Simply put: when casting Winds of War, players can't target friendly characters. Not so for AI, see attached.
You can target friendly characters, it just requires a keyboard modifier when clicking the card (to stop people accidentally doing it). Hold down Ctrl when clicking the card to target friendlies with an attack or enemies with an assist.
apparently i've missed a huge part of contents related to magic Ctrl...any place I can find a full manual on control/tricks? ok thanks, but is there any reason that all Step attacks may target friendlies without Ctrl? its rather easy to step and misfire on friend instead of Foe when stepping into the asterisk below. F f* You can click done (lower bot right) button to end a step move w/o attacking friendly.
Thanks. Looked at wiki for a few times but never paid attention to that part. Edit: it did mention "Holding down the Ctrl key while you play a card allows you to attack friends or assist enemies" but the LoS Trick isnt there. I take that there just isn't any official manual/rulebook? thats not what I mean. What I mean is: 1. Step attacks do NOT require the keyboard modifier to friendly fire. Why? 2. If you have a friendly character standing Next to and Below an enemy character ("blocking" the lower half of said enemy), you have a pretty good chance to have your step-attack misfire on him instead of the enemy.
All hints are captured as per in-game loading tips. The LoS 'trick' is somewhat new (beta 2.43) and probably hasn't been incorporated into the tips. Personally, I've never misfired but there are others who've encountered similar problems. Shrugs...
Thank you both again. Looks like I've missed a number of (semi-)essential knowledge only starting my CH career after it got out of beta.
Maybe I missed it said above (I did read!), but I play with Auto-target OFF (in options by the way). You then need to choose ALL of your targets for any card played, but I prefer that as it allows more granular control. You also then never miss a chance to use anything against your own guys as well.