[Suggestion] Thread Likes/Unlikes

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Phaselock, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    As the game progresses and the playerbase grows, its inevitable that there will be more forum members and forum posts that are outright offensive or derogatory with little adherence/respect to forum rules and/or other policies. I find this growing trend to be disturbing (It seems to be spreading over to the wiki as well. :( ).

    To be extremely specific, I have found cases of name-calling and violations against the first rule in the forum rules. For eg:



    Such threads are better off sent as direct PMs to devs instead of wasting everyone's time as there are clear signs of trollish behavior. On the other hand, there are very good threads which lie buried pages away and while the devs do strive to read posts, for the most part they lie forgotten. Until an old-timer dredges them up.

    My suggestion is therefore very simple: Pls activate the thread 'like/dislike' system in forum. I think its about time to start doing so. This will complement the in-game reporting system and allow forumers to be aware of good/bad threads. Devs can also direct more attention to productive discussions and hear relevant feedback that the community provides. This is ultimately still a social game.

    Thanks for reading.

    edit: unlike -> dislike
    Andrew Talbot and Bandreus like this.
  2. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Phaselock, you can report posts, so if there's a troll thread you want gone/demoted you can just report it to the mods/devs. I think?
  3. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Correct. Although I believe Phase would like an option for the forum to "self police" itself. Not sure I agree with this - as if you feel someone's trolling you with an opinion, you have the opportunity to avoid partaking of a thread, and it'll sink to the bottom pretty fast. Trolling only works, when there are people being actively trolled after all... ;)
    Flaxative likes this.
  4. Sisquinanamook

    Sisquinanamook Orc Soldier

    Hey there,

    I've read your post over and over again and I must say I'm positively confused... so basically what you suggest are two/three buttons:
    1. "Like" / 2. "Unlike"
    3. "Report"

    When a user clicks "like" a message beneath the post displays the message "user x likes this". The button will change into "unlike" so that the user can reverse his decision.

    When a user clicks "Report" a Window will open which displays an input to type in a message for the admins to report bad language or anything like that.


    Well if this is what you suggest: this is already implemented which is why I'm confused. You can see the like button on the right side and the report button on the left side beneath each post.

    If this is not what you suggest please excuse my misunderstanding and do enlighten me :)

    Flaxative likes this.
  5. Andrew Talbot

    Andrew Talbot Mushroom Warrior

    Sisquinanamook (cool name btw, is it Inuit or something?), I think the dislike option would be to note dislike of a thread in a visible way the way "liking" one currently shows. I don't think it's intended to reverse a like, but to stand on it's own (irreversible). Though I could have misread that.
  6. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    I'll admit I'm no expert with XenForo specifically, so excuse me if I end up talking something which doesn't exist in this framework.

    What I think Phase is thinking about, is for a feature to like threads, and then for the forum software to display the number of likes for each individual thread in the forum-view (where threads are listed).

    That would help users/staff to more easily spot at a glance popular/hot conversations and the like.

    While I'm positive in regards to the suggestion, I will also admit features like this can only help up to a certain point i.e. people is free to like threads which actually suck. In my decades long experience with gaming communities, certain kind of topics (say "give us more stuffs for free plz") tend to gain a lot of traction regardless of the quality of the arguments being exposed. Other kinds of topics (say "please nerf item XYZ cause noobs use it in an unintended way to grind for loot" ) get lots of hate in a similar fashion. I shall not get going on Collective Behavior here, but these kind of things happen a lot, as you probably know.

    Not saying the like/unlike feature wouldn't be a help. I'll re-state I agree with the suggestion.

    Ultimately, as the community grows larger and (hopefully) much larger, BM will need to hire additional full time mods/CMs as needed. That, even to these days, is the only effective way to reliably promote the production of quality content by, to moderate and to keep in check large communities. And even then, it might not be enough (take the Blizzard forums as an example). I would very much prefer for BM to experience issues dealing with a huge community rather than being perfectly okay keeping a handful of lonely users happy though ;)

    Since features the the kind of liking/unliking threads help the work of mods and the devs at least to some degree, I'm all for it (third time I say this lol).
    Sisquinanamook and Phaselock like this.
  7. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    ah...yh, what Bandreus said. :)

    Modern online games are directly influenced by the quality of the community itself, usually indicated by the quality of the forum (primary tool for devs to interact with their customers). There are countless well-designed games that fail to grow as prospective players are turned off by a bad/unfriendly community. Or potentially productive/profitable discussions that may start off well but eventually degenerate into flames/trolls/abuses common of pvp-oriented online games/lack of focus/one bad egg in the pot.

    My motivation is largely selfish, targeted at the wiki both for planning and for collecting useful posts. For instance, threads like

    Joe's new adventures: https://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/new-adventures.3906/

    started on Sept 28 and 'died' on Oct 1st. There are potentially profitable and interesting ideas in there, but due to a lack of feedback becomes somewhat forgotten. I'm seeing a lot of good threads with a very short 'shelf life' which shouldn't be the case. Case in point: The wiki and players benefited from Kalin's writeup on making custom scenarios. And I'm keeping an eye on card synergies and tips. Perhaps the forum could benefit from more organization (campaign, pvp, items content segregation) or perhaps bad threads should be filtered out. Shrugs, I think starting off with thread likes/dislikes is a good way forward.
  8. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Even if we don't get an option to rate threads in general we could always have a weekly "community roundup / highlight" linking various topics from the week that might risk getting overlooked et c. How we would select these would be another issue, as a lot of us have different views of what's "interesting" afer all.
  9. Sisquinanamook

    Sisquinanamook Orc Soldier

    I'm not sure to be true ;) Sisquinanamook is a book character from a tad williams series. She is "only" the partner of Binabikquegabenik who himself is "only" the companion of the main character which is why many people don't consider her as that important but I really really like the character (and the name ^^).

    Back to topic:
    Ok now I think I understand the suggestion Thanks for clearing things up :) it's like having another number next to "views" and "replies" in the topic list or like displaying another icon for "much liked" or "much hated" topics.

    Well basically not a bad idea I think. reading through Brandeus post I have to say I agree with him. ;)

  10. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    52 wks in a yr, I don't think the current manpower BM has is best used on sifting threads. Heck, I don't think they have enuff people to spare on wkends. On another note, I just checked. Xenforo doesn't have dislike options, only likes. yikes...
  11. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Well, as long as you can unlike posts/threads you previously liked, I guess it's fine. "Not giving your thumbs up" also counts as a form of indirect rating for content.
  12. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I meant WE could do this Phase. :)
  13. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Sisquinanamook likes this.

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