Hey guys! I had two ideas to encourage the selling of figures: 1) A weekly rotation or to put it simply a discounted figure each week, 15% off would be enough. 2) A bundle of 3+ figures preferably at choice with a discount of 25%, the same as the treasure hunts. What do you think about it?
I think sales are probably inevitable, since it encourages spending and impulse buys. That said, I actually prefer microtransaction stores have very limited sales, if at all. Some games even have drastic currency sales combined with sales on individual items (SOE is a huge offender here), and it obscures the cost/value of what you buy. Additionally, having sales can also paralyze some potential buyers, leading them to wait to buy anything until it is on sale (I am fairly guilty of this with my Path of Exile currency). On the other hand, I think bundles are a great incentive (both in regards to micro-currency and micro-items). Either way, I think Card Hunter needs a significantly wider range of microtransaction offerings before implementing sales or item bundles.
All good ideas that I think the devs will do soonest. Right now, they are probably busy ironing out bugs
I know the feeling... I can see the flaws of a random rotation but a bundle for each race or class would be very tempting.
Bundles could work for me, but I gotta use a little math to explain why. Let's say you're trying to be efficient as possible because the bundle is the only thing you care about, and you haven't spent money on anything up until this point so you've got no pizza. The minimum amount I can spend from the shop window is 10 bucks, and that gives me 330 pizza. figurines cost 80 pizza, unlocking a single treasure hunt costs me 40, and unlocking all remaining treasure hunts costs 300. So how many figurines (The original reason I was thinking of spending money in this hypothetical situation) can I get with 330 pizza? Four of them... with 10 pizza left over from the 10 dollars I spent. What can I do with 10 pizza? Buy 50 gold coins, or suck it up. Basically this is the same feeling I get when I get a gift certificate for 5 dollars at a store where everything costs $3.50. I've either got to be wasteful, or keep spending a little bit more to get the most use out of my spending power, and I absolutely hate being placed in positions like these. If 10 bucks occasionally netted me an even 5 figurines with no waste in either direction, the purchase would feel so much more satisfying. Hell, I'd even be happier with the option to spend $9.09 (the cost of just 4 figurines translated back from pizza) just so that I could buy an undiscounted "package" with no waste left over. Basically, I'm saying that I don't find any packages really all that appealing right now aside from the basic edition because there's this weird inefficiency of waste left over anytime I buy enough pizza to afford any single one thing, and even that package throws in an extra 100 pizza afterwards that I'm not exactly sure what I'd do with... buy a tenth figurine and have 20 left over? I certainly don't feel the draw of gold coin conversion pulling at me...
I would definitely enjoy signing up for the club if it came with a free random figure I don't yet haveāthat appeals to me on some level.
I suspect they will eventually do bundles -- of the older skin types, when there's a number of new, non-bundled skins to buy. This seems a perfectly viable way to keep most types of buyers happy.
I would love to get a bundle of new figures too at a whole pizza price - 10 or 20 pizza sitting there unused rankles my OCD.