumiker

    Strumiker Mushroom Warrior

    We don't know much, really. Most of our discussions have just been our own speculation and for enjoyment.

    They said that characters won't have stats, but that could just mean the standard Strength, Dex, etc - We don't know if characters will have inherit effects. Maybe the Wizard can teleport for his movement instead of having to go around npcs, or the Cleric can do a basic heal if he discards the two in his hand. We simply don't know at this point in time... and maybe they don't know yet, hehe ;)

    As far as the aura, sure it could be a card. That would work just fine. If a different aura card came up, he could change it. The aura card could have a turn duration.

    For the alchemist, he could toss a vial o' goo that would cover some squares that would slow down baddies for a set duration. There's just so many things that would be fun in this type of game.

    The hand size is going to be two, so do we assume that gameplay will be somewhat speedy since we don't have to decide which of the 7 or 8 cards would be the best to play?
  17. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Looking back at the dev diary: that's hand size of two for each of several hands. If you have only two characters, each of whom started with a hand of two cards this round, and you draw two more for each, you are already up to eight cards.
  18. Strumiker

    Strumiker Mushroom Warrior

    I feel like it's your goal to call people on technicalities:p You don't need to, we are just here to have fun.

    You discard down to two at the end of your turn. To me, that's your hand size. Either way, the abilities that we've been shown so far are not as elaborate as the meta game of say... MtG. Does each adventure force you to play 1, 2 or 4 characters? I was just saying, to me, it seems this is designed for a faster play than other card games that you sit and think for the best possible way to use your cards.
    skip_intro likes this.
  19. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    The idea of combos and discarding down to two cards at the end of a turn seems to me that the play will be fast and furious if the drawing mechanic allows you to build the combos 'in hand' then set them off.
  20. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Oh, that's what you mean. Gotcha.

    See, I thought you were saying "You'll never have eight cards in your hand, so you'll never have to think very hard about what to choose next." In which case, I sure wasn't "calling you on a technicality": you were technically wrong. But a play style where card turnover is designed to be high will definitely impact the feel of game speed.

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