[Question] Are Loot Drops Weighted?

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Sir Veza, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    A question for the devs.

    This is not about where to find what level.

    This is about finding many copies of some epic items, but no copies of others of the same level and rarity. Do some items of a given rarity and level have a better chance of dropping than others, or is the RNG just toying with me?
  2. Stormyknight

    Stormyknight Orc Soldier

    i believe its weighted to, on the test server with infinite pizza you can see this in action as i have upto 5 of some legs and none of others..
  3. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    afaik, there is no deliberate weighting system. Last committed response for loot drops from devs is in my sig. Do note that item distribution against level isn't uniform, tho (refer to item stats from wiki).

    This is untrue, pls do not make such statements.
  4. Stormyknight

    Stormyknight Orc Soldier

    This streight from the horses mouth.

    "Interesting. So, the way our loot drops should work is that we pick a rarity first, then find an item based on that (and any level restrictions, if relevant). From there, the chance of any slot type appearing should be dependent on the number of items that existing for that slot. We've tried to weight them by usage, so there are three times as many weapons as heavy armor, for example."

    Quoted from the lead dev, so yes they are weighted and my statement stands correct.
  5. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    The dev's response accounts for loot drop by item slots since there are three weapons slots vs one heavy armor slot. You are more likely to get weapon drops vs heavy armors. It has nothing to do with your claim on 'having up to 5 of some legs and none of others..'
  6. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Ah, this would explain a lot. I wish it were straight random, but I'm accustomed to not getting my wishes. Thanks for the info!
  7. Stormyknight

    Stormyknight Orc Soldier

    Err. ? It has entirely everything to do with it, its weighted, thats WHY i have 5 of one and none of the others because like jon said its "weighted" to drop specific class's of items, eg weapons or whatever. aka the system is weaighted.
  8. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Straight random would give rise to players having an imbalance, like little to no weapons/divine items/arcane items and a plethora of racial skills.

    Correct, its weighted to drop more of some classes of items, not weighted so you got 5 of legs and none of others. If you want better evidence, I'd recommend reading the very informative threads by literally more than 20 players who specialize in the study of item drops:

  9. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I'm there, bro, but I'm only beating the odds on some items. I have a plethora of racial skills. The first three Untrained Footworks were nice, the rest were sold. I use Untrained Toughness often, but I've sold at least a dozen excess. I seem to get overloaded with the same rare/epic items, and have gaping holes where the ones I want are. Same story with other item types.

    I guess I'll just keep farming until the RNG messes up and give me something I don't already have.
    Flaxative likes this.
  10. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I'm not a dev, but I ran some extensive item drop experiments on the test server. The relevant data starts from this post. According to the test results, the loot drops are completely random. There is no greater chance to get any one particular item over any other item. You rolls your dice and you takes your chances.

    There are no item weightings in the sense that you would be likelier to get some item than some other item. The stuff Jon talks about in his quote means only and solely that of all the different items in Card Hunter, there are e.g. more different weapon items (150) than there are different human skills (31) as there are three weapon slots on a human warrior but only one skill slot. You need more weapons than skills to fill your slots about evenly.

    As each item has an equal chance to drop, by putting more weapons into the total item pool Blue Manchu make sure you will eventually get more weapons than human skills as the random drops average out over a longer period. If you have never sold anything, look at your total items in the Weapon category. Then look at the Human skill category. There it is.

    Sir Veza, you might be interested to know that after opening about 3,000 Epic chests on the test server I got 0 (zero) Relics of St. Darqar. Proof enough that there are no weightings?

    Many of the repeating items can be explained by the scarcity of suitable items in the item drop level range for the adventure the player is grinding. Repeat level 1-6 adventures a few thousand times and you will end up with LOTS of Relics of St. Darqar.
    Phaselock and Sir Veza like this.
  11. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Since I'm looking primarily for L6 tokenless epics, I've been grinding L6-7. I've been getting a lot of L4, L5, L7, and a few L9s. Some L6s, and most of those are the ones I'm stocked on. I haven't found a legendary in about 1,500-2,000 drops, so I suspect (hope) I'm due to catch up. Random is random, though, and it may only even out somewhere near infinity.


    Edit: Just broke my drought with Chartwell's Ring. I feel a bit better now. :)
  12. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    As you have seen, level 6 adventures drop loot from item levels 3 to 9 and level 7 adventures drop loot from item levels 4 to 10.

    Gratz! My one copy is one of my favourite items.
  13. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    This is expected, normal behaviour from a random loot drop system. Having equal numbers of all different items of the same rarity would be extremely unnatural. The likelihood of that happening is very very small. Having many of some items and none of some others is what naturally happens when the drop chance is equal for all items. I remember the bell curve line diagrams illustrating this from school when we were taught about random chance and probability in math class.

    But the thing is, the items you have many of and the items you have none of are different for every player. If the drops were weighted, every player would have many of the same items and few of the same items. I'm sure that if you ask about an item you have zero copies of, there will be many players who have multiple copies of it. That's what a genuinely random system naturally produces. It's not so intuitive, it's easy to think at first that there should be about even numbers of the items after a while but that's not how randomness actually works.

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