Card drawing 'uber-warrior' & 'fire-storm' are OP. Given how much feedback has been provided already it's not a speculation - it's a fact. Is BM aware of this? Is any action planned?
No need to spam threads on it. They've heard it, so let's keep discussion to as few places as possible.
Sorry pliers, this wasn't meant to start another discussion about the topic (you can see I didn't leave much room for discussion ). It was more aimed at BM to see if they also believe this is a problem and whether they plan to change it. This is indeed what happened which is all cool beans by my standards and makes the MP experience more bearable now knowing that sooner or later something will be done about it
The reason pliers and me too, feels that this thread is unnecessary is because the forum is small and does not have too much activity. Devs can surely and easily follow what was happening, especially when that other thread was constantly active with discussion. The purpose of dev-calling thread is to raise awareness for an issues that might have been buried or forgotten, and often through non-official channels. It is not the case currently with Blue Manchu as the game is not at the popularity I wanted it to be yet
At the time of writing there was no official word about it to my knowledge. Just because there are walls of text about the problem elsewhere doesn't mean that it's recognised by the devs as a problem (which is good, there's a lot of whining out there too). Potentially, BM may have had no intention to make changes due to all sort of other valid reasons (MP level cap changes, improvement or introduction of other mechanics or items which make the current problem obsolete in the future). Personally, I was seeking some sort of confirmation as those decks were posted on forums and are gaining exponential interest by many people who just want to elevate their ego elo. As official word on it was somewhat lacking I was about to put the game on hold, thus I (and I'm quite sure I'm not be the only one) really appreciate Jon's response.