[SUGGESTION] Replace all instances of Enemy Whirlwind with regular Whirlwind.

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Dersu, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. Dersu

    Dersu Kobold

    Title says it all. Enemy whirlwind would not be an issue at all save for one thing... Victory points. On the current rotation of maps, this single card is making or breaking match ups.

    The issue lies in the players ability to throw the enemy around while camping on VP's. If these were simply death matches, then the imbalance would not be nearly as pronounced. Normal whirlwind does not suffer from these balance issues as there is no guarantee where anyone will end up.

    Either replace Enemy Whirlwind with normal whirlwind, or reduce the range by which each character is thrown around, maybe 4-5 spaces, instead of the entire map. There are way too many dead spots in these maps, to constantly be flung off to the far edges.
  2. Aldones

    Aldones Ogre

    I think I could get on board with this anti-WWE topic if it was just altered to something like "Mass Maze".
  3. OneMoreNameless

    OneMoreNameless Goblin Champion

    Dersu, you mention twice in your post that WWE is only causing such a huge swing in PvP matches as a result of the current maps. Given that there has already been something of an outcry against their (to some) unenjoyable imbalance, and the likelihood of these maps being rotated out eventually anyway, asking for the card to be effectively removed seems a like a bit of an overreaction. Would you have all Obliterating Bludgeons replaced with Weak Strikes or Sprint, Team!s with Trips as well, since they and a dozen other cards can also 'make or break' a match in certain scenarios?
    Flaxative likes this.
  4. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Mass Maze sounds like a card they should make :)
  5. Ricey

    Ricey Kobold

    I get my 20 wins everyday and I can honestly say i have never seen someone doing that with this current set of maps. For Koi its normally clear who will win by the time someone gets to the victory point and the other maps are so small and points spread out that this doesn't work.
  6. Dersu

    Dersu Kobold

    I didn't suggest that WWE be replaced by detrimental cards. I suggested that it be replaced with it's more balanced counterpart. The issue is that PvP is focused on Victory point contention.To this end a team that completely stacks whirlwind enemy cards can essentially negate any opposition by their opponent with very few counters. Couple this with the poor decision to let chill effects stack and you no longer have player versus player, you have a player versus a random number generator. If these were straight up death matches, the card wouldn't matter nearly as much. But the fact that you need to fight over specific spaces on the board makes this card incredibly powerful. Also, because of where it it slotted, it can be stacked to a greater degree than most other cards, especially in three mage teams.

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