Mauve manticore dissapointed.

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by DrunkPunk, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. DrunkPunk

    DrunkPunk Kobold

    You cant play it with your existing team, so i not play it, also pvp sux, neverending jumping around, super boring, developement is super slow also, 1 person developing this game ? 99% of epic and legendary items are useless , my common items is 100x better , not using any epic or legendary item, they all are junk , have tonns of them but no use,not waiting from game anything except pve and coop pve.
  2. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Every post you have ever made contains the words "pvp," "super," "boring," "jumping," and "around."

    You have posted these messages in a variety of forum sections over a variety of weeks.

    I'm not hatin', but isn't it kind of super boring to always be jumping around? :)
    Bearson Onyx, spacedust and Aldones like this.
  3. Lusus121

    Lusus121 Goblin Champion

    Given your speech patterns your opinion is probably not being taken seriously.
  4. spacedust

    spacedust Goblin Champion

    Coffee on keyboard, Flaxative. :D
    Kablizzy and Flaxative like this.

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