Card Text Bug Thread

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Jon, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Runan

    Runan Mushroom Warrior

    Nope, it makes perfect sense now - especially with the movement icon (4) in the lower left corner. Thanks!
  2. piotras

    piotras Goblin Champion

    Touch Of Death card says:
    When this card does damage, increase its damage by 2 damage for each card in target's hand. Penetrating.

    My initial reaction was that the special doesn't trigger until it's boosted (by +2 fury for example), since the way it's phrased suggests that 0 damage is not enough for this card to 'do damage' on its own.

    It would clearer if it said something like "After this card takes effect, increase the damage by 2 for each card in target's hand"
  3. Foolsluck

    Foolsluck Kobold

    Hi guys, hope I`m posting this in proper place. I`ve got two "bugs" to mention:

    1. I`ve noticed that when I`m doing quests with drawback cards, game does not consider black attack cards as drawback, but when I play this half orange-half black frenzy card it considers EVERY red card as an attack card (even the one that makes the enemy and you discard a card). So it's a little bit inconsistent that not all black cards are drawbacks but every red card is an attack card.

    2. Heal the weak card is bugged: It will heal always the character with the lowest hit points, NOT the WOUNDED character with the lowest hit points. For example: Mage 18/18, Warrior 20/25, Cleric 23/25 - the card heals mage at full health.
  4. piotras

    piotras Goblin Champion

    While I agree with you that this is annoying, but the card works right (i.e. as described) - it does not take into account who is wounded or not, it works always on the one with the 'lowest' HP.
  5. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Neither of these are bugs:
    Saying "black attack card" is ambiguous, because you could be referring to card quality or to a dual-colored background. Which cards do you mean? I presume you mean Weak Strike and Backbiting Strike because of their black title bar, in which case:
    There are other cards like Unstable Bolt that ACTUALLY have a mix red-and-black background. These count as drawbacks. Yes, people have been confused by this title bar issue before, and we've discussed/suggested changes to the devs:
    This is the most recent (huge) thread we've had on this discussion:
  6. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Rook Blast and Bishop Blast should have the "Linear" keyword, because the attack doesn't stop with the first char it hits in each direction.
  7. Aldones

    Aldones Ogre

    Tough Bark confuses me a little bit every time I encounter it, because it's description contains a logic error.
    Currently it reads "This Armor always triggers and prevents all damage from piercing attacks".
    What that description says, is that the Armor always triggers. It also says it prevents all piercing damage. I'm pretty sure you mean to imply that it only always triggers against piercing attacks?
    At the risk of the card's description getting a bit more wordy, there are clearer ways in which to describe it's effects.
    "Against piercing attacks, this armor will always trigger and prevent all damage"
    The sentence goes from an "A and B" structure to a more obvious "if A, then B and C" structure.
  8. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    ParodyKnaveBob and Aldones like this.
  9. soliss

    soliss Kobold

    The ember burst card says "a ember burst" when used, not "an ember burst". Thanks!
  10. Aldones

    Aldones Ogre

    Depending on whether or not I'm supposed to take the armor description at it's word, then someone actually could consider it a bug, because that armor doesn't always trigger. Are you not seeing the logic error like I am? Now I'm feeling stupid. :(
    That, and the fact that there doesn't seem to be an official "wrong card text thread" lead me to bring this up here. A card text bug to me would seem to include card text that was unintentionally worded wrong.
    Your thread does a pretty good job of voicing my frustrations so I'll maybe just go bump/like it and leave it at that.
  11. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Reading your post, it looked like you parsed it out and suggested another way of saying the same thing. Compare:

    "The system is always transparent and welcoming to newcomers" means both "The system is always transparent to newcomers" AND "The system is always welcoming to newcomers."

    Here, the card text is trying to say "This Armor always triggers from piercing attacks" AND "This Armor prevents all damage from piercing attacks."

    It's hard to follow because it uses little phrases instead of single words. It may be proper grammar, but can be confused as you stated.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  12. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    The on-card explanation text for Team Run is "Push 3 other allies." This is incorrect as the card allows pushing also the character playing the card (as also Runan stated on the previous page of this thread). The text is the same as on the Run, Team! card even though the effects of the cards are not the same.
  13. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Not incorrect, as the effect is the same - with the added move 4 on Team Run, in the bottom left corner. This character is not pushed, rather than moves 4 and pushes allies 3. Possibly this card could do with a renaming: how about Leading the Charge? Or would that imply that it would be using the "charge" mechanic? Maybe a similar compromise could be found.

    Also, I'm a bit confused. Didn't you yourself just explain this to the poster on the last page?
  14. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I did, but it is so confusing to have the same text on two cards with different effects that at that time I thought one thing and now I thought another thing. I can't keep it straight. A text clarification would help and be also easier to learn for new players.
  15. Dash

    Dash Mushroom Warrior


    Name of item is listed as "Healing Ring 2". I don't think I have an item named "Healing Ring 2".
  16. Goner

    Goner Kobold

    Maybe this is something already discussed here but the description of the "Halt" special rule (appearinng on Entangling Roots and many other cards) seems to be confusing.

    The description reads: "Attach to target character. Target may not play Move cards. If target moves itself, reduce movement points to zero" Since the card does not affect "Push" moves (i.e. those played by other figures) but only prevents the target from using cards with a blue component, the last sentence is confusing. I am assuming that everything is working as intended but getting rid of the last sentence and/or adding that Push moves are unaffected would clarify the issue for many players imo. I am assuming one can argue that by being pushed, you do not move YOURSELF, but empirical experience shows it is still confusing...
  17. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I agree, Goner. Is it even possible for a character to move itself without using a Move card? I haven't come up with a way. If it's not possible, the last sentence is not only confusing, it's also a useless waste of space.

    Something along the lines of "Target can still be moved by other characters." should be added for clarity.
  18. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    It may be referring to Slippery and Dimensional Traveller. Has anyone tested how those work with Halt?
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  19. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    I just realized that the item in a Treasure Hunt, before you complete the hunt for the first time, may tell you "Not usable by this class" if your party is set up appropriately . . . but your party isn't on-screen and so this notice is meaningless.

    (So it's not a tragic bug, just confusing to a new player.)
  20. Forestal

    Forestal Mushroom Warrior

    Err, "Step" Attack-cards (e.g. Lunging-X, Shifty-Y, etc)? You can still play a card which allows you to move around-- as long as it is not a Move-card .

    There lots of ways to move yourself without Move-card (many Trait-cards and Block-cards also allow you to move around)-- just like there are lots of ways to heal yourself/others without using a Heal-card (e.g. Healing Blessing, Healing Presence, some Trait-cards and Armor-cards, etc.)... where Trait-cards like Talented Healer or Healing Spirit will not trigger, because you did not play a Heal-card.

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