[SUGGESTION] Community feature requests, replayer

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Excedrin, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. Excedrin

    Excedrin Kobold

    I imagine that some of these are already on the todo list, but I'll mention them here anyway.

    1. Match replayer
    2. Export match logs
    3. Ability to export list of entire collection
    4. Export specific builds
    It would be awesome to be able to replay previous matches, and it might be useful from a marketing perspective. People could post links to their friends saying "check out this epic match" etc.
    Match log would probably be easier to implement, but it's less exciting to players on the more casual side of things.
    Example from poker:
    Example from chess:
  2. This match replayer is one of the best suggestions I've read on these forums. I don't know how easy it would be to implement something like this, but it would definitely be a cool feature.

    I wonder if it could be done the same way that custom scenarios are done. After the match, you could download the file that has all the relevant match data. Then when you create a custom game with it, the AI plays both sides according to the script. It wouldn't be as good as direct link, but it would be better than nothing.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  3. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    If you hit F1 twice, you'll see the log of everything you've done since logging on. You can use the mouse to select and copy from there, or type "clip" in the bottom frame to copy everything to the clipboard.

    Hit "F1" when at your keep and type "partybbcode" or "partyanddecksbbcode" to get a forum friendly version of your current party copied to the clipboard. Typing "help" at that prompt will give a list of all the commands available, but many are admin-only.
    ParodyKnaveBob and Excedrin like this.
  4. Excedrin

    Excedrin Kobold

    Thanks! That's very useful.

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