So seriously, where do people get so many bejeweled shortswords?

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Janrok, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. Janrok

    Janrok Kobold

    My warrior is never gonna be able to compete until I get that ridonculous sword everyone uses. Been playing this since I got a beta invite and I've NEVER seen it :/
  2. Armoek

    Armoek Mushroom Warrior

    Farm the last level of campaign I have like 8-9 of them now. I know your pain though took me forever to get Medallion Of St. Vigus. I only use 2 of them in my triple warrior team so you might have some problems if you don't have anything else useful to use with it once it drops.
  3. Aldones

    Aldones Ogre

    Just got one in Cardstock II. I was taking loot data and I got one after 45 battles, so a not terribly common droprate, but it's there.
  4. ElShafto

    ElShafto Goblin Champion

    I have two and both have come from doing the two Level 17 adventures daily.
  5. Melancthon

    Melancthon Ogre

    I have six, one of them dropped early in MP, one of them came later, either from MP or a later module, and the last four all came from Cardstock II.
  6. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    I farmed lvl 17 quests daily for my bejeweled and the wand of seared air
  7. Guises

    Guises Goblin Champion

    Cardstock 2 is the only adventure that I farm every day. I rather enjoy doing that one, and the rewards can be nice. All the rest feel like a chore to me. Have five shortswords now.
  8. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

  9. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    There are definite game system reasons behind the elusiveness of some common and uncommon level 17 and 18 items. There's some talk about this in this post and thread.
  10. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    If you really want that item, buy the Fierce Dwarf starter party at the multiplayer Starter Shop for 50 Pizza ($1.67-$1.30). One of the dwarf warriors has it and all the gear from the starter packs you buy is usable as a normal part of your inventory.
    Aiven likes this.
  11. I farm Cardstock and Yellow Dragon and I've got many, many copies of the Bejewelled Sword so that's the way to go.
  12. piotras

    piotras Goblin Champion

    I got three, 2 dropped somewhere in cardstock II/dragon adventures, one dropped as a MP reward from a normal chest. It's all about luck I suppose.

    It's a nice weapon, but two major power tokens... played only a few games on the new maps but it looks that you might be well off with some stabbing attacks.
  13. Speaking of drops, where have people been finding weapons with Nimble Strike on them? I've only ever found one and it was a divine weapon.
  14. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    The full Nimble Strike weapon list from the wiki (press the Expand link) is
    Hawlic's Handy Axe 10 Legendary
    Excellent Rapier 8 Rare
    Master's Battleaxe 18 Epic
    Lochaber Axe 12 Epic
    Nifty Halberd 6 Epic
    Vibrant Pain 18 Legendary

    The Rapier is the easiest to get as the least rare and even that is a Rare. The others are harder.
  15. Aldones

    Aldones Ogre

    Just to be clear, you're only listing warrior weapons there. It even comes on a staff if you really want to get crazy.
  16. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Yes, I assumed Scorpion meant weapons only by specifically excluding a divine weapon. Also, following my wiki link shows the full list anyway :) .
  17. Bearson Onyx

    Bearson Onyx Goblin Champion

    I know, it's crazy some time, you can get multiples of legendaries and not see a rare you really want for ages. in beta, over a thousand games, I got no rageblood daggers. right now, after just a couple of hundred games I have like 4 of them (I'd trade you one or two if I could).
    To janrok - I wish I could say u dont need that sword, but honestly the number of weapons that I personally consider better are very few - grind SP 17 level adventures, like most people here suggested - cardstock II is realtively short and that's where I got mine from.
  18. Janrok

    Janrok Kobold

    Yay, I finally got one from the final chest of Cardstock II! Kinda sad that it's better in every way than my epic Dragonslayer Sword though :<
  19. StormRaiser

    StormRaiser Mushroom Warrior

    I just got a Bejewelled short sword from the 3rd battle of Dungeon of the swamp king
  20. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Just got my first (from Cardstock II), I can see what the fuss is about - but I'm still not using it. Yet.

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