Now we'd like to think that every move we make is well thought out, but occasionally it doesn't work like that. Sometimes, a single card played can ruin an entire multiplayer match or single player module. Did you load up your warrior with bashes against a group of slimes? Did you sprint across the map with rushing aura only to remember you had path of knives attached? What is your biggest fail? I'll go first. My elven wizard was too close to my opponent's warrior in a multiplayer match. I used my Dimensional Traveller passive at the beginning of the round to move her 1 space away since she was down to 6 hp. I moved her onto a lava tile. the round begins and poof my wizard is dead. I learned a lesson that day.
Was doing the no-death quest in the Cardstock I tournament, can't remember which part - the fight with the zombies, goblin hulk and the dwarf warrior. Had a perfect start, killed the goblin on first round and maneuvered my team to a good position, started hammering on the zombies ... and then killed one with a Festering Gut attachment while in melee range. That was a huge d'oh. Another one that was frustrating at the time but funny in retrospect and that didn't even make me lose the match was getting Mind Leak, then when playing it getting a Travelling Curse and then another Travelling Curse. Bye bye Team Heal and Mass Frenzy I had been holding on to. Not so much a playing fail but maybe a deck-building one, even though you are fairly limited in what you can use in the "handicap items only" quests.
Forget that I had Squeamish attached, chase a 3 HP enemy wizard across the map with a single zap, even gets into walking range of a warrior to do so. Get obliterated in the face
Spark Generator attached. Arcane Aura up. Obliterating Spark drawn. DIE ENEMY WIZARD!!! ...oh yeah, Resistant Hide is still there... ...from when it stopped my spark last turn... I... Uh...
I actually wanted a card effect that convert all dmg you deal to another type now, like fire to cold, electric to slashing etc...
During a battle I got to the point where I had a really good attack hand for my elven wizard. Good enough to take out two enemies and hurt another. But before doing that, let me finish off this guy close to my priest. Superstitious takes effect. *facepalm*
Twice I've fled my squishy elven wizard across the map, with path of knives attached in MP. Hey, if anything I like to amuse my opponents.
Several times I've gone to use a step attack and then facepalmed when the movement tiles were just 4 yellow arrows... Then I remembered my warrior had encumber. D'oh!
First of all - since it is my first post - hello everyone. My biggest fail... Well I can think of two (since I am a fairly new player to this game. I am sure I am going to bring a few more to this theared in the future ) First one, from Multiplayer. My, and enemy warrior are left alone on the field. He is standing on Victory Square with about 10 HP, I also had around that number, and in my head I came up with an idea like - OK, I got some high attack cards + 2 weak parry cards, let's rush him. So... I clicked on my move card, ran to him as close as only possible - I ended up 2 squares away from enemy warrior. And just then I checked the 'stars'. He had 5, and it meant that he could just pass and win. It could have been the worst loos of my career so far (besides the one, when I finally ended up playing versus someone using cheesy draw firestorm/nimbus tactic). However I told about it to my opponent, and he said - let's make it more exciting, so he came to me and we ended up fighting 1v1 like a real men. The second one, just from a while ago. I was doing the 1hp challange for the first time (Magician Workshop? That's the name of the first level 2 quest? Something like that if I am right), so I packed up some low level items, and went in. I won the first battle fairly easily, and advanced to the second round. I had great opening hand so I was really confident. My mage got 2 all out attack cards. And I was like - great, it hits 3 monsters on the map, let's use it. After using it I realised, that it also aims your allies. And, uhm... This round of 1 HP challange did not take long .
I blew an 11 damage attack on a nimbus instead of the warrior with 11 hp standing next to me like I planned. He walked up next to me... so I was just like, CHOP!!!.... awwwwww, I'm an idiot.
I was playing a 1 HP challenge, was down to an elven wizard with 2 firestorms and resistant hide. Opponents needed 2 firestorms to die (they were already had the FS DoT attached). I discarded the resistant hide at the end of the turn...
Not my biggest, but my most recent: in last battle of Viscous Tombs, priest draws Strong Bludgeon and Powerful Bludgeon, and I say "Great! Let's finish off these idiots!" So I have her Dash over and attack a pudding.
First post! All I had to do was sit tight with my warrior on the VP to win - my MP opponent was all out of attack cards. But no, I had to whack his Martyr's Blessing-ed Warrior with some idiot attack and give him that last attack card that he needed to kill me. Gahhh!!
The audio assets in this game is amazing. I don't blame you for wanting to whack something for the heck of it.
Not my biggest fail, but the one I seem to manage to repeat: Bunged Bolt + Arcane Aura. For that excellent feeling of wasted dps...
My biggest fail is probably when I was sitting in a victory square with one vp left to get a win. It was clear that all I had to do was sit there and do nothing and I would win. But since I had one attack card left, and an enemy warrior was standing next to me, I decided to use that card and hit the enemy. It was a completely pointless move because I couldn't have killed him. Well, of course the warrior's last card was Acrobatic Flip. He moved me away from the victory square, moved his warrior there instead, and took the win. Other big fail happened to my opponent. My opponent was losing the match. We both drew new cards. My opponent passed. I saw that one of my characters, who had only 5 hp left, drew Traveling Curse. Since my opponent already had 4 vp's, I knew the game was over. Just as I was about to click Traveling Curse and lose the match, my opponent suddenly resigned! I guess he didn't get any good cards and thought he would lose. Had he waited literally one second longer, he would have won.
man i can't count how many times i goofed stuff up, like running away from healing range, using up all my warrior's attack before realising i have a buff on my priest, blasting at a mob with resistant hide when i could remove it's armor first, thinking i am smart blocking a 2 square wide corridor with my warrior and priest then the skel came and happily chop them to bits, in thy mercy...